“Bastard arrogance!”

“Are you determined to go to war with our world government?”

The blonde old star gritted his teeth and drank angrily, his face ugly.

“This is the war you have provoked!”

“Who do you think you are when you declare war on me?”

Qi Yu looked down on the two five old stars.

There is absolute arrogance between words and deeds.

Regard the world’s highest power, the Five Elder Stars, as nothing.


Listening to Qi Yu’s extremely arrogant words, the blonde old star couldn’t help but tremble with anger.

“No need to talk nonsense with him! Today’s old man wants to test whether you, the Five Emperors, are as strong as the rumors! ”

The samurai old star’s eyes flashed with coldness.


The sword roared like thunder.

The equal length sword in the hands of the samurai old star is sheathed.

The purple-black ghost qi that seemed to materialize lingered on the body of the sword, revealing a sinister meaning.

“Supreme Great Fast Knife Twelve Workers First Generation Ghost Cher?”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“Count your insights!”

The samurai old star smiled triumphantly.

“Not at all!”

Qi Yu shook his head suddenly.

The triumphant look on the Samurai Old Star’s face stagnated.

“Over the years, even the black sword has not been refined, just like a third-rate swordsman holding a divine soldier, it is really a tyrannical heavenly creature, and the pearl is covered in dust!”

Qi Yu laughed sarcastically.


For the first time in his life, the samurai old star who had been reprimanded by others and so despised by others had his eyebrows raised.

But what made him even more angry was yet to come.

“Leave it to me, let me help you grasp it!”

As Qi Yu spoke, he reached out his big hand to seize the first generation of the Samurai Old Star.

“Be careful!!!”

The blonde old star, who had been paying attention to the vigilance, let out a loud cry.

Behind him the white wings glowed.

Two terrifying hurricanes formed instantaneously, sweeping through Qi Yu’s breakthrough.

“The reaction is not slow, and your ability seems to be very interesting!”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow slightly.

He looked with interest at the six wings carried behind the blonde old star.

It was like the wings of an angel in myth and legend.

“Then fight!”

“How can you really be scared by a little ghost?”

The samurai old star took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and stepped on the moon and stepped into the air.

The figure fluttered.

There seemed to be a remnant of the Dao Dao in the void.


The crisp sound of the sword rose again, connecting into one.

The demon sword in the samurai old star’s hand also sheathed the sword and drew it out of the sheath at the same time.

Draw the knife at a rapid speed.

The atmosphere is rippling with it.

A purple-black sword qi that did not lose the Hawkeye Ping A shot out, accompanied by a thick ominous atmosphere.

That’s the demon spirit of the demon knife.

Qi Yu did not dodge or dodge.

Directly raise your fist to smash the sword qi of the samurai old star.

A trace of purple-black air flowed like a maggot of tarsal bone towards Qi Yu’s fist.

“This little trick doesn’t do much to me.”

Qi Yu didn’t care about the opening.

Above the fist emerged the strongest and strongest sun fire.

All the weirdness and foreboding were burned in an instant.

“So, how about this trick?”

A cold voice full of killing intent sounded from behind Qi Yu.

The voice fell at the same time.

The warrior old star tens of meters in front of Qi Yu’s line of sight slowly dissipated.

The warrior Lao Xing, who appeared behind Qi Yu at some point, mercilessly raised his sword and stabbed at Qi Yu’s back heart.


A crisp clash of gold and iron sounded.

The blade of the first generation of the Supreme Great Fast Sword was blocked by a dark sword body.


The samurai old star shouted angrily

The old face was full of anger.

This blow was a killing he had been brewing for a long time.

He had been showing weakness before, making Qi Yu let down his guard.

Then suddenly launch a thunderous blow.

Surprise the killer with his speed ability beyond the limit.

As long as the other party is not the owner of the domineering spirit who foresees the future, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Face his sudden space jump.

Qi Yu did not react, and he was about to be pierced by his first ghost.


