“Thief hahahahaha”

“Admiral Red Dog, I will take over this battlefield next!”

“Whitebeard will be relieved to give us the cooking!”

Forcefully scrambled into the opening of the Imperial Battlefield’s Blackbeard commanding the air.

“Blackbeard Bastard”

The Red Dog’s eyes narrowed in a small arc.

For Blackbeard’s blatant act of snatching people’s heads, Red Dog naturally had dissatisfaction in his heart.

After all, Whitebeard had worked hard to get into the appearance of being seriously injured and dying now.

If he could, of course, the Red Dog would also want to harvest the head of the whitebeard himself.

Add a brilliant touch to your record.

“Thief hahaha, don’t be so hostile to me, Admiral Red Dog!”

“The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and we have a common goal!”

“Just put a hundred hearts, and I will never let Whitebeard leave alive!”

Blackbeard’s sincere words.

“What do you say!”

“It’s just a little bit of a dice!”

“Don’t get too complacent!”


The people of the Whitebeard Pirates were furious.

The captains, led by Marko, rushed desperately in the direction where Whitebeard was.


A loud bang.

A huge gully separated the white crowd.

This gully was written by Whitebeard.

“All members of the Whitebeard Pirates”

The whitebeard spat out a white stream of air between his nose and mouth.

“Listen, no one should cross this line!”

“Marko, this is the last captain’s order—”

“Now, take Ace and everyone home safely!!!”

Whitebeard gave a majestic order.


Marco yelled.

Tears burst uncontrollably.

The meaning of Whitebeard’s words was obvious enough.

“Daddy, what the hell are you talking about?”

Team Captain Rakyo fell to his knees in front of the ravine.

“What does the last captain’s order mean?”

“Why the last captain’s order?”

“Father, you will order us more in the future!”

“We said yes, we will go back together!”

“When we return to the New World, we will have a happy banquet!”

“Daddy, this time we’ll tie up Marko, no matter how much you want to drink!”


Joz, Bista and the other captains collapsed.

The surviving crew of the Whitebeard Pirates burst into tears.

The pirates of the Rangers Dorma, the Dikarban Brothers, and other subordinate groups all cried and shouted.


Ace gritted his lip deadly.

Even if the blood is flowing, I don’t realize it.

If it weren’t for the Hailoushi handcuffs on his hands still bound him.

At this moment, he was bound to rush into the battlefield at the first time.

Desperate shots.

“Hahahahaha, Thief, Marko, captains, if you hear it, run away!”

“Don’t live up to Daddy’s kindness of sacrificing himself for you!”

“Don’t let Daddy’s death go to waste!”

Blackbeard said bitterly.

Forget it.

He looked again at the gloomy-faced Admiral Red Dog.

“Red Dog General, if you continue to grind and rub here, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment will run!”

“Ace is an important executioner, and if he runs away, your public execution will be a joke!”

“At that time, your navy will really lose face and lose its prestige!”

Blackbeard reminds.


Admiral Red Dog snorted coldly.

With a somber face, he walked to the side, always alert to the movements of the white-bearded gang, especially the two brothers Ace and Luffy.

A little Blackbeard is not wrong.

That is, he would never let Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy leave alive today.

“Thief hahaha”

Seeing that the general Red Dog was moved, Blackbeard smiled and let out a long breath in his heart.

“Then Dad, there’s only the two of us left!”

“Let’s make a decision, I’ve long wanted to duel with you once!”

Blackbeard said with a relaxed face.

“It’s a lot of guts, Titch, and after he became the captain, he was really arrogant.”

The pale golden eyes of the white beard opened and shone with a breathtaking light.

“Nothing, after following your father for decades, I have learned something.”

Blackbeard grinned.

“Then I’ll teach you how to write dead characters today.”

Whitebeard waved his hand.


On the surface of his fist appeared a white shock ball about twenty centimeters in diameter.

With a powerful earthquake force, he struck Blackbeard.

“Thief hahahahaha, dark water!”

Blackbeard burst out laughing.

The power of the Dark Fruit manifested in his hands, transforming into the shape of a leafy windmill.

Absorb all of Whitebeard’s shock wave ability.

This strange ability made the white-bearded face flash a trace of surprise.

“How’s it going? Father, my darkness, even the power of the demon fruit can absorb and make it powerless, you can no longer cause earthquakes! ”

Blackbeard laughed triumphantly.

While Whitebeard was stiff, he punched Whitebeard hard in the abdomen.

Old wounds have not healed, and new wounds have been added.

Coupled with various geriatric diseases in the body.

Whitebeard let out a muffled groan under this punch.

Blackbeard was overjoyed to see this, and he chased after him, punching Whitebeard on the chin and sending it flying.

The black beard, who can leave an impressive scar on the red hair of the four emperors, will definitely not be weak in strength.


The white crowd screamed.

The white-bearded body hesitated slightly, and the old face was still unmoved.

The supreme big fast knife cloud cut on the shock wave and condensed again, slashing away towards Blackbeard.

“Don’t you learn your lesson yet? It’s ugly, Daddy—Dark Water.”

Darkness was released from Blackbeard’s hands, once again swallowing up Whitebeard’s tremors.

Blackbeard was unforgiving. Bullying up, he slammed into Whitebeard’s arms.

A kick landed on Whitebeard’s wrist, causing the knife in his hand to spin and rush into the air.

Whitebeard was still unmoved, and his shot was still strong.

Two fists to the left and right, and at the same time a shock wave of light appeared.

As a result, Blackbeard was still absorbed by the ability of the Dark Fruit, unable to exert its power.

“I’ve said it several times, Daddy, why don’t you just listen?”

