Bonded by light.

Heaven and earth are connected.

Endless sun particles sprinkle with particles.

It’s like a burning spark.

Sprinkled on Qi Yu’s body.

Fully absorbed.

Over time.

The rest of the area between heaven and earth seemed to be all dark.

The place where Qi Yu is set off is as eye-catching as the lights in the night.

The breath of extreme horror and heat radiates out.

Even a strong person like the Great General Qing Yan felt a strong discomfort in it.

I just feel as if my body is about to melt.

“Damn, how could there be such a thing!”

“Can this arrogant bastard still burst out with such power?”

Marshal Sengoku clenched his fists reluctantly.

Face Qi Yu today.

He couldn’t help but feel powerless in his heart.

Unable to counter the power of the sun.

“He… What exactly does he want to do? ”

The steel bone air breathing rose and fell violently, and the eyelids jumped wildly.

There was a strong sense of foreboding in my heart for no reason.

His doubts were quickly answered.

Under the watch.

The brilliant ball of sun particle light that wrapped around Qi Yu suddenly collided.

It turned into a brilliant solar storm that spiraled upwards.

It eventually became an extension of the Sun Sacred Sword body in Qi Yu’s hand.


The void, the atmosphere, was penetrated by the blazing sun.

The sword body of the Sun Sacred Sword was easily a huge flying battleship that touched two hundred meters above its headquarters.

The green energy defense wall starts.

However, he couldn’t hold on even for a second.

It’s like rolling oil like ice and snow.

The breath of the ever-expanding sun penetrated the bow of the huge flying battleship, triggering a series of fault warnings.

And that’s not all.

The Sun Sacred Sword that ran through the Flying Battleship was still extending upwards.

Split thick clouds.

Until it is connected to the blazing sun above the nine heavens.


Qi Yu’s hands holding the sword turned slightly.

“Sword of Victory!!!”


The Sun Holy Sword, which extended for more than a few meters, slashed down with Qi Yu’s movements.

The slim and dazzling imprint shines.

The sky was divided.

The huge flying battleship split in two.

What was subsequently cut off was the naval headquarters, the sea.

The world fell into an absolute dead silence at this moment.

Time seems to freeze in this instant.

The eyes of those who witnessed this shocking image gradually opened wide, and the distance between their jaws and the ground became closer and closer.


It was as if a mirror were shattering in people’s ears.

It was the collapse of people’s retarded minds, and everything returned to reality.



A terrifying explosion sounded.

The huge flying battleship in the sky was cut off in two.

Before it can fall, it will explode.

Become one of the most expensive super fireworks ever.

The earth of Motobu is also unable to be calm.

Under that sword that is enough to reach the ‘center of the earth’.

A quarter of the islands are completely detached from their headquarters.

Driven by the rushing sea, the sinking accelerated.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The turbulence of heaven and earth gradually stopped.

Everything is calm again.


Sizzle ~~~

Everywhere on the battlefield, the sound of people inhaling cold air and the difficult rolling of throat knots rose and fell, one after another.


There was a lot of cheering.

“Oh oh oh oh”

It was the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates cheering.

“Good ~~Great~~~”

“Qi Yu is so powerful~”

“My family’s Qi Vice is also too strong!”

“Who can resist the machete of thousands of meters before?”

“What a captain of our ship!”

The little fat man Raqilu, Jesus Bu, Lao Jin and other red group high-ranking cadres all shouted with pride.

“Really strong!!!”

Marko, the leader of the White Regiment, had a drop of cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

“The battleship that even the shock of Daddy’s all-out effort could barely leave a mark was really cut down!!!”

Diamond Joz stared at the big and small eyes.

Can’t help but imagine in your mind that your diamond body can be stopped?

Diamond Joz was a thriller, and he already had the answer in his heart.

I definitely don’t want to try the Fa!

“Before, that and that… Is that also a sword skill? ”

“It’s an exaggeration!”

Team Captain Foil Bista screamed strangely.


The supreme fast knife with the strongest black knife was sheathed at night.

The world’s largest sword, Hawkeye Mihawk, was holding a black sword, and his sharp eagle eyes were fiery.

In the end, however, he just grinned and withdrew his bold thoughts.

“Lord Qi Yu~”

The female emperor Boyahan Cook cheongsam under the big long legs, white and pretty face turned red.

How hot is Qi Yu under the arrogant form.

She couldn’t wait to try it.

“Mr. Qi Yu is so handsome!”

Yamato cheered and danced like a little fan.

“Ahahahahaha, sure enough, that sword can exert the strongest power in Qi Yu’s hands!”

One Piece Roger was full of emotion.

“Shanks, there is such a terrible co-captain, you have to work harder!”

Reilly quipped.

“Spare me.”

Red-haired Shanks shook his head bitterly.

There is such a capable co-captain.

As a captain, he is really stressed.

Another direction.

“Kula la”

“I am the white-bearded man who would like to call you the strongest!!!”

Whitebeard laughed heroically.

“Hahahahaha, stupid Newgate, even if you don’t say it, he’s already the strongest!”

Golden Lion Skey laughed and dismantled.

For the exclamation of the four directions, Qi Yu was unheard.


He let out a soft breath.

The light around him dimmed slightly.

Sending out such a unique sword.

His own consumption will naturally not be less.



There was a sound of breaking wind in the sky.

Hundreds of meters above the sky, dozens of figures rushed out of the expensive fireworks.

It was one humanoid mech weapon after another.

The same mech model that was previously shot down by Golden Lion Stoney with some effort.

But there was no light.

The expensive humanoid mech was scorched black.

Many parts spark with snort.

Apparently damaged in the previous big bang.

“There are even small shrimps and rice surviving, this is my gaffe!”

Qi Yu whispered softly to himself.

End of words.

Sun Sword – The Sword of Victory Strikes Again.

Hundreds of meters of light cannons swept through the sky.

Boom boom!

The skies over the Navy headquarters once again exploded with brilliant and expensive fireworks.


The old man’s cold drinking suddenly exploded.

“Won’t let you do whatever you want!”

A second majestic voice fell.

Two old men piloted a dark humanoid mech and burst into the air with a terrifying rainbow.

In an instant, he killed Qi Yu.


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