At such a critical moment.

Halfway is to kill a journey to bite gold.

The red-haired Shanks, who had been fighting with the general Red Dog, did not know when to appear.

For Qi Yu to block this sword that must be killed.

“Really, Qi Yu, even if your flesh is very tough, you can’t always let others attack unguardedly!”

“If I hadn’t seen it in advance this time, you would have been pierced!”

Red-haired Shanks said worriedly.

“Unnecessary worries!”

Qi feather noodles do not change color.

“His knife is far from being able to seriously injure me!”

“I had deliberately wanted him to stab him and then take his first ghost!”

Qi Yu’s fierce opening.

Red-haired Shanks: “…”

Samurai Star: “…”

If another person says so, the redhead and the samurai old star only think that the other party is self-respecting and bragging.

However, if it is Qi Yu, especially the arrogant form Qi Yu, it is different.

He said that he would seize the Supreme Fast Knife at the cost of being pierced.

That must be the case.

The Samurai Old Star’s eyes twitched.

A blow that was previously thought to be necessary to kill turned out to be a trap for the other side.

This made him a little difficult to accept.

A moment of shock.

Danger looms in the dark.

Almost without hesitation.

The Samurai Old Star unfolded his super acceleration ability and instantly flew as far away as a hundred meters away.

Ling’s big hand grabbed the air again.

“That’s right, similar to the ability to teleport!”

Qi Yu nodded knowingly.

“Yes, you can’t keep up with my speed.”

Samurai Old Star smiled confidently.

This is also where he dares to stay in this battlefield.

Even if you can’t beat it.

Won’t he run yet?

On the speed of running.

Only the Navy Yellow Run can fight him.

For the speed confidence of the samurai old star.

Qi Yu did not comment.

On pure speed.

He really can’t do it.

But no one prescribes.

Be sure to catch up with the other person to hit.

“Go back, Shanks, don’t get in the way here.”

Qi Yu waved.

“Oh well”

Red-haired Shanknu Nunu mouth.

Saying nothing, he just stepped back.

Watch Shanks break out of the war that can foresee the future.

The samurai old star suddenly became angry again.

Convinced of his super-speed invincibility, he began to dissolve countless remnants around Qi Yu’s body, repeatedly jumping sideways.

Waiting for the opportunity.

Look for the best offensive opportunity.

“Oh well”

“What’s wrong? Is that helpless? ”

“Give up, you can’t keep up with my speed!”

“None of these remnants are entities, and each of them is also an entity!”

The samurai old star whispered confidently and triumphantly.

From time to time, the blade of the first ghost slashed through Qi Yu’s skin.

A fierce spark was wiped, leaving a faint white mark on the road.

When the number of attacks in the same location is sufficient.

Even Qi Yu’s Kongo body was wound in the opening.

“One hundred and twenty-eight knives only cut my skin, it’s really weak!”

Qi Yuhun didn’t care.


The samurai old star’s face was suddenly cold, and he was going to take advantage of the victory to pursue.


Qi Yu’s large hand finally grasped the hilt of his sword.

“No matter how many afterimages you conjure, no matter how fast you are, as long as you destroy them all at once!”

“You’ve been — dead!”

Qi Yu grinned.


The Sun Sacred Sword slashed straight ahead.

A fiery ring of fire spread instantly.

At the same time, there was a matchless tremor that surged out.

Break the law with one force.

All the remnants of the Samurai Old Star were shattered in an instant.

His true body avoided the bombardment of the Wheel of Victory Sword.

However, he was affected by the hidden double vibration and was forced to reveal his true body.

A momentary delay.

The brilliant, fiery cannon of light suddenly fell.

That’s when it happened.

Suddenly there was an explosion in the sky.

A dazzling little sun intervened between Qi Yu and the Samurai Old Star.

“Don’t forget me!”

The blonde old star of the animal esper’s ability to open up coldly stopped drinking.


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