“The arrogant little devil of the red-haired pirates, is Roger’s resurrection really not being led behind your back?”

Marshal Sengoku gulped.

Let everything go back to the beginning.

Back to the original beginning.

Inside and outside the battlefield, the navy, pirates, reporters and melon-eating masses of the Chambord Islands were all agitated.

I have to face and think about the reason behind the most shocking fact.

That is Roger, the One Piece that has been dead for twenty-two years, and why is it reappearing now?

Who is the person behind Roger One Piece?


“Did you hear that? Mr. Sengoku’s previous words! ”

“Listening to the tone of the Warring States Marshal, this matter seems to be related to the Five Emperors!”

“How could there be such a thing? What does One Piece’s resurrection have to do with the arrogance of the Red-haired Pirates! ”

“I can’t imagine it!”

The sailors on the battlefield of the headquarters were all looking left and right in a daze.

Every face is full of shock and disbelief.

It is impossible to imagine a possible connection between Qi Yu and One Piece Roger.

But since Marshal Warring States said so, it would definitely not be a vacuum.


“That warring country can ask this question, and it will definitely not be targeted!”

The captain of the team, Marco, frowned and pondered.

“Is Roger’s resurrection really related to Qi Yu?”

“Even if you say it again, resurrecting the dead or something is really exaggerated!”

“But the reality is in front of us, and it is not okay to believe it!”


“Daddy, what do you think?”

The eyes of the pirates in the white group brushed together and fell on the whitebeard.

“Kula la la”

“What do you see me doing? You dad doesn’t have an answer on his face either! ”

“If you really want to know, just ask them directly!”

Whitebeard forced a calm opening.

Yet no one knows.

Right now.

The heart of the veteran king of the two eras, Whitebeard, has already flooded the waves.

Mood swings, intense to the extreme.

That’s why.

Nature is because all the truth is known.

Whether it’s Roger’s resurrection or the bean that pulled him back from before the Ghost Gate closed.

All written by the same person.

As Marshal Sengoku had guessed.

Behind all this is really Qi Yu!!!

Whitebeard was able to know the secret.

Nature depends on the special ability to hear the voice of the heart.

From the voice of Qi Yu, who was deeply hidden in his skills and name, he got the answer to everything.

Also learning everything from this was Hawkeye Mihawk.

Just the moment you learn the truth.

They also finally found out.

Even if they knew that all this had to do with Qi Yu.

However, it is impossible to actively confide in the slightest.

Can’t share it with others.

It can only be held silently in the heart.

Marco and the others looked suspiciously at their own father.

In the end, he still looked at Roger in front of him, and looked at Qi Yu who looked like he didn’t care about himself in the distance.

“Ace, you ask!”

Joz’s large hand slapped Ace on the back, staggered him a few steps and came to Roger.

Ace glanced wryly at the grinning Joz and the others.

He wasn’t ready to talk to this man.

Ace looked at his toes and didn’t speak, and Roger didn’t say either.

The old man had a smirk on his face.

Didn’t get an answer from Roger’s mouth.

People’s eyes then fell on Qi Yu on the other side.

Everyone’s attention.

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a slight arc.

Without a word, he stepped forward.

Where to go.

The sailors all gave way to a path.

A dignified atmosphere envelops the audience.


The distance between Qi Yu and One Piece Roger was only the last ten meters.


Qi Yu unsheathed the supreme fast knife black knife Ace at his waist.

The real owner of this black knife appears now.

Even Black Knife Ace is quite easy to use.

Qi Yu was naturally not good enough to continue to dominate this sword.

Of course.

Qi Yu was also not preparing to return the Black Sword Ace to its original owner in vain.

This is an exchange.

For Qi Yu’s intentions.

One Piece Roger also knows it.

Originally, this sword was not prepared for him.

Without the slightest hesitation.

He unsheathed the great sword of the treasure he had been resurrected.

Throw away towards Qi Yu.

A knife and a sword swords staggered through the air.

Then they were firmly grasped by Qi Yu and Roger.

“Old man, it’s been a long time coming!”

Roger whispered to himself.

The rough hand gently brushed over the black knife Ace’s knife.

The other side.

When Qi Yu caught the big sword thrown by Roger.

The amazing picture happened again.

The brilliant light of the sun suddenly burst out and bloomed.

Took over people’s field of vision.

Between trances.

People’s squinting eyes seemed to shine through that layer of harsh light.

I saw the invincible figure that covered the battlefield not long ago.

It was Qi Yu in an arrogant posture.

The naval powers, led by Marshal Sengoku, were subconsciously horrified.

The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces is also a sudden constriction of the pupils.

There was a sense of foreboding in my heart.

This war has been the case so far.

There are simply too many variables to happen.

Far beyond their expectations and control.


Things did not go to the worst.

The strongest arrogance before was just their delusion.

Wait until the light is gone.

Qi Yu was still in an ordinary form. There is no real transformation.

For the overreaction of the Warring States and others, Qi Yu was unconscious.

Right now.

His whole mind was drawn to the great sword in his hand.

Roger’s supreme fast knife Black Knife Ace is certainly powerful.

However, in Qi Yu’s view, it was less than one hundredth or one-thousandth of this great sword treasure.

Because this was a Sun Sacred Sword that was fully compatible with Qi Yu’s attributes!!!

It’s called the Sword of Victory in Rotation!!!

The glowing sword belonging to King Arthur’s legendary knight of the Round Table, Gao Wenqing.

is the sister sword of the legendary sacred sword Excalibur

Has the same power as the King’s Sacred Sword Curry Stick.

King Arthur’s sword, Excalibur (Sword of Oath of Victory), is the light of the stars that slashes enemies in two.

Gao Wenqing’s Holy Sword Galatine (Sword of Reincarnation of Victory) burns the enemy to the scorching heat of the sun.

As long as the sword is drawn and infused with power, the internal imitation sun will operate, extending the sword body to a visible range.

Kill as many enemies as you can see.

For Qi Yu, this was simply the most suitable weapon!!!

Divine soldiers in hand.

Qi Yu restarted.

The line of sight crossed the naval camp.

In the end, it is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of the world government that is hollow.


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