
The green beans are precisely stuck between the whitebearded teeth, making a crisp sound.

Already on the brink of death, the white-bearded man who was already on the verge of a marquee was unconsciously bitten down.

The green fairy beans shattered in response, and the special healing power contained in them flowed towards the whitebeard’s body.

Xiandou, as a bug-level recovery item in the Dragon Ball world, can even respawn people with severed limbs.

For the whitebeard who is extremely bloody, the effect of this fairy bean has been maximized.

Amazing changes are taking place inside and outside Whitebeard’s body.

The first is the surface trauma of the whitebeard, those knife wounds, bullet holes…

Under the mysterious power of the fairy bean, it is restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The most eye-catching are the two large holes in the white-bearded bear’s chamber that are penetrated by the head of a magma dog.

At this moment, those charred flesh and blood were actually squirming and regenerating.

This can no longer be described by a simple ‘miracle’.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, no one will believe it.

Marko, who is the ship’s doctor, gets feedback from the Flame of the Undead Birds.

I can clearly feel the changes that have happened to Whitebeard.

Those old wounds that cannot be healed are slowly getting better.

“Daddy… Daddy’s wounds are healing! ”

Ace shouted in surprise.

“It’s so amazing!”

Witnessing this miraculous change in diamond Joz shocked to the point of stuttering.

“Daddy’s injuries are recovering!”

“What the hell is going on?”

“It’s unbelievable!”

“Did Roger do anything?”

“Anyway, it’s a good thing!”

The captains of the White Regiment and the captains of the affiliated pirates on the battlefield were all shouting with excitement.




On the battlefield of the Navy Headquarters, there seemed to be the beating of war drums.

It was the heartbeat of the whitebeard, getting stronger and stronger.

With the medicinal effect of Xian Dou, Whitebeard’s body underwent earth-shaking changes.

Waiting to be completed is a complete rebirth!!!

“Reborn! This is real regeneration! ”

Marco shouted excitedly.

“Daddy’s recovery is even more exaggerated than I thought.”

“In these decades of battles, the old wounds in Daddy’s body are also growing, recovering, and growing.”

“It’s unbelievable, it’s amazing, if you continue like this, Daddy may return to the top!!!”

Marco screamed excitedly.

Listen to the feedback from Marko, a professional ship doctor.

The excitement of the white pirates on the battlefield was even greater.

The faces of the Navy, the World Government, and the hostile Blackbeard gang were as ugly as eating.

What kind of impact will a whitebeard in its heyday have on this battlefield and on the world?

Roger the resurrected One Piece!

Whitebeard back to the top!

Add to that the Pluto Reilly, the Golden Lion Shiki, the Uncrowned Emperor Qi Yu, and the red-haired pirate group that has not yet appeared!!!

The Navy Headquarters will be subverted!

The sea will be subverted!

The world will be turned upside down!!!

“Damn Roger, what the hell have you done!”

Marshal Sengoku roared.

“Don’t get so excited, Sengoku!”

“To tell you the truth, I was also shocked by this!”

“I didn’t expect something so small to be so powerful!”

Roger was amazed.

To Roger’s words.

The average sailor and pirate is only when Roger is being modest.

However, people like Sengoku and Lieutenant General Crane couldn’t help but move their hearts and raise their eyebrows.

With what they know about their old rival Roger.

This simple-minded guy really didn’t know much about the means of curing Whitebeard.

Other words.

There is someone else behind him.

There is also a mysterious being that controls everything on the field.

Who the hell is that?

Is it 、、、

Just as Sengoku and the others were meditating.

The cheers of the white-bearded gang grew louder and louder.

After confirming that Papa Whitebeard really survived.

Ace’s dangling heart was also let go.

He turned his head to look at his biological father, with a complicated expression on his face.

For Ace.

Roger’s saving of the dying Whitebeard touched him a hundredfold, a thousand times more than saving himself.

If only to save him, Ace can also play with the rebellious temperament of a teenager.

But now.

Ace is no longer good at speaking ill of Roger, who saved Daddy.

“You’re growing up, Ace.”

One Piece Roger looked at his son gently.

He has always been arrogant, and at this moment, there is a rare little vibrato in his voice.

He raised his big hand, trying to stroke the head of his grown son.

However, before he could touch it, he retracted in a hurry.

At this moment, Roger has no domineering posture as One Piece.

Just an ordinary father who has such a deep apology for his son that he does not dare to rush closer.


Ace was pale and opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say a word.

Look at this familiar face in front of you.

This face, which had appeared in his dreams in the past for an unknown number of times, was rosy in Ace’s eyes.

His teeth were dead biting his lip.

Stubbornly let his tears of joy or pain flow.

“I’m sorry, Ace, but having my irresponsible dad must have bothered you.”

One Piece Roger took a deep breath.

Summoning up all the courage, he dropped his large hand on top of Ace’s head.

Ace didn’t dodge, just kept his head down.

With his head bowed, tears burst out of the embankment as if he didn’t want money.


Look at Ace who suddenly burst into tears.

Rao is the world’s unparalleled One Piece King Roger, and he is also at a loss at this time.

“What else are you doing?” Stupid Roger.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, they really don’t look like you at all!”

Reilly laughed and scolded, raised his hand and slapped Roger on the back.

Roger staggered two steps, and his open arms took his son Ace into his arms.


Roger smiled foolishly.

“Hip Hop Hop”

Luffy the straw hat touched his nose and laughed happily.


The eyebrows under Yamato’s mask are soothing, and he is happy for his friends from the bottom of his heart.


Marko, Joz and the others also smiled happily.

“Thief hahahahaha”

A piercing laugh tried to blend in.

“Titch, shut up!”

The one in charge of watching over Blackbeard’s gang was angrily reprimanded.

“Don’t be so impersonal, hide.”

“Besides, I was also a member of the second team before, and Captain Ace was reunited with his biological father!”

“I would also like to congratulate you!”

Blackbeard Road.

“Shut up”

“Put away your fake feelings!”

“Bastard Titch!”

The captain and members of the White Regiment broke off their drinks.

“On such a big day, it is not interesting to fight and kill!”

“Let’s take a step back, how about fighting again in the next day?”

Blackbeard instigated and tried to negotiate peace.

“This kind of thing is impossible!”

“Don’t be delusional!”

“Today you will die!”

“The souls of Saatchi and his brothers who died on this battlefield need to be watered with your blood!”

Marco and the others were furious and murderous.

Blackbeard’s face cooled down and gradually became vicious.

“Hey, Navy, World Government, what are you hesitating about?”

“If you grind and rub it again, Whitebeard will really return to the top!”

“At that time, there was really no one who could balance him!”

Blackbeard shouted loudly.

“This kind of thing, it is not your turn as a pirate at all!”

Marshal Sengoku roared.

“All the staff, the total attack!”

The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces gave the order.

Boom boom boom!

Endless artillery fire exploded.

Dense shells rained down, obscuring the sky and the sun.

The laser shone with golden light, and it was the general Yellow Ape who was shooting.

Crimson meteors descend from the sky, and the volcano of the Great Admiral Akatsuki erupts.

“Kula la”

The loud and unrestrained laughter exploded, rolling like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth.

Powerful flesh and blood rushed into the sky, shattering the sky.

The strongest king of this sea, Edward Newgate the Whitebeard, was reborn here!


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