The year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar is a major event on top.

One Piece, Gore D. Roger, officially announced his return to the world.

The whole world was shaken!!!



The vast naval headquarters is on the battlefield.

A battlefield where 100,000 elite sailors and tens of thousands of white pirates were gathered.

At this moment, it is in the extreme noise and uproar.

Countless emotions that are shocking, shocking, shocking, or agitated are steaming.


The response to Roger One Piece’s return was the greatest.

Not the Pluto king Silbaszreli as his right-hand man.

Instead, it is the eternal enemy who once fought against him for a lifetime, the naval hero Munch D Cap.


Karp took a deep breath, his pale old face flushed with blood.

Without blinking an eye, he stared dead at the figure on the ruins of the headquarters building not far away, and began to step forward and approach.

“Mr. Karp”

“Lieutenant General Karp”

“You are injured now, please 、、、”

Kirby, Berumeber and the others all shouted in panic.

“What is this level of small injury?”

“Who do you think the old man is?”

Karp roared domineeringly.

Casually pull off the hanging bottle on the body.

Karp’s pace gradually expanded, and the speed gradually increased.

In the twinkling of an eye.

Karp’s figure turned into a vague shadow.

With lightning speed, he rushed to the front of the knight Roger who was standing on the sword.

“Pick it up, Roger!”

An iron fist fell like a shooting star.

Brilliant and dazzling.


One Piece Roger grinned.

Face the Peerless Iron Fist from an old opponent.

Roger just calmly raised the knight’s sword in his hand.


A high-pitched clash of gold and iron exploded.

Circles of void ripples spread.

The fragments of the headquarters building jumped and then shattered.

“Dead are dead, don’t come out as a demon now, Roger!”

“Let me honestly send you back to where you should be!”

Karp roared.


One Piece Roger laughed.

“I’m sorry, Karp!”

“I’m still obsessed with this new era!”

“I still have things I want to witness that I have not witnessed!”


The knight’s sword in Roger’s hand shone brightly.

As dazzling and dazzling as the sun.

“I can’t go back yet!”

Roger’s eerie opening.

The voice dropped.

Roger suddenly swung the knight’s sword.

Swing the broad body of the sword like a racket.

Sou! Rumble!

Kapu, who was already injured, flew backwards in response.

“I’m sorry, Karp, but I’ll save it for the next time!”

One Piece Roger stepped forward with his long legs.

With boundless domineering spirit and fierce winds running through the battlefield.

Several ups and downs.

Roger’s figure jumped high.

Eventually, it landed heavily on the center of Whitebeard and Blackbeard’s gang.

“The sea… One Piece!!! ”

Looking at Roger who was close at hand, Blackbeard Titch was so shocked that his eyes almost jumped out of his eyes.

Under the shock of Roger’s breathtaking domineering, his steps staggered, and his figure involuntarily retreated.

“Roger! It really was that Roger bastard! ”

“Damn, didn’t this bastard die twenty-two years ago?”

“Why is it resurrected!!!”

The mood of the evil king Abaropizaro was once again suddenly agitated, much more excited than before

More than twenty years ago, when he was in the middle of the day and crossed the sea in the name of the evil king, it was the pirate group led by Roger who ended his glory.

During the more than twenty years that he was imprisoned in the Advance City, he was always thinking about revenge.

“One Piece Roger actually resurrected this joke!”

The Moon Hunter Katerina Deppon was also full of absurdity and incredulity, and could not believe what she was seeing.

“Even Roger, who has been dead for twenty years, has appeared?” Or maybe twenty-two years ago, Roger wasn’t dead at all! ”

“Is it just his stand-in who died?”

The original advancing city guard, Changyu no Hiru, shouted in horror.

“Is it all some kind of conspiracy?”

“The dead can’t be resurrected, and Roger One Piece is still alive!”

“What did the navy do that year?”

“Can’t even tell the truth or falsity of the executioner?”


Fighting champion Zisas Basas, Devil Sheriff Lafayette, and Otokoshi Van Oka, among others, all shouted and shouted.

For the brains of the Blackbeard gang and conjecture.

From beginning to end, Roger did not mean anything.

He just stood straight, with his head up, facing the mighty man in front of him covered in blood, wounded, and the fire of life fluttering.

“Whitebeard, you’re going to die!”

Roger’s humble way.

“Yes, I’m going to die!”

Whitebeard responded calmly.

Speaking of his own death.

The corners of his mouth involuntarily curved up.

“Kula la”

“I have no regrets about being able to see such a miraculous picture before I die!”

Whitebeard laughed with all his last strength.

“You can’t die yet!” Whitebeard! ”

Roger said.

“It’s rare I’m back!”

“I also want to have a good drink with you under the cherry blossom tree again!”

“I haven’t thanked you yet!”

Roger’s eerie opening.

“Kula Lala, when did you become such a mother-in-law, Roger!”

“Do you still want to stop a man from dying?”

Whitebeard laughed weakly.

Roger didn’t say anything.

Flip between hands.

In his palm lay a green bean.

“That’s !!!”

Above the sky, the pupils of the golden lion Shiki shrank suddenly.

How could he not recognize the little green bean in Roger’s palm.

After all, it was the magic medicine he had dreamed of changing his name.

It’s just compared to worrying about fairy beans.

An even more shocking conjecture, or fact, came to mind in the mind of Golden Lion Stone.

He turned his head mechanically, and his gaze fell on Qi Yu in a remote corner of the battlefield.

No one else can choose a ‘king’!!!




An impassioned shout approached.

Desperately, Reilly crossed the ravine and came to his former best friend.


Roger burst into tears, opened his arms, and gave a big hug to his brother, who had lived and died together.

Reilly responded enthusiastically.

The other side.

For the first time in his life, Marco, Joz, Bista, and other white captains disobeyed Whitebeard’s captain’s orders.

Cross the line that shouldn’t have been crossed and regroup to Whitebeard’s side.


“Now the situation has changed again!”

“You don’t need to carry it all alone!”

“Let’s go back together!” Back to the new world! ”


Marco and the others burst into tears.

Even though he knew that they could now go back with a white beard.

But it was still too late.

Marko, as the captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, knows best.

Today’s white beard has really run out of oil, and there is no way to return to heaven.

“Don’t cry, sons!”

Whitebeard had a weak opening.

Pale golden eyes swept over the sons and eventually returned to Roger.

“Roger, my sons, please!”

“I refuse”

Roger refused without hesitation.

Ace’s face darkened slightly.

“I’m thankful that you protected Ace, but my own son still protected himself!”

Roger opened his mouth firmly.

Flick at your fingertips.

The fairy beans fly.

The prepared one falls into Whitebeard’s mouth.



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