“Kula la”

The supreme big fast knife cloud cut flew like a whirlwind.

Four white-bearded Edward Newgate attacked.

The domineering spirit wrapped around the overlord color is slashed down.


One Piece Roger’s eyes flashed red.

Armed color, smell color, and overlord color.

The three-color domineering qi fused with each other and wrapped around the supreme fast knife black knife Ace.

Become this type of evasion!

Even God has to hide!

Even God can’t dodge!

The two strongest overlords of the last era joined forces.

The two humanoid mechs that attacked Qi Yu did not wait to get closer, and they flew backwards.

All kinds of fine parts are scattered around.

Wait until you finally fall to the ground.

Only a roar was heard.

The two humanoid mechs completely disintegrated.

Revealing two of the old men.

“Five Old Stars!”

“That’s the Five Old Stars!”

“Even the five old stars have come!”

The navy crowd that recognized the identities of the two old men could not help but shout in shock once again.

The Whitebeard Pirates Regiment, the Red-Haired Pirate Regiment and the Supernova Pirate Regiment on the periphery were also shocked.

After all, those are the world’s highest powers standing at the top of power!

Always on top.

Dwelling in the depths of the Holy Land.

Take control of the world.

Yet for now.

As the supreme power in the world, they actually went down in person.

Walk down the holy ground and land on the battlefield.

And showed a good combat strength.

Even with the help of organic nails.

Able to withstand a blow from both Whitebeard and Roger unscathed.

Enough to prove their own strength.

“World Government, Five Old Stars”

The pale golden eyes of the white beard narrowed slightly.

“Ahahaha, I didn’t expect even you to be able to sit still!”

Roger carried the black knife Ace on his shoulder and grinned lightly.

Next second.

The smile on Roger’s face stagnated.

Not because of the five old stars not far away.

It’s because of the line of sight from behind.

“Those two men are my prey!”

Qi Yu was condescending, overlooking Roger.

“Ahahaha, sorry sorry!”

Roger smiled and consciously stepped aside.

“Newgate, let’s stay in charge of the Navy!”

Roger greeted.

“Kula la la, so be it!”

Whitebeard nodded.

“Finally met, five old men!”

Qi Yu took two steps forward and faced the two Five Old Stars.

“Are there only two of you here today?” A little bit is not enough! ”


The samurai old star in a white robe training suit snorted coldly and looked cold.

“Don’t underestimate us, arrogant little devil!”

“In this world, living long is a capital in itself!”

“We are stronger than you can imagine!”

Blonde five old stars confident way.

“Then come on!”

Qi Yu smiled and beckoned defiantly.


The blonde old star snorted coldly.

A powerful aura surges.

He transformed.

Three pairs of white wings stretched out from behind him.

Six wings and one spread.

The wind is blowing.

The raging storm pushed his body to disappear at great speed.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Qi Yu’s body.

“Fist of God!!!”

The blonde old star ate word for word.

The right fist is clenched and the light is shining.

Punch the gods!


The dull crash of flesh exploded.

Raging shock waves set off layers upon layers of earth.

The blonde old star’s pupils constricted.

The triumphant expression on his face disappeared.

Instead, there was a thick horror and incredulity.

He couldn’t believe it.

Strike your own full force.

He couldn’t even shake the man in front of him.

The other party just stood like this, motionless and received his blow.

“Fist of God? That’s it? ”

Qi Yu sneered.

“Do you dare to call yourself a fist of the gods?”

“Let’s go back and practice for a few hundred years!”

Qi Yu looked down at the blonde old star arrogantly.

Powerful momentum erupted.

The shocked blonde star slammed backwards.

The samurai old star flashed forward.

Hold on to your partner.

The look on the old face was extremely ugly.

Feel the overwhelming oppressive force from the man in front of you.

The blonde old star and the samurai old star are no longer the original publicity.

The old man’s face was irrepressibly shocked and uneasy.

His eyelids shook as if they were taptooing.

Countless cells all over the body are sounding the alarm and telling the story of danger.

This is something that has never happened in hundreds of years.

Even Locks, the overlord of the sea thirty-six years ago, had never felt that way for them.

As the commander-in-chief of the world government,

The supreme power on the surface,

The supreme of the Draco,

Elders who have lived for hundreds of years,

Naturally, they would not be some kind of waste Draco.


They are strong.

Hundreds of years of life, even a pig will become a sperm.

Not to mention them who have mastered the power of the powerful Demon Fruit.

As the combat power of the five old stars.

The strength of the blonde old star and the samurai old star is not under the general and the four emperors.


Even if you can’t win, no one can stop you if you want to go.

Not to mention the two together.


They also have a fatal weakness.

That is timidity and fear of death!

The longer you live.

The more you are in awe of life.

There is a growing fear of death.

Especially they are in high positions and control boundless power.

Nature does not want to easily lose everything in charge.

In front of the opponent of the weaker gear.

They can freely and freely maintain the posture of a strong person.

Arrogantly, teasing each other, and then ruthlessly killing.

However, when encountering enemies stronger than yourself.

Especially after an opponent who threatens their lives.

Even if there is only a small probability of death.

The first thought that comes into their minds is always ‘escape’.

Not willing to give everything and fight to the end.

This walk down the Holy Land was already an exception for them.

Even if they came to the battlefield, they had no intention of actually entering.

If you can rely on high-tech bombing weapons to completely destroy the other side, it is naturally the best.

If the situation is critical, then they will retreat as soon as possible.

It’s just a pity that the plan can’t keep up with the changes.

Their world government’s tens of billions of dollars to build a cross-era warship has not yet shown its power to the world.

The result was that Qi Yu slashed twice with a sword and slashed on the spot.

The massive amount of weapons and expensive mechs placed on the battleship also exploded in pieces.

Stimulated by this huge loss.

Their minds were hot, they forgot to run away, and instead took the initiative to enter.

Until now.

After seeing that his proud punch could not make Qi Yu lose blood.

Two five-old stars and one spirit regained consciousness.

Realized the seriousness of the matter.

The man in front of him was a strong man who was above the general and the four emperors, and the only one in the sea.

The combination of the two of them will definitely not be stronger than the previous marshals and heroes.

“What’s wrong? The supreme power of the five old stars, are you afraid? ”

“It’s boring to run away so quickly!”

Qi Yu wrapped his arms around him and opened his mouth with mockery.

“If you are really afraid, call the remaining three old men with you, and I can wait!”


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