Eight hundred years ago.

Pluto struck the world with one shot.

The super battleship created by the top shipwrights of the Water Capital, the ancient weapon Pluto, represents the ultimate battleship.

At that time, it almost turned the tide of the war.

Bring down the alliance of twenty nations.

Since that battle.

The newly established world government, while fearing the ancient weapon Hades, was also extremely eager to hold it in its hands and become the foundation of the world government.

Unfortunately, after that battle, Pluto disappeared.

The legend records the history of the king of Pluto, but this article is missing.

For hundreds of years, this long-cherished wish of theirs has never been realized.

A design for Tom the Fishman ten years ago.

There is also the recent Justice Island incident, the arrest of Nicole Robin and French.

Those were the two closest world governments were to Pluto.

In the end, it was all a failure.

But the world government never put eggs in a basket.

While searching for the ancient weapon Pluto.

Behind their backs, they are also researching strategic weapons that are not weaker than Pluto, or even above them.

Scientific research does not happen overnight.

For hundreds of years.

Even with the resources of world governments, progress has been slow.

Until decades ago.

They dismantled a secret scientific organization in the New World.

Recruited to the core of that scientific organization.

That is the genius scientist Bergapunk, who claims to be five hundred years ahead of the world.

There is the mind of Bergapunk, plus the resources of the world government.

Research has been a series of breakthroughs.

Many of the items that existed only in Bergapunk’s vision were realized one after another.

The complete transformation of the tyrant Bear and the pacifist is just one of them.

The flying battleships that now descend on the Navy Headquarters are also the result of Bergapunk’s research.

It’s just that this flying battleship is now only a semi-finished product.

According to Bergapunk’s vision and blueprint.

This flying battleship will eventually go to the cosmic star sea beyond the world.

At that time, this is the ultimate weapon that truly overrides the ancient weapon Hades.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the change.

A series of earth-shattering events that took place in the war on top.

An unprecedented group of six sea overlords.

Forcing the world government to open some hole cards.


“Full Battery Locked, Fired !!!”

The old and cold orders were given.

The high-tech flying battleship hull is open at 360 degrees.

Bang bang bang bang !!!bang bang

Ten thousand guns firing!

Endless artillery fire was heading towards the ‘Imperial Alliance’ covering the ruined headquarters land.

“Hahahahaha, what do you think we are?”

“World government, how can an attack of this magnitude be useful?”

Golden Lion Skey burst into the sky with a big laugh.

The two large fast knives used as feet Sakura Ten and Kikuchi swung continuously like a whirlwind.

Lion – Senchegu !!!

A dense rain of golden sword qi sprang out.

The sky was detonated.

Even the Golden Lion Shiki could not intercept all of them with his own strength.

“Kula la la”

Whitebeard laughed proudly.


The supreme fast knife cloud cut into the earth.

Whitebeard formed his hands into claws and gently shook them.

The atmosphere twisted under his palm.

The terrifying super shock spokes spread out.

The sky was fully detonated.


The cheers of the White Pirates were everywhere.

The captains led by Marco were not idle.

Immortal birds cross the sky, fire fists burn, diamonds shine, foil swords scatter…

All blast shocks are completely intercepted.

“Chief, it seems that we don’t need to shoot!”

The little fat man Raqiru nibbled at the big flesh and bones leisurely.


Jesus Cloth breathed softly and blew away the smoke from the muzzle of his gun.

Turning his head to look at Qi Yu, his eyelids jumped.

I always felt that the silence of my own vice captain at this moment seemed to be holding back some big move.


The red-haired Shanks was also aware of Qi Yu’s change in breath.

Don’t wait for him to ask.

Next second.

Shanks’s eyes flashed red.

Foresee the future and launch a domineering spirit.


The famous knife Griffin is sheathed.

The red-haired Shanks swooped out.

With the blade of the Overlord-colored lightning, he stopped the hot and vicious dog’s head.

“Sneak attacks are not a good habit, Admiral Red Dog!”

“If you still want to fight, let me be your opponent!”

Red-haired Shanks grinned.


The Admiral Red Dog snorted in displeasure.

“Then start with you!”


The golden and brilliant Heavenly Cloud Sword clashed with the straight sword in the hands of Pluto King Reilly.

“Oh oh oh, Pluto Reilly, can you still stand up to this old bone?”

The general Yellow Ape pouted and opened his mouth with a lewd face.

“If you can’t stand it, you have to try it to know!”

“Quan should be a follow-up to the previous time, Yellow Ape!”

Pluto Reilly was full of spirits.

Once a close friend and brother are on the side.

Reilly only felt that his waist was no longer sore, and his legs were not sore.

It seems to have returned to the glory days when he rode the sea in Roger’s Pirates.

“Don’t be too aggressive, Reilly!”

Roger reminded.

“Do you still have time to worry about others?”

Unconsciously, Navy hero Cat arrived.

This area is locked for the gunfire of the flying battleship.

If the general naval elite rushes in, there is a high probability that they will be injured by mistake.

However, for the strong people of the general level, it is not a big problem.


The six admiral-level strongmen on the Navy side were already attacking again.

Whitebeard and Golden Lion ignored the interception of artillery fire.

The three remaining general-level strong men on the navy’s side, the great general Qingjie, the marshal Sengoku, and the commander-in-chief Steel Bone Void, all three of them stared at Qi Yu in unison.

To unleash a thunderous blow, take it down first.

“Qi Yu”

“Qi Vice be careful!”

“Mr. Qi Yu!!!”

“Lord Qi Yu!!!”

Beckman and other red-haired pirate regiment cadres, Yamato, female emperor Han Cook and others sensed the Navy’s intentions.

At the same time as the screams were shouted, the crowd stepped forward in unison to come to their aid.

Although they were not general-level beings, it was not difficult to stop one or two generals under the joint efforts.


Don’t wait for Beckman and the others to get closer.

An amazing heat wave suddenly bursts out.

Derived from Qi Yu.

“Don’t go near any of them!”

“I’m enough alone!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly.

The sun’s rays swirled around him and soared into the sky.

Covered and flooded Qi Yu’s body.


Dots of flame shine.

The temperature in the air rises sharply and sharply.

To the end.

Qi Yu seemed to be incarnated as a ball of light of the sun, shining in all directions.

“Don’t pretend to be a ghost!”

Marshal Sengoku gulped.

The Great Buddha, which was wrapped around the domineering color of the Overlord, burst out the shock wave and blew away the brilliant light.

“Ice Age!!!”

The Great General Green Pheasant unleashed his strongest freezing move.

It was a deep cold breath that even the flames could freeze.

Where you pass, everything freezes.

“Steel Fist!!!”

The steel fist of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces shattered the atmosphere.

Together with the palm of the Great Buddha of the Marshal Warring States, it fell with the cover.


The atmosphere roars.

Space tremor.

Across the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of people watched in shock and shock.

The ball of sunlight that surrounded Qi Yu was opened.

Immediately emerging from people’s sight was a figure of a mighty shore more than four meters tall.

“It’s an honor!”

“You are the first opponent to force me to take the initiative to liberate the ‘sun’!”


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