“Thief haha、、、 thief haha、、、 thief hahahahahaha”

Characteristic wild laughter rang out from behind the ruins of the execution table and spread throughout the battlefield.

The darkness of terror soared into the sky like a spiral of hell’s dragons.

Breathtaking, powerful.

This sudden change caused the wary navies and pirates everywhere on the battlefield to subconsciously turn their attention.

“Look, behind the headquarters fortress, that… What is that? So big! ”

A navy sensed the huge shadow behind the collapsed headquarters fortress that loomed behind the smoke.

More than twice as big as Oz Jr.

“Ah, discovered!”

A dumb-sounding voice came out of the mouth of the gigantic creature.

“Look in the direction of the execution table, those people are Blackbeards!!!”

Another sailor shouted in horror.

“Not just Blackbeard, that huge creature can’t be anyone else, the pirate giant battleship, the San Juan Wolf!”

“That cat-eyed man is the Evil King, Abaropisaro!”

“And the big barrels—Bacchut!”

“Moon Hunter – Katerina Deppon is also there!”

“That man is the Guardian of the Advance City, Rain no Hiru!”


“Either one is a world-class criminal who has been permanently hidden because his actions are too cruel!”

“Why did Blackbeard carry them?”

“Why are these people here?”

“They are obviously prisoners in the city!”

“Do you mean to say、、、”

“Is there an accident in the Advance City!!!”


Everywhere on the battlefield, the sailors who recognized the composition of Blackbeard’s gang and thought of the deep possible reasons were all shouting in horror.

“Bastard Blackbeard, what the hell are you doing in Advancing City?”

“What happened to Magellan?”

The marshal of the Warring States drank heavily, and the green tendons and roots of his forehead soared.

An ominous premonition took over his heart.

“Thief hahahahaha”

In full view, Blackbeard Marshall Ditch opened his arms and let out a wild and wild laugh.

“If you want to know, just go see for yourself, Admiral!”

Blackbeard glanced at the Marshal Warring States with a mocking look.

Sweep through the mighty battlefield, then freeze completely.

Behind Blackbeard, the fighting champion Cissabasbas, and the others originally had big triumphant smiles on their faces.

However, when the eyes swept across the battlefield and saw those who were unexpected.

Everyone, including Captain Blackbeard, couldn’t help but lie in a groove.

“What’s going on?”

“Captain Teach, I feel something is wrong!”

“This war seems to be beyond our imagination!”

Fighting champion Zisas Basas had a dignified face.

“Is that what you mean by the Navy’s war with Whitebeard?” Tichy, how is it completely different from what you said! ”

The cat’s eye evil king Abaro Pizarro’s eyes flickered.

“That golden retriever in the sky is the Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki!”

String Moon Hunter Katerina Deppon screamed in horror.

“And the deputy captain of Roger’s Pirates!”

“Pluto King Silbasrelly!!!”

The large barrel of Basque Jote changed his drunken posture, and his eyes were glowing.

“That man… That man was the deputy captain of the Red-haired Pirate Regiment! ”

“The Uncrowned Emperor Arrogant Qi Yu !!!”

Otokoshi Van Oka’s pupils constricted violently.

“There is also the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of the world government, the steel bone hollow!”

“Hey, hey, is today a legendary-level party?”

A drop of cold sweat oozed from the forehead of Xi Liu, the former guardian of the Advance City.

“Captain Teach, the situation seems to be very different from what we expected!”

“There are too many people coming! It’s an upgrade! ”

Devil Sheriff Lafayette narrowed his eyes.

“Hmm, so what?”

“As long as Captain Tiche’s plan goes smoothly!”

“Nothing was a problem!”

Animal cat cat fruit ancient species saber-toothed tiger morphological ability of Fosford’s confident Tao.

“Thief ha… Thief hahaha”

Blackbeard returned from the shock.

“Not bad, Foxford said it well!”

He nodded in approval.

Although the war was much more exaggerated than he had expected.

Many unexpected beings have emerged.

But that doesn’t conflict with his plan.

His biggest target in this war today is Whitebeard.

To be precise, it is the strongest superhuman demon fruit ability in Whitebeard’s body.

Even someone as arrogant as Blackbeard.

He also never wanted to defeat the terrifying whitebeard like a demon in the frontal battlefield.

But if it is a bloody whitebeard who has fought with the Navy.

That’s different.

The most important purpose of his trip to the battlefield was to harvest the bloody white beard.

As a fisherman, give Whitebeard the final fatal blow.

At that point, it will be time for his Blackbeard to perform.

The best show you’ve been planning for decades to shake the world.

Once successful, then he will be invincible.

The script has been written.

There are some discrepancies.

But the most important key is as the script says.

The whitebeard who had fought with Admiral Red Dog was now indeed bloody.

Cruel enough not to be mutilated.

The two large holes that ran through Whitebeard’s murderous mouth were enough to kill an ordinary person a hundred times.

It was already a miracle that Whitebeard could still stand and breathe.

Even if an ordinary person pushes Whitebeard to the ground, it is not a strange thing.

Now is the perfect time for him to take over and perform!

“Thief hahahahaha, well done, Navy!”

Blackbeard laughed and gave the Navy an affirmation.


The teeth of the Sengoku and others were crunching and crunching.

I was eager to suppress Blackbeard’s gang on the spot.

Ignoring the man-eating gaze of the Warring States.

Blackbeard’s gaze fell on Ace.

Eyebrows fluttered gradually.

“Captain Ace, you’re still alive, that’s great, we’ve worked so hard for each other all this time!”

Blackbeard’s familiar greeting.

“Titch, you bastard!!!”

Ace’s eyes were red.

The anger in my heart erupted like a volcano.


“Only you, absolutely unforgivable!”

“Enlightenment, Titch!”

“Absolutely going to liquidate you!”

Captains Marko, Joz, Bista, and many more members of the team and the New World pirates all roared and roared.

“Don’t get so excited, Captain Marko!”

“Even Daddy didn’t say anything!”

“Besides, Captain Ace will be arrested, and it’s all your responsibility!”

“Even if I was imprisoned in the Advance City together, I almost couldn’t get out!”

Blackbeard avoids the heavy and light of the road.

“Bastard Titch, you’re not qualified to call Daddy!”

Marco angrily rebuked.

“Thief hahaha”

Blackbeard, who taunted and attracted a wave of hatred, smiled indifferently.

The sight then fell on the white-bearded man in the distance, who was about to run out of oil.

“The Dark Cave Road!!!”

Deep darkness spread from Blackbeard’s feet.

Wrapped around Blackbeard, a group of fifteen slowly sank.

The darkness shrinks rapidly.

It eventually reappears near the battlefield of Whitebeard and Admiral Red Dog.

“Father, it is really painful for you to live, let me be a son to give you relief!”


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