The strongest man in the world, the four emperors with white beards, stood up!

This moment.

When all visions are dropped, the choice to survive is extinguished.

Embrace the will of death, fight against the water.

The momentum around Whitebeard was also sublimated, reaching an unprecedented peak.

The current whitebeard is the man who is commensurate with the strongest.

“Red Dog!!!”

Whitebeard roared in anger.

Pure white vibration waves swirled around the blade of the supreme fast knife bush.

His big foot suddenly took a step forward.

The right hand is waved brazenly.

With the terrifying momentum of splitting Mount Taishan, Cong Yunche fell towards the Great General Red Dog.

The attack is not fully implemented.

The terrifying oppressive force that first came was the magma that rippled and splashed around the general Red Dog.


The Admiral Red Dog also shouted in anger.

The angular face had a look of shock and disbelief.

Nearly an hour duel with Whitebeard.

He thought he had figured out the other side’s details.

I know how many points the old white beard has left.

This is also where he was not ashamed to say that he wanted to kill Whitebeard in a nearly harmless state.


Feel the angry blow of Whitebeard at this moment.

Admiral Red Dog finally knew.

After all, he had underestimated the old white beard too much.

I thought he was injured and his strength was not one in ten compared to his peak.

The Emperor of the Sea is the Emperor of the Sea after all.

Better than the generals.

Not to mention the recognized world’s strongest male whitebeard.

Even if he is old and sick.

He is still one of the most terrifying beings in this sea.


The dazzling white light shines.

The shock wave on the blade of the Supreme Great Fast Knife Cluster Cloud Cutting Blade spread abruptly, enveloping the magma field where the Great Admiral Red Dog was located.

Click, click!

The ground of the ruined naval headquarters roared with overwhelmed sorrow.

A super crack spread.

Split the entire naval headquarters in two.


“How come…”

“The Naval Headquarters … Motobu was again for…”

“Is this the true strength of Whitebeard?”

“How terrible!!!”

The sailors who witnessed this scene were shocked and silent.

“Oh well”

“Daddy mighty!!!”

“Daddy Domineering!!!”

“Navy, see?”

“This is the real strength of our father!”

“Should you know by now who you are fighting against?”

The pirates of the White Regiment shouted with excitement and excitement.

However, the captains such as Marco and Joz were not happy at all at the moment.

Because they know best.

What happens to Whitebeard with all his might?

They know that their father has made up the consciousness of dying in battle!


“Stop! Don’t say anything, Marko! ”

Team Captain Foil Bista stops Marko.

“This is Daddy’s realization!”

“Don’t let Daddy’s efforts be in vain!”

Diamond Joz clenched his fists, composed.

“All of you, assault!”

“Be sure to rescue Ace!”

“Then go back to the sea together!”

Whitebeard raised his arms and shouted.


The Whitebeard Pirates were full of passion, and their morale was extremely high.

“Little ones, come on!”

“Rescue Ace and return to the New World with Daddy!”

“A beautiful banquet awaits us!”

“Navy, be enlightened!”

The White Regiment and its New World Pirate Regiment are full of momentum.

With twice as many elite naval troops, they made a steady advance in the direction of the execution table.

However, few pirates noticed.

The captain’s order was given, and the whitebeard, who only said a few words, took a big breath and gasped.

“It’s so painful to be alive now, Whitebeard, let me give you a ride!”

In the shattered magma earth, the red dog, the head of the blood-breaking general, re-condensed and appeared.

Between raising your hands.

Enough hot magma to penetrate the golden stone of the dog’s head shot out.

Inuyasha Red Lotus !!!

The big black and red dog opened its bloody mouth to make another big hole in Whitebeard’s body.

“Kula la”

Whitebeard took a deep breath and smiled deeply.

A piercing pure white vibration wave appeared above his right fist.

One punch out.

The atmosphere then clicked and shattered.

Even the hot dog’s head exploded.

“When I’m leaving, it’s not your turn to decide!”

“The only thing I can decide is myself!”

“Lao Tzu is a white-bearded man!!!”

Whitebeard stepped on the hot lava earth and strode forward.

Without reservation, go all out to kill the general Red Dog.

“Damn, but the losers of the old times, don’t get carried away!”

“Since this is the case, the old man will no longer spare his subordinates!”

The Admiral Red Dog roared.

Under the pressure of Whitebeard’s step-by-step, he also had to explode into full combat strength.

Not to lose the previous fierce battle between Qi Yu and Kapu, the battle began at this moment.


“Hahahahaha, Whitebeard, all the way…”

Golden Lion Shiki seemed to have thought of something.

The sad expression on his face was suddenly swept away.

Instead, a subtle expression appeared with a hint of anticipation

“With that man here, it’s hard for you to go!”

“I just don’t know how you should repay this great favor!”


“Now… Now, our mirror… What the camera gives is… It was the Four Emperors with White Beards and the Great General Red Dog…”

“The specifics are still big … Let’s see for ourselves! ”

“I’ve been… Can’t judge anymore! ”

The professional abbot of the Flying Pirates stuttered in the Dao.

“Does that whitebeard still harbor such terrifying power?”

“This is really not good!”

“Can Admiral Red Dog win?”

“With such a big advantage, if you lose、、、”

“No, no, no, Whatever the final result, Whitebeard is already dead!!!”

In the live broadcast square of the Chambord Islands, the shocked murmurs and discussions of reporters and melon-eating masses were everywhere.


Naval headquarters fringe battlefield.

Another battle of the Emperors resumed.

“Frozen Time Capsule!!!”

The great general Qingyi, who had been confronting Qi Yu for a long time, did not watch the drama again.

In the blink of an eye, several tiny ice marbles shot out.

Falling to the ground, the earth froze.

The power of the ice that emitted an extremely cold air spread out, wanting to freeze everything.

Qi Yu’s tall body shook slightly.

The ice that had clung to him suddenly cracked and shattered into countless fine Xiaoice crystals.

“Look at the atmosphere a little, Green Pheasant!”

Qi Yu reminded quietly.

“The rare opportunity to be alone is all ruined by you!”

The female emperor Boyahan Cook looked at the general Green Pheasant with frost on her face.

“One Piece Emperor, please note your position?”

“Given your behavior at this moment, we have reason to deprive you of your Seven Martial Sea status!”

A Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters scolded.

“Shut up”

“Whatever the concubine does will be forgiven, because the concubine is as beautiful as a heavenly immortal!”

Poyahan Cook arrogantly rushed into the sky and posed as his signature.

The big general pheasant inhaled a cool breath.

Remove the effects of sweet fruits.

His gaze fell on Qi Yu again.

The expression on his face gradually became solemn.

“What the hell are you waiting for?”

The green pheasant stared at Qi Yu and asked in a deep voice.

Intuition told him.

Qi Yu’s silence at this moment was not to recover and accumulate strength.


What are you waiting for?

Red-haired Pirate reinforcements or something else?

He will definitely not end this day in this battlefield.

Something has to be done!

At the moment, he is the only one who can be stopped.

“Don’t be nervous, Green Pheasant, rescuing Ace Boy is Whitebeard’s business, and I won’t mix it up again.”

Qi Yu smiled.

“That’s the best, but I can’t continue to leave you alone!”

The general Green Pheasant opened his mouth in a deep voice.

Forget it.

The general Green Pheasant attacked again.

“Are you in such a hurry to be defeated by me again?”

Qi Yu shook his head helplessly.

“In that case, I can only meet your request!”




Just as the battlefield was fully transferred to the square within the bay.

No one noticed.

Another small boat quietly landed on the shore.

The man known as the king of Pluto officially stepped into the battlefield!!!


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