“Onepiece is—”

“Real !!!”

Two domineering roars exploded under the skies of the Navy Headquarters.

The afterglow is endless.

The first half of the sentence, no doubt, comes from the mouth of Whitebeard.

What about the second half of the sentence?

The same doubts come to people’s minds.

Even Whitebeard was confused for a while!

These are his last words!

His lines?

Which bastard of the hell, even this one has to be robbed!

It wasn’t anyone else who was the first to react.

It is the naval hero Karp who has been ‘seriously injured’ and fell to the ground before.

The previous second was still humming Kapu for treatment.

This moment has suddenly stood up.

Copper-bell-like eyes gleamed with astonishment.

It was as if he had sensed some of the most incredible things in the world.

It’s also nature.

Kapu, who had been in love with that man and killed for decades.

For the voice, breath, aura of an old opponent…

I am most familiar with all of that.

Quick as a wink.

Karp had already locked in the place of the man who was shouting and speaking.

A pair of copper bell eyes gradually congested and reddened.

His tall and burly figure trembled even more irrepressibly.

“Mr. Karp”

“Lieutenant General Karp”

“Mr. Karp, you should now…”

Kirby, Berumeb, and the others, who were in charge of taking care of Kapu, returned to God and just tried to dissuade them.

However, when the line of sight followed the direction in which Kapu was looking.

I had to see the man standing on the ruins of the headquarters building not far away.

All words came to an abrupt end.

It was as if a large invisible hand had choked people’s throats.

Keep the rest of their words stuck in their throats.

Then it turned into a shock to what they saw, flowing to their limbs and hundreds of skeletons, dominating their whole body.


More and more people noticed the silent man who stood on the ruins of the headquarters building at an unknown time.

There was extreme shock and trepidation on that face.

The extreme horror dominated their whole body, so that they could not even say a complete sentence.

In this age of sea thieves, no one’s popularity can be compared to that man.

Because that man is the founder of the times.

Standing on the peak throne of the pirates.

Time and space seem to freeze at this moment.

Heaven and earth fell into absolute dead silence.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Maybe it’s just a moment.


The roar of the legendary Vice Admiral Captain Kapu poured all his strength and emotion, like the thunder of the gods, broke the dead silence and resounded throughout the battlefield of the Navy headquarters.

Amazing echoes float and reverberate over Malin Fodo for a long time.

At the same time, it is also a constant echo in the hearts of everyone on the battlefield.


There is a fierce wind blowing between heaven and earth.

Blew away the confusion that hung over people’s hearts.

Hundreds of thousands of people on the vast battlefield locked on the ruins of the headquarters building.

Look at the tall figure that is familiar and can no longer be familiar.

That bright smile, undulating like the waves of the sea… Nose hair, and that bohemian gesture.

The man who is free all over his body—

Who doesn’t know?

Everyone knows!


Gol D Roger!

One Piece Gore D. Roger!

In this world, worthy of the hero Kapu to issue such a hoarse roar, there is only his lifelong enemy –

One Piece Roger!!!

Right now.

At the naval headquarters, the war on top was quiet again.

The Chambord Islands Live Plaza was equally quiet, plunging into an absolute dead silence.

After a brief silence, there was a hustle and bustle that was enough to cause the heavens and the earth to collapse.

“Roger! That’s Roger One Piece! ”

“There is no mistake, it’s a real One Piece!”

“How is this possible?”

“One Piece Roger, he died twenty-two years ago!”

“Why is One Piece, who was executed twenty-two years ago, here?”

“Did he know that his son had been executed, so he struggled to reappear from hell?”

“One Piece… Why is Roger One Piece alive!!! ”

“Nightmare! This is the worst nightmare! ”


The chaos on the top of the battlefield is further escalated by Roger’s appearance.

The cheers and shouts of the sailors rushed into the air.

The hustle and bustle is constantly spreading.

In just one breath, the entire battlefield of the Navy Headquarters was shaken.

At this moment, after seeing the reappearance of One Piece, Gal D Roger, who was supposed to be dead for twenty-one years, no one could calm down.

So, boil!

The whole sea is boiling!

The whole world boils over because of it!


“One Piece! That’s One Piece Gord Roger! ”

“The undead… One Piece’s undead are back again! ”

“Pluto Reilly, Golden Lion Stoney, and One Piece Roger, what a terrible lineup!”

“I was wrong! I was so wrong to say that I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone showed up! ”

“Who would have thought that after the living legend, even the dead legend could be reproduced?”

“Aaah, why did this war become like this?”

“In this current situation, even the Five Old Stars and the World Government will not be able to return to heaven!” Worst case…”

“Can anyone tell me what’s going on?”

“Why did One Piece come back from the resurrection?” Who brought him back! ”

In the live broadcast square of the Chambord Islands, the reporters and the melon-eating masses who were able to witness the “miracle” through the light of the ‘Flying Outdoor Anchor Group’ went crazy.


The naval headquarters is on the battlefield.

“Fake fake, must be fake!”

Commodore Smaug the Smoker shouted hysterically.

“Twenty-two years ago, I saw that man being killed!”

“Mr. Smaug, please calm down!” Glasses lady Darth Vader squealed.

“How can this kind of thing calm people down?”

Navy Beauty Colonel Tina faded and shook her head.

“Oh huh huh huh huh huh huh hu

“What the hell is this kidding today?”

“Hey, hey, even if it’s a joke, it’s too much!”

Squirrels, burning mountains. Dauberman, Ghost Spider, and other elite lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters were shocked to the point of no return, and they did not dare or accept the facts they saw in front of them.

“This world is really going to change the sky!”

The opening of the Great Staff General Crane’s shadowy opening.

“Is this also your masterpiece?” Qi Yu, what the hell are you? ”

“How many secrets are still hidden in your body?”

Lieutenant General He’s eyes fell on Qi Yu.

At this moment, it wasn’t just Lieutenant General Crane who looked at Qi Yu without blinking.

There are also the great generals pheasant.

“How the hell did you do it?”

“Is this an illusion you made?”

The general pheasant asked.

“Green Pheasant, what are you talking about, how can I not understand it?”

Qi Yu grinned, the sun was shining.

Look at Qi Yu’s style.

The Great General Green Pheasant became more and more certain in his heart.

One Piece Roger’s appearance at this moment is absolutely inseparable from the man in front of him.

Also sure of this is Hawkeye Mihawk.

Out of the knowledge of the alignment feather.

Hawkeye also guessed a scale and a half claw.

Just even so.

The shock in his heart will not be half a point less than others.

After all, this is a miracle event that comes back to life!!!

Look through history, it never happened!


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