
“Everybody ~~~”

Eleven years later.

Seeing Luffy Luffy in the Straw Hat of the Red Pirates once again was overjoyed.

Driven by the joy of his reunion with Shanks, Luffy the Straw Hat couldn’t do anything else.

It catapulted straight out and hugged the redhead’s head, giving it the highest ‘chicken-eating’ hug.

Shocked, the red-haired Shanks soothed him.


All the high-ranking cadres in the Red League laughed loudly.

It took a lot of effort for the red-haired Shanks to finally pull down Luffy, who was holding his head.

“Luffy, I haven’t seen you in twelve years, you’ve grown into a brilliant pirate!”

“Your buddies are also very good, I saw them in the newspaper!”

Shanks nodded affirmatively.

“No, we don’t have enough yet, so I can’t give you this straw hat back to you yet.”

Luffy tugged at the brim of his straw hat and said firmly.

Shanks smiled, just as he could.

“Luffy, do you remember me?”

The little fat man Raqilu stepped forward.

“Lu, of course I remember you!”

Straw Hat Luffy’s eyes lit up.

In his memory, Raqiru was simply a treasure boy.

As long as you follow him, there is endless meat to eat anytime and anywhere.

“Hahaha, give, Luffy!”

The little fat man Raqiru smiled mysteriously.

Pull a large piece of bone out of your pocket.

“Oh well”

Straw hat Luffy quickly took over, unceremoniously feasting.

“Luffy, my son Usopp is really thanks to your care.”

Jesus Cloth shouldered a sniper rifle and greeted him with a smile.

“Jesus Cloth”

The light in Luffy’s eyes dimmed suddenly.

“Hahaha, it’s all right”

Jesus patted Luffy on the shoulder indifferently.

Regarding the recent incident of the Chambord Di Tianlong people, the news that the Straw Hat gang was completely wiped out, he had also seen it on the news.

At first, I was naturally worried.

However, after the redhead returned to the team and conveyed Qi Yu’s words to him.

Jesus Bu’s dangling heart was completely let go and no longer worried about the Son’s situation.


“Luffy Kid”


Old Jin, Old Ape and a number of red-haired regiment elders greeted each other one after another.

The scene was a joy to follow.

“The Son of Prophecy, really… Joyboy! ”

One Piece Roger smiled happily.


“Joyboy spanning eight hundred years of history, plus you, change is destined to happen in this era!”

Reilly nodded with emotion.

“Oh no, Reilly.”

Roger grinned suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”

Reilly was puzzled.

“History has changed!”

“What is in front of us now is a completely new path that has never been imagined!”

Roger sighed.

Reilly was stunned, and after a moment he reacted immediately.

“Right, Right, Right”

“Almost forgot that guy!”

Reilly patted his head.

“History has been quietly shifting since ten years ago!”

Reilly’s mind unconsciously recalled his first meeting with Qi Yu ten years ago.

He was at the time.

I guess I can’t think of anything.

Once an ordinary boy, he can now create so many legends.


“Red-haired boy, you should also restrain a little, if you want to reminisce about the past, you will wait to go back and tell it again, don’t really think of this place as your home!”

“Look at the Warring States, they are angry with you, and they can’t even say the words!”

Golden Lion Shiki wrapped his arms around him and opened his mouth with a mocking face.


“Sorry sorry sorry”

The red-haired Shanks touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

The next second, he suddenly returned to a positive color.

“Marshal Warring States, please be sure to give me a face this time!”

“If the war continues, it will only be your navy that will lose!”

Red-haired Shanks solemnly opened his mouth.


Marshal Sengoku gritted his teeth.

The reluctance and anger in my heart go hand in hand.


No matter how unwilling it is.

He also had to admit it.

The redhead is indeed right.

The war has come to its present point.

They have no chance of turning over.

Even if you try your best, you can fight against the water.

In the end, it will only increase casualties.


Under repeated blows.

The morale and morale of the Navy fell to the bottom.

Face that terrifying alliance of sea overlords.

They could no longer muster the slightest will to confront them.

“Whitebeard, please give me a face this time.”

“Let the war end here.”

Red-haired Shanks turned to Whitebeard for face.

“Kula la la la, I never meant to die to the end.”

Whitebeard laughed loudly.

In disguise, he gave the redhead this face.

Originally, after rescuing Ace, they had no intention of continuing to fight.

For this war.

The price they paid was already huge enough.

Compared to the battle with the Navy, both sides are lost.

Now they just want to return to the sea in peace.

Return to the New World for a grand feast.


“Daddy, the ship is ready!”

“You can sail at any time!”

At the edge of the bay, the captains of the New World, who were in charge of preparing the evacuation ships, shouted and reported one after another.

“Kula la”

Whitebeard laughed.


Next second.

Without waiting for him to open his mouth, he ordered a retreat.

Amazing changes regenerate.


A thunderous sound exploded into the sky.

A huge shadow drifted under the clear sky.

Countless ‘missiles’ with brilliant tail flames crossed the air.

Scattered like fireworks.

Destroy the pirate ships moored in the bay with precision.

Boom boom boom!!! boom boom

A shocking series of explosions ensued.

The piercing light of the fire illuminated the heavens.

Wait until the explosion subsides.

The dozens of pirate ships moored in the outer bay are no longer one.

Smoke and dust shrouded the sky.

The fire is raging.

Floating on the surface of the sea are countless fragments of pirate ships.

Even Navy warships.

It was also in the previous round of attacks that more than a dozen ships were destroyed.

If it were not for the Redforth, a considerable number of powerful men were left to guard the ship.

At this time, it is bound to disintegrate under the terrible air invasion.



The captains of the New World who witnessed the pirate ship and their companions disappear in the flames of the fire roared with tears in their hearts.

“That’s that…”

“What the hell is that?”

Look at the epoch-making huge flying battleship that shrouded the headquarters.

The entire naval headquarters battlefield.

Whether it’s the Navy or the pirates.

Both sides were in a state of extreme shock and could not extricate themselves.


Thanks to the boss of [Silver Fir Guima] for the 2000 tip! The boss atmosphere boss broke the bank!

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