“What the hell is that!!!”



Naval headquarters, on the battlefield.

The shock and uproar of the people resumed.

The war came to an end.

Everyone thought it was about to end.

Unforeseen changes are coming again.

After the Flying Island and Flying Ship of the Flying Sea Thief Golden Lion Shiki.

Another flying battleship, with a large shadow of shadows, descended to the top of the battlefield.

In the sunlight.

The hull of the battleship shone brightly.

Shimmering with a metallic sheen.

Different from the world’s mainstream wooden sailboats.

The main body of this flying battleship was actually made of some kind of alloy.

Under this premise.

It can even float above the sky.

It is not a flying sky created by the ability to flutter fruits like the Golden Lion Shiki.

It is a volley flight achieved by some scientific means.

For the indigenous pirates of the world, mainly guns and sailboats.

This is an explosive technology that even imagination cannot imagine.


In this world.

The only people who can master such technology are the governments of the world!!!


“Abominable, abominable”

On the edge of the battlefield, today’s supernova pirates are all angry and roaring.


Under the previous round of indiscriminate bombardment.

They also suffered from pond fish.

In addition to the submarine of the Red Heart Group, diving and dodging in time.

Seven other pirate ships moored on the ice coast disintegrated under terrifying missile washes.

The few of the partners who stayed on the ship survived.

After this battle.

The eight supernova pirate groups deeply realized what is called hilarity and cannot be watched casually.

“Damn, what the hell is that?”

Captain Eustaskid stood up in anger.

His eyes were red as he looked at the steel ‘monster’ in the sky.

The Superman Magnetic Fruit ability is activated.

He wanted to pull down the steel giants in the sky.

However, the magnetic force that is invincible is now ineffective.

Can’t shake that behemoth in the slightest.

“Is that Navy reinforcements again?”

Kapenbecki’s face was hard to see.

“No, to be precise, it is the foundation of the world government!”

Strange monk Urki said in a deep voice.

“Hasn’t the world government given up yet?”

“Do you still want to resist in the face of such a terrible lineup?”

“Are they idiots?”

Big Stomach Girl Joe Ellie Bonnie unceremoniously rebuked.


Trafalgaro shook his head.

“Since they dare to do this, they must have the confidence!”

“The battleship that can strike ranged from the air is their secret weapon!”

Trafalgaro looked dignified.

“I’m afraid it was from the genius scientist Bergapunk!”

Drake quietly clenched his fists, looking complicated.

As an undercover in the Navy, he did not want to see the Navy defeated.

But the other side.

The undercover companions who followed him.

It had also been affected by the attacks of the world government.



Compared to the eight supernova pirate regiments.

Right now.

The anger of the Whitebeard Pirates was above them.

Watch as dozens of pirate ships collapse under fearful air fire.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates and their Pirates are hateful.


“It’s a good thing you’ve done again!”

“Even now, I dare to do it!”

“Do you really want the fish to die and break the net?”

“Since this is the case, as you wish, even if you die today, Lao Tzu will have to pull a few more cushions!”

The pirates were all red-eyed, furious and murderous.


Marshal Sengoku snorted coldly.

In the face of the murderous attack of the pirates, he was not at all moved.

“Sengoku, what the hell is that, you know?”

Karp asked stunned.

Marshal Sengoku glanced at his old friend.

“I don’t know.”

Even as a marshal, he saw for the first time this technological product that was hundreds of years ahead of the times.

I thought that the pacifist of human weapons was exaggerated enough.

I never imagined that the world government would still have such a secret weapon.

“It seems that the air marshal seems to know it~~~”

The general Huang Ape pouted, and saw some clues from the expression of the steel bone void.

“It doesn’t matter what it is, all we have to do is enforce justice!”

“Destroy all pirates and win the war!”

Admiral Red Dog raised his arms and shouted.

From the beginning.

Red Dog’s thoughts never changed.

Even if he was beaten violently by Whitebeard before, he almost survived.

Even in the face of the invincible and terrifying Sea Emperor Alliance.

He never wanted to surrender or give up.


At the instigation of Admiral Red Inu, the morale of the hawkish naval elite was rekindled.

Can’t wait to restart the war.


“All men, retreat!”

Steel Bone Air High Drink Order.




“Everyone, back off as much as you can!”

Marshal Sengoku’s instructions followed.

Under the orders of the two commanders, the Commander-in-Chief and the Marshal.

The elites on the Navy side did not ask the reason again, and they all retreated at the first time.

Just like the encirclement wall operation that had been carried out before.

“Damn, what the hell are those bastards of the Navy and the World Government trying to do!!!”

Diamond Joz, the leader of the White Regiment Third Team, shouted angrily.

“Be careful, what is that ship going to do again?”

Marco spread his wings and soared into the sky, entering the highest level of alert.

“Oh haha”

“What a secret weapon of the world government!”

“Lao Tzu is the real Flying Governor!”

Golden Lion Squire coldly stopped drinking.

“Boss, Ryder’s over there!”

“Everyone managed to hold our ship!”

The little fat man Raqiru was relieved and pleased with the report.

“By the way, Vice Captain Mei Li is all right!”

Jesus Bu added.


Qi Yu nodded.

The chin lifted slightly, and the aggressive gaze immediately landed on the huge flying battleship.

“Shanks, it should be no problem to cut that one!”

Qi Yu grinned.

The Sun Sword in his hand pointed straight at the Heavenly Dome.

“Of course not!”

“I’m with you this time!”

Red-haired Shanks’ eyes narrowed slightly.

It was rare that both Whitebeard and the Warring States had given him face before.

The war can be ended in sight.

As a result, such a thing appeared on the way.

Destroy the face he has so hard to get.

Even the red-haired Shanks, who has always been grinning, is dissatisfied at this time.

Emotions desperately need to be vented.

“It’s coming!!!”

One Piece Roger drank.

The dazzling battleship Annihilation Island cannon shines brightly in the world!!!


The six Sea Emperors attacked at this moment!!!


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