“Kula la”

The bold and unrestrained laughter was earth-shattering.

Under the powerful resilience of the magical fairy bean of the Dragon Ball world.

Badly wounded and dying, the four emperors of the white-bearded Edward Newgate, who was only one line away from death, were reborn here!!!

All the dark and fatal wounds inside and outside his body were eliminated at this moment.

Rolling blood and qi soared into the sky.


Feeling the breath of the white beard that seemed to be more than twenty years younger, Marco couldn’t help but cry out in excitement.


Equally excited and excited were Ace, Joz, Bista, and all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates on the battlefield.

When he realized that his father’s healed wounds were more powerful than ever.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were all red in joy and excitement.

All along.

Whitebeard’s physical problems have always been the focus of their concerns.

Even without today’s war on the top, with the physical condition of Whitebeard, I am afraid it will not last for several years.

But now it’s different.

The whitebeard, baptized by the power of the fairy bean, was like a rebirth.

Even if it is another era across the sea, there is no problem at all.

This is simply the happiest good thing for the people of the white group.

How strong was the whitebeard in his heyday and peak?

Now it’s time to show!

Click, click!

The sky and the atmosphere shattered under the domineering and bloody aura of Whitebeard.

With Whitebeard’s clenched fists.

The rift in the atmosphere is expanding and spreading.

The sky shattered like a mirror.


Whitebeard’s arm muscles swelled and he punched out.

Heaven and earth trembled and fell silent.

Followed by.

Boom boom boom!!! boom boom

Endless super explosions are happening.

The rain of shells that was as dense as rain fell, and the rain of shells that covered the sky and the sun completely disintegrated.

Under the unparalleled shock force.

All the shells were detonated in mid-air, and none of them fell.

Even the meteor volcanic magma rain of the Red Dog disintegrated under the series of explosions.

The only thing that could penetrate the terrifying blast was the laser of the general Yellow Ape and the pacifists.

However, the laser is naturally nothing to the imposing white-bearded pirate group.


The captain of the team, Marko, rushed into the sky.

Use your own immortal body to block the laser from the sky.

Captains such as Diamond Joz and Foil Bista are also able to do their best.

Block the rain of clone giant bear lasers from all directions.


The handcuffs that bound Ace were destroyed by Roger with all his might.


Freed, Eston shouted with excitement.

Roger smiled and opened his arms to meet his son’s warm hug.

The result was a lonely hug.

The excited and impassioned dad in Ace’s mouth wasn’t calling him.


“Daddy, great!”

“It’s really great!”

Looking at Ace hanging on the white-bearded body like a koala, happy to the point of crying.

The invincible One Piece King Gord Roger, at this moment, the whole person is stupid.

The old face twisted into a piece, as ugly and tangled as eating.

No more spirits.

Whitebeard became the father of his son.

Roger wouldn’t particularly care about that.

After all, Whitebeard was able to do everything in his power to rescue Ace.

Only for this, he could afford to be the father of Ace.

Just the thought of Ace calling Whitebeard Daddy so enthusiastic.

For his own biological father, he loved to ignore it.

What’s that called?

“Look at the opening, old man, take your time, don’t worry.”

Reilly patted Roger on the shoulder comfortingly.


Roger pursed his lips, and the expression on his face gradually returned to normal.

He has always been a nervous man, and his ability to accept reality is also extremely high.

He had figured everything out and didn’t keep drilling the horns.

Ace is close to Whitebeard, the righteous father, not to his father?

Isn’t that a matter of course?

He should have known that.

After all, he had never fulfilled his father’s responsibilities in all these years.

In contrast, Whitebeard has been protecting Ace for several years.

Teach Ace as a father and give Ace a taste of fatherly love.

What does he have to complain about?

It’s all your fault.

Of course.

If you let Roger know that Ace was raised by Cap as a grandson when he was a child, let him call him Grandpa.

I’m afraid it’s another ‘bloody storm’.

“Captain Roger ~~~”

A cry of pain and tears, a cry full of emotion came.

Roger, who failed to get his wish to hold his son.

Hugged a big red nose.

“Oh, isn’t this Bucky?”

“It’s great that you’re still alive, ahahaha!”

One Piece Roger touched Bucky’s head and smiled happily.

“Whoops, Captain Roger, I want to kill you!”

The body of Bucky who was torn apart hung on Roger and did not let go.

The snot under the big red nose is half a meter long.

For him and Shanks, who grew up in Roger Pirate Regiment since they were infants.

Captain Roger was just like their father.

“Hahaha, Bucky, you shouldn’t have forgotten me!”

Reilly smiled and quipped.

“No, no, no, how?”

“Vice Captain Reilly, I forgot that no one can forget you!”

Bucky quickly denied it.

“Very good value for money”

“It’s a legend!”

“I was able to talk and laugh with big people like Roger the One Piece and Reilly of Pluto!”

“Captain Bucky is indeed a great man!”

“I want to follow you for the rest of my life, Captain Bucky~”

“Captain Bucky is our guiding light!”

A group of brain-dead prisoners in Advancing City shouted.

“Ahahahaha, Bucky, you’ve become a great captain now!”

Roger nodded approvingly.

Although do not know the specific process.

But he could feel it.

Those relatively powerful advancing city prisoners were loyal to Bucky as the captain.

“Hey hey hey”

Listen to the compliments of former Captain Roger.

Bucky couldn’t help but blush.

I thought I couldn’t say that I was just lucky, obviously I didn’t do anything, those idiots made up a bunch of brains, and I couldn’t follow him.

“One Piece Gore D. Roger”

Yamato, wearing a mask, hurried to Roger.

“Are you?”

Roger looked suspicious.

Returning to this world as a heroic spirit, he was told many messages.

However, it was not completely sorted out for a while.

“He came with Qi Yu.”

“By the way, Qi Yu is Shanks’s partner.”

Reilly introduced.

Roger nodded, without the slightest surprise on his face.

Reilly’s eyes narrowed slightly, a simple temptation, and from his brother’s face, he already saw some clues.

Sure enough, Roger’s resurrection returns with…

“One Piece Roger, can I ask you a question?”

Yamato asked nervously.


Roger nodded.

“Why did you laugh at Ralph Droit on that final island more than twenty years ago?” What do you see? ”


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