“This sword… Sure enough, the appearance of Roger Bastard is related to you, the arrogant little devil of the Red-haired Pirate Regiment! ”

Marshal Sengoku’s eyes narrowed, and he silently took a step forward, blocking the steel bone behind him.

“It’s just a matter of changing weapons, don’t be so extreme, Admiral.”

Qi Yu smiled.


A large hand landed on the shoulder of Marshal Sengoku.

“The old man is not old enough to swing his fists!”

Steel bone empty calm and confident opening.

Even though he was close to a hundred years old, he was still full of momentum.

“Hahahahaha, aren’t you ready to give up?”

“Sengoku, don’t you want this naval headquarters?”

Golden Lion Schipper laughed.

“If you are just let you go, what face will our navy have to face the world?”

Sengoku roared.

Between waves.

The golden light flashed.

The great general Polusalino fell.

The square ground melts.

The general Sakarsky the Red Dog stepped on the waves of magma.

The breath of extreme cold spreads.

The Great General Green Pheasant exhaled an extremely cold breath, causing all the moisture in the atmosphere to condense.

“The old man is no longer pretending, the showdown is over, the old man can still play!”

Navy legend Vice Admiral Hero Kapu strides meteor.

A strong armed color so thick that it almost turned into substantial armor emanated out.

He is like the reincarnation of a martial god.

That earth-shattering showdown not long ago.

Kapu was indeed defeated, inferior to Qi Yu, who was arrogant.

But it is far from a complete loss of mobility.

Plus the Navy’s potent medicine.

Today, Karp has recovered considerable combat strength.

At this critical time, how can he, as a naval hero, stand by and watch.

It is inevitable to stand up and defend against a strong enemy.

Plus Karp who returned to the team.

Marshal, Hero, Three Generals of the Navy plus Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armed Forces of the World Government.

A total of six top combat forces have been assembled.

Behind them.

Burning Mountain, Doberman, Ghost Spider, Squirrel and other mainstays of the Navy were lined up.

There was not the slightest fear or dread on his face.

Under the emotional influence of a group of naval leaders.

The fear in the hearts of the average admiral elite receded.

“Don’t be afraid!”

“There’s nothing scary at all!”

“We are a righteous navy with nothing to fear!”


The sailors had great courage in their hearts and roared and clenched their weapons.

“Why continue to be strong? Warring States”

One Piece Roger sighed.

One step at a time, he stood next to Qi Yu.

“Kula la”

“Navy, if you want to fight, then keep fighting!”

Whitebeard laughed heroically.

Standing on Qi Yu’s left side.

“Battle !!!”

The White Regiment, led by Marko, and the captains of the New World Pirates cheered in unison and their morale was high.

“If you continue any longer, you’ll lose both!”

Reilly shook his head and stepped forward.

“Hahahahaha, no matter how you struggle today, the result will not change again!”

“You guys lost!” Navy! ”

The golden lion Scribble floated above the sky, laughing wildly.

In the number of top strong people.

They were one less than the Navy.

But it didn’t have the slightest effect.

Because now gathered here are the three overlords of the old times.

One Piece Roger and the return to the peak of Whitebeard’s strength is unquestionable.

The aging Reilly and the Golden Lion Schippy have regressed from their former hands.

But it is also a real general-level combat strength.

Plus Qi Yu, who was now in charge of the Sun Holy Sword.

So lineup.

I have never seen it in the past eight hundred years.

The two sides did not move.

The invisible clash of momentum has already begun.

Heaven and earth are changing color.

The high dome cracked here.

The atmosphere of extreme oppression and horror covers the whole scene.

It was as if a big stone was pressed against the hearts of everyone in the field.


“What a terrible oppressive force this is!”

“Damn, is that a monster standing at the top of the world?”

“Are these monsters really going to all-out war?”

“Just kidding! Heaven and earth will fall! ”

“This naval headquarters, this island will absolutely sink!”

“Even if we are fighting outside, we will never be unharmed!”



The Supernova Pirates gathered on the edge of the battlefield to watch the battle were all shocked and could not help but retreat.

Faster than the supernova is the Blackbeard gang.

It had long been detected that Whitebeard’s injuries had recovered against the heavens and his breath was gradually strengthening.

Blackbeard immediately decided to abandon the original performance.

While the attention of everyone in the white group was on Whitebeard, he decisively led the crowd to run.

At this time, it was already out of the bay and on the outer ice.

“Thief hahahahaha, fight it, you will enjoy the dog bite the dog, the more intense the fight, the better!”

Blackbeard grinned reluctantly.

“Titch, this situation is completely different from what was promised!”

The evil king Abaropi Salo flashed his eyes with a twinkle in his eye.

“The mother purred, just fled into the wilderness, it is really ugly!”

“Thanks for bragging about your performances like that when you were in prison!”

String Moon Hunter Katerina Dai Peng sneered.

“Thief hahahahaha, if you have the ability, you will kill it back!”

Blackbeard grinned.

“In the face of that lineup, not running is the real idiot!”

“As for the show you want to see, I’ll let you see it!”

“As long as you follow me, you have an infinitely bright future”

“Thief haha…”

“Captain Teach”

Otokoshi Van Oka suddenly shouted nervously.

“What’s going on?”

Fighting champion Cisas Basas asked.

“Here it comes! The man came too! ”

Van Oak inhaled a cool breath.

Follow his gaze.

Blackbeard also knew the identity of the man in his words.

“Two-Knife Pirate Banner!”

“That’s the red-haired pirate group!!!”

“Sure enough, it wasn’t just the arrogant man who fought this time!”

“All the members of the red-haired pirates have arrived!!!”



The waves lap along the ice.

Large three-masted sailing ships in large red tones moored along the coast.

A one-armed man with red hair landed first.


“It seems that something unexpected happened!”

“Could it be that my ship’s vice president has done something shocking?”


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