Passive No. 8 – Arrogant Continuation !!!

This was the passivity of Qi Yu’s eighth awakening in this world.

Or more precisely, this is an active skill controlled by Qi Yu himself.

Arrogance continues!

Name implies.

This is a skill that can make Qi Yu enter the arrogant amplification state at other times.

It’s just compared to the passivity of noon.

Taking the initiative to enter the increase of arrogance increases the consumption of strength as much as the burden on the body.

Since the awakening of this skill two years ago.

Qi Yu had never been inspired or used.

So even the Red Haired Pirates are partners.

Even the red-haired Shanks never knew.

Qi Yu actually had this hole card in his possession.

Today is the first manifestation of this passive eight.

No doubt.

Once it appears.

The audience was shocked.

When seeing Qi Yu reappear in an arrogant posture.

The entire naval headquarters was shaken and boiled on the battlefield!!!



“That that… That’s arrogance! ”

“But why?”

“Isn’t time already over?”

“It’s almost two o’clock in the afternoon!”

“Why can that man still turn arrogant?”

“Has our intelligence been wrong all along?”

“That man can actually transform into a !!! anytime, anywhere”


The elites on the Navy side screamed and were on the verge of collapse.

Qi Yu, who had previously entered an arrogant posture under the increase of the sun, brought them an endless psychological shadow.

The power of that one person crushed the posture of the marshal and the hero was simply invincible.

I thought I had survived the most difficult moment.

The ordinary form of Qi Yu will not be much of a threat.

But I didn’t think about it.

The arrogant gesture that frightened countless people reappeared without warning!!!

How else to play this?


It was the Admiral Sengoku roaring.

“Give me through!”

This is the roar of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

Faced with the aggressive attack of the marshal and the commander-in-chief.

Qi Yu did not dodge or dodge, and the expression on his face never changed in the slightest.

Eyes open and closed.

The sun god is on fire.



Two dull clashing sounds followed.

The steel fist of the commander-in-chief of the three armies smashed into Qi Yu’s body.

The heavy blows that had previously caused the ordinary form Qi Yu to retreat one after another.

At this moment, it is impossible to shake it any longer.

Qi Yu’s feet were like roots.

Always stand firmly on the earth.

Amazing shock waves radiate out.

The ruined main earth was lifted up layer by layer.

Didn’t wait for the air to take off.

It was crushed and crushed by the ensuing downward pressure.

The Admiral’s supernatural overlord color shock wave has arrived!

The huge Buddha’s palm hangs in mid-air.

The terrifying shock wave that shattered the bones had fallen.

Transformed into a golden realm, enveloping Qi Yu.


The earth sank and collapsed under the shock wave of the Marshal Sengoku.

A five-fingered Buddha palm print clearly emerged.

The center of the Buddha’s palm.

Qi Yu stood proudly.

The wind is light.

The terrible Buddha struck him like nothing.

From start to finish.

He hadn’t even bent his knees by half an inch.

“If you can let me take the initiative to release ‘arrogance’, you are already proud enough!”

The corners of Qi Yu’s mouth raised a touch of arrogance.

He slowly raised his large hand.

“Mr. Empty, rewind!”

The Great General’s pheasant pupils shrank suddenly, and he rushed to help.

However, it was still a step too late.

Qi Yu’s large hand covered the head of the steel bone empty man who was deeply shocked and frightened.


The empty body of the steel bone fell to the ground like an upside-down onion.

Just one blow.

His dark armored helmet collapsed.

The head that fell to the ground broke and bleed.


“Big Buddha’s foot!!!”

Marshal Sengoku roared in anger.

A large Buddha version of the upside-down gold hook.

The huge golden foot blade exploded into the void.

Slashed at Qi Yu’s shoulder.

Qi Yu raised his big hand and grabbed it.

Marshal Warring States’ golden Lan foot was clasped by Qi Yu’s fingers, and he could no longer make any inches.


With an overwhelmed click.

Under the fusion of overlord colors, the cracks on the feet of the golden Lan that seemed to materialize were dense, and then they exploded.

It turns into countless points of light and dissipates into invisibility.

Take advantage of this gap.

The general pheasant catapulted out.

Successfully pulled the steel skeleton out of the ground and carried away.

To this.

Qi Yu didn’t care, unconscious.

His gaze shifted and locked on the flying battleship in the sky.

The warships at sea he had already cut down.

The Celestial Mother was still the first time she had encountered it.

Worth a cut!!!

The other side.

The sight of the battlefield of the vast naval headquarters was still locked on Qi Yu, who had regained his arrogance.

“It’s really worthy of Mr. Qi Yu!”

“There is still such a hole card hidden!”

“Look, the looks on the faces of the Navy, that’s so funny!”

“What’s the matter, Navy, has that been scared?”


The white pirates who held their breath were shocked at this moment and laughed freely, laughing wantonly.

“Redhead, what is your expression?”

Foil Bista raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t you know?”

Diamond Joz asked.

Faced with the inquiries of the white team leaders.

The little fat man Raqilu, Jesus Bu and other high-ranking cadres looked at each other.

That confused expression already said it all.

Even as Qi Yu’s close partners.

Never knew.

His own co-captain was able to complete the transformation of arrogance at other times.

“Even I am hiding it, it is too much ~ ”

Red-haired Shanknu Nunu mouth.

“Vice Qi, this really is…”

“Hahahahaha, there is never a limit, this is our co-captain!”

“Vice Qi’s body is always full of surprises!”

The senior cadres of the Red League laughed with all their shocking emotions.


Above the sky, the golden lion Squire laughed and avoided the rain of gunfire.

In an instant, the source of the ferocious fire is approaching.

“Just let the old man get started!”

Golden Lion Skey grinned.

The right foot big fast knife Sakura ten high up.


Tens of meters of brilliant golden sword qi flew out.

This blow was enough to cut off several warships in two.


A layer of green energy suddenly spread out from the hull of the Flying Battleship.

It was easy to stop the Golden Lion Stone’s all-out slash.


The steam rises on the deck of the battleship.

A shimmering metallic steel mech soars with a brilliant tail flame.

Then he rushed towards the Golden Lion Stone.

“Kula la”

“It’s a step backwards, Stoney!”

Whitebeard laughed heroically.

His right hand is a fist.

Continuous shaking of the fist.

The terrifying shaking force that was enough to overturn the earth surged like the waves of the sea.

The green energy defense wall rippled fiercely, and then a hole broke open with a click.

The residual shock force fell on the hull.

But it only left an inch of depression on it.

Far from being able to break through it.

The hull material of this flying battleship is the same as that of the encirclement wall.

Even the vibration of Whitebeard could not destroy it.

“ssg, go out!!!”

In the battleship command room, an old man in a white exercise suit once again gave an indifferent order.

Beep Toot!

That’s when it happened.

The piercing siren suddenly exploded.

A striking red light flickered.

“What’s wrong?”

Blonde hair and blonde beard five old stars stared wide-eyed.

“The Five Old Stars… No…… Big deal! ”

“The hull … It was cut!!! ”



An unprecedented burst of fireworks exploded above the skies of the Navy Headquarters.

That’s Qi Yu attacking!

Rotation – Sword of Victory!!!



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