“You powerful people have absolutely no effect in the face of my fiercest and most evil darkness!”

Blackbeard was so proud that he forgot his form and was about to repeat the trick.

However, unlike the previous passive beatings, Whitebeard’s eyes widened and he suddenly erupted.

There is no power to shock the fruit.

He reached out with a large hand and just happened to grasp the falling Cong Yun Cut.

A whirlwind slashed at Blackbeard’s shoulder.


Blood rushed up to a meter high.

“Who do you think I am?” Lao Tzu is a white-bearded man! ”

Whitebeard let out a domineering roar.

“Aaa Pain to death! ”

Blackbeard let out a terrible scream like a slaughtered pig

A second earlier, he was still complacent about repelling the Sea King’s Whitebeard one after another.

The next moment, he was completely overwhelmed by the counterattack from Whitebeard.

The sharp blade of the Supreme Great Fast Knife Cong Yun started from his shoulder and slashed diagonally down his chest and abdomen.

A brilliant blood flower burst out.

The sharp pain made Blackbeard can’t help but scream, writhing and rolling on the ground without any image.

“Titch, you’ve been like this since before, conceited, thoughtless, that’s your biggest weakness, no matter how strong the fruit you get, you can’t be the strongest.”

Whitebeard stepped on Blackbeard’s hands with both feet, blocking all his movements.

With his right hand around his neck, white seismic waves slowly spread out, enveloping Blackbeard’s head.

“Don’t! Don’t! ”

Blackbeard let out a terrified cry of horror and looked terrified.

“It’s so ugly, Titch.”

Mitsuki Oda said coldly.

“Daddy, I’m your son!” No, are you really going to kill me? ”

For Mita’s ridicule, Blackbeard was unheard of and still unsightly begging for forgiveness.

“Titch, you are not qualified to be my son.”

Whitebeard spoke slowly.

The power of the shock wave in his right hand exploded in full force, causing the ice surface to crack and collapse.

The already dilapidated island of Malin Fodo was crumbling at this point.

After a long humming sound, the battlefield finally returned to calm.

In the huge pit with a radius of hundreds of meters, Blackbeard’s head was bleeding and his head was a blur of blood and flesh.

The corners of his mouth were constantly filled with black and red blood foam.

But he’s not dead yet!

Still alive!

Under the repeated close-range vibration waves of the white beard, he still stubbornly stood up, like an immortal little strong.

“Damn, how tenacious this is!”

“The front was hit by the big move of the white beard at close range, and the head did not even explode!”

“Thistle, this guy really underestimated him before!”


Both the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates were shocked and outraged

“Thieves… Thief haha… Thief hahahahaha”

Blackbeard struggled to stand up.

Although his face was blurred with blood and flesh, he still let out a triumphant laugh.

“What’s wrong? Daddy, keep going! It’s not enough to tickle me. ”

Looking at the recurrence of the old disease, the white beard with a painful face, the black beard changed his previous humiliating appearance, and the mouth was hard and provocative.

Kung fu between words.

But his breath was constantly calming, and it was not long before it was back to normal.

This is the perverted physique that Blackbeard has!

The special physique of a person who can withstand the unprecedented ability of two demon fruits!

Coupled with the damage absorption of the natural dark fruit ability, Blackbeard’s vitality has been extremely tenacious.

Compared with.

After issuing the previous thunder blow.

The old diseases and new wounds in Whitebeard’s body broke out in full force.

It really came to the brink of running out of oil.

Standing at the dividing line of death.

He couldn’t even lift a finger.

“Thief hahahahaha”

Sensing this fact, Blackbeard burst out an extremely arrogant, underwhelming laugh.

The rest of Blackbeard’s gang also looked relaxed and excited.

After all, they are about to take the first rank of the strongest man in the world.

“That’s definitely not you!”

Whitebeard suddenly spoke.

His tall body trembled slightly, startling the black-bearded gang to tighten their bodies.

Whitebeard, however, just calmly closed his eyes.

There seemed to be a marquee-like picture flashing in front of his eyes.

That was more than twenty years ago.

He meets Roger under a beautiful cherry blossom tree.

“At least the man Roger is waiting for will definitely not be you, Titch!”

Whitebeard slowly opened his mouth.

“The inheritance of the will will never be broken, whether Roger’s or mine, and there are more distant times…”

“And one day in the future, there will be people who can carry these hundreds of years of history and challenge the world…”

“Warring States, steel bones, your world government is afraid, the huge battle that involves the whole world in it, will one day surely come!”

“Although I am not interested, when that treasure is discovered by whom, the world will be turned upside down!”

“Someone will find it, and that day will come!”

Whitebeard used all his strength to tell his last words.

Marshal Warring States, Steel Bone Void and others clenched their teeth, and their faces became more and more ugly.

Look at the other side.

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth gradually rose.

“What the hell are you going to do!!!”

At the end of the whole audience, the eyes are focused on the end of Whitebeard.

The only one who still paid attention to Qi Yu was the Great General Qing Yan.

Looking at the smile on Qi Yu’s face, the ominous premonition in Qing Yan’s heart was extremely strong.

“Come, let the end of the era reach the highest dynasty!”

Qi Yu grinned.


A crisp snapping finger sound falls.


“Onepiece is…”

Whitebeard took a deep breath and shouted up at the sky.

Halfway through the conversation.

“Real !!!”

Another domineering sound exploded over the naval headquarters.

Instead of Whitebeard said the remaining five words.


A thunderous lightning bolt crossed the clear sky.

Become the background board for the return of legends.

One Piece Gore D Roger – Here, in the form of a heroic spirit, resurrected and returned!!!


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