The much-anticipated war on the top is coming to an end.

The magma exploded under the unmatched vibration force, and the lava splashed around.

Under the full outbreak of Whitebeard regardless of the cost, the general Red Dog was completely suppressed.

Of course, in this process, Whitebeard also paid a considerable price.

His physical condition deteriorated.

As long as an hour, as short as a quarter of an hour.

This body of his is about to really run out of oil and dry up, and go completely to silence.


“It’s pathetic, Whitebeard!”

On the execution table, Marshal Sengoku looked calmly at his old opponent, Whitebeard, who was fighting to the death.

Even as an enemy, he couldn’t help but feel some admiration

But admiration is admiration.

This is the battlefield.

He will not have the slightest mercy toward the enemy.

Because the Warring States are the clearest.

The benevolence of the enemy at this moment is trampling on the sacrifice of the righteous sailors.

“It’s almost time to put an end to this war!”

Marshal Sengoku spoke ruthlessly softly to himself.

Look at the white-bearded pirate group that is almost about to kill under the execution table.

He pulled out the megaphone bug in his pocket.

“The time has come, now begin, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment’s second team, Fire Fist Ace, will be publicly executed!”

Marshal Sengoku ordered.

The sound was heard throughout the venue via telephone bugs.

Suddenly, the people of the White Regiment were shocked.

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t! Hurry up and stop! ”

“What time has come?”

“Isn’t the execution time three o’clock in the afternoon?”

“Obviously there is at least one hour and a half left!”

“Obviously it’s about to be touched, and you’re telling me that I’m going to be executed early?”

“It’s so despicable, Sengoku bastard!”

The pirates in the White Regiment shouted in horror.

Even the captains like Marco and Joz.

At this time, he was also furious and confused.

And this is exactly what the marshal of the Warring States wants to achieve.

With the big hand of the Warring States swinging

The two executioners raised their long execution knives in their hands expressionlessly, and interlaced in mid-air into an X shape.

Just like the public execution of Roger One Piece in Rogue Town, East Sea, twenty-two years ago.

The clash of blades and blades made a crisp sound of gold and iron.

The sharp blade slowly but firmly approached the neck of the Fire Fist Ace.

“Warring States !!!”

Whitebeard let out a beastly roar.

The fist is raised high, and it is about to launch a thunderous blow at the execution table.

The next second, however.

The hot magma dog’s head once again penetrated his abdomen.

Leaving a large transparent hole in his body.

“Your opponent is me, Whitebeard!”

“Don’t underestimate me!”

The Admiral Red Dog was surrounded by magma and blood.

However, the sharpness of his eyes was still sharp.

“Oh no”

Whitebeard coughed up blood in pain.

With the pestle on the clouds, he was already doing his best just by standing.

This punch of the Great Admiral Red Inuyasha had at least shortened his limit several times.


On the execution table, Ace, who was about to be beheaded, was now unaware of his own situation, just shouting with a hoarse voice and a white beard.


Under the execution table, Yamato screamed.


Straw Hat Luffy lost his mind and stumbled.


Marshal Sengoku nodded.

The purpose of the interference for Whitebeard has been achieved.

There is no need to hesitate any longer.

“Hands on!”

Sengoku coldly ordered.

The two executioners no longer hesitated.

That’s when it happened.

“I said stop!!!”

The straw hat Luffy under the execution table did everything he could and let out a full scream.

At the same time as his shouts, there was also an invisible domineering force that surged like the waves of the sea.

That’s overlord and domineering!!!

Under the strong vision of wanting to save his brother.

Stimulated by his brother’s imminent death.

The powerful potential hidden in Luffy’s body is activated.

The innate terror overlord color domineering spirit exploded on this top battlefield.

Invisible overlord color ripples spread.


Snap Click!

The eyes of the sailors and pirates in the fight rolled unconsciously.

Quick as a wink.

There were no less than a hundred people who fell unconscious.

Also unconscious were two small soldiers on the execution table.

“This is the domineering power of the overlord color!”

“That straw hat boy has awakened the Overlord color!”

“It’s really worthy of being Ace’s brother!”


“Did Luffy actually awaken the Overlord color?” No, no, it seems to have been unconsciously launched! ”

Yamato shuddered.

“Sure enough, you’re the same, Luffy!”

Hero Karp sighed softly.

“Straw Hat Boy Munch D Luffy, sure enough, he is also one of the factors of evil!”

“Never let it go!”

Admiral Red Dog’s eyes were cold.


A loud bang.

A fist wrapped around the pure white shock wave smashed into the face of the distracted general Red Dog.

The Red Dog, the general who had sneaked up on him three times so far, finally tasted the taste of being attacked by the wandering mind.

“Kapu, it’s your good grandson again!”

Marshal Sengoku stared at the straw hat Luffy below with an ugly face.

A moment’s delay.

Sengoku turned.

“But things still won’t change!”


A thick sound like a yellow bell exploded.

The Marshal Sengoku’s raised right hand bloomed with brilliant light.

Now that the executioner has fallen.

Then he himself will execute him.

The marshal of the Warring States froze his eyes.

The domineering golden light hand that swirled around the overlord color mercilessly slapped Ace’s head.

If it is implemented, it will inevitably explode like a watermelon.


Marco flapped his wings wildly, but it was too late to reach.

Yamato swung his mace and the straw hat threw a fist, slamming into the foundation of the execution table, causing it to shake and shake violently.

Their efforts caused the marshal on the execution table to stagger slightly, and indeed delayed for a moment.

“That’s it!”

The marshal who had been adjusted in an instant, the Warring States desperately bombarded and fell.


The next second there was only a loud bang to be heard.

The gold and iron blows exploded above the sloping execution table.

Circles of terrifying power rippled out.

I don’t know when.

There was a silent figure on the execution table.

It was also the long knife in his hand that blocked the impact of the Great Buddha from the Warring States.

“Who is that?”

“It was even able to block Mr. Sengoku’s attack!”

“Who is it this time?”

The sailors everywhere on the battlefield were screaming.

Next second.

The answer is revealed.


“Even you came!”

“Do you want to die too?”

The angry roar of the Marshal Warring States exploded under the sky.

The whole audience was silent.

After the ultimate dead silence.


The ultimate uproar rose from all over the battlefield.


“Pluto Reilly!”

“Another legend has appeared!!!”


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