A wave of N-fold war on top.

The war situation ‘clicked’ once again.

Even the five old stars, who are the highest power in the world, are personally killed.

The elites of the navy and the world government naturally could no longer sit and watch the play.

In order to save as much face as possible.

The Navy and the world government are already completely open-minded.

Even if he knew that he could no longer wipe out the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment here.

At least a few more people should be left behind.

The pirates can’t be allowed to retreat from this battlefield with such a big swing.

Face such a crazy navy with a world government.

The people on the pirate side are naturally under great pressure.

High-end battlefield.

Qi Yu hit two and didn’t want to let go of the two five-old stars of the rare ‘Nether’.

Except for him.

One Piece Roger and Whitebeard are also in full swing, causing a stalemate on the battlefield.

While Roger fights his old rival Kapu, he also carries the general Green Pheasant into the water.

Whitebeard’s opponents are the general Red Inuyasha and the elderly Steel Bone Kong.

If it was a previous injury state, Whitebeard naturally could not have dueled two general-level beings at the same time.

But now it’s different.

Under Qi Yu’s miracle of fairy beans, Whitebeard returned to the peak of his heyday.

On the other hand, the general Red Dog, who has fought with Whitebeard twice, has already suffered a lot of trauma.

Although the steel bone air is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, in the end it is still too old, and the combat strength has declined seriously.

Previously, he was slapped to the ground by Qi Yu, and his head was broken and bleeding.

The full white beard dragged two and dragged the two injured generals, naturally it was not a big problem.

Reilly still competes with the general Yellow Ape in swordplay.

The last Golden Lion Shiki, at this time, is eyeing the injured Marshal Sengoku.

Twenty-two years ago.

He was taken by Kapu in alliance with Sengoku.

This vendetta, the Golden Lion Shiki has always been recorded in the small book, and has not been crossed.

The top level of the general battlefield.

The people on the pirate side, even though they were outnumbered, were not weak in the slightest.

Even the faint upper hand.

With only five people, it is to drag the other eight generals.

There is still a free man, Red-haired Shanks, who can be used as a brick, where it needs to be moved.

The other side.

The battle situation under the general was extremely chaotic at the moment.

Originally, in terms of numbers, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was not dominant, only less than half of the Navy.

Although the number of world government reinforcements brought by the steel bone air is not more than a thousand, the strength is strong.

There are also a dozen humanoid mechs that have survived the Big Bang earlier.

Even though it was damaged by Qi Yu’s light cannon, it was still excellent in all aspects, not under the pacifists.

Even the Golden Lion Shiki had previously spent a lot of effort to dismantle a complete humanoid mech.

So to speak.

Face such a horrible lineup.

The white-bearded pirate group alone could not hold up.

It will be blown up in a short time.

Fortunately, it’s not just their white-bearded pirate group that’s here right now.

There is also a super large group of redheads and Qi Yu.

Flying Lion boat.

Aniru and the original cp9 Luci and others no longer watch the play, but also participate in the war.

After this period of tuning.

The empty island thunder god Aniru has been domesticated.

At this moment, under the order of the golden lion.

Without hesitation, he opened fire and plunged into the battlefield.

The natural ability to ring thunder fruits is amazing from the first appearance.

The elites of the navy and the world government fell one after another under the roar of thunder and lightning.

Powerful people below the rank of lieutenant general could not stop a roar of thunder at all.

Even the humanoid mech of the World Government was pierced by Aniru’s lightning.

During this time, Ainilu, who had been devastated one after another, finally stood up at this moment.

Except for Ainiru.

The original cp9 crowd led by Robb Luch was also in full swing.

Hunt down the world government cp killers who come with the steel bone.

Even when encountering familiar faces, they are ruthless.

Feel free to vent to the world government the resentment of being betrayed and hunted down.

Of course, it was only Aniru and Luke and others.

But it could not influence this huge war.

For the Navy and the world government.

The real threat is the Iron Walled Pirates led by Red-haired Shanks himself.

Red-haired Shanks without the restriction of a general-level strongman.

In this battlefield is equivalent to an invincible existence.

But Shanks didn’t mean to kill the ring.


He would have liked to have ended it all sooner.

Since it is impossible to get the Navy to give up the war.

Then put them all down, in a relatively gentle way.



The breath of the overlord who dominates the world swept the whole field.

It was the overlord domineering of the red-haired Shanks.

It is also the foundation of his foothold in the position of the Four Emperors.

As the world’s strongest overlord.

The red-haired Shanks’s Overlord color level is many times more powerful than the Straw Hat Luffy who first awakened.

Even the Overlord color of Luffy in the Straw Hat can stun hundreds of naval elites.

At this moment, when the red-haired overlord color domineering spirit is fully released.

Quick as a wink.

This battlefield, which gathered hundreds of thousands of navies and pirate elites, fell more than 30,000.


The top naval officials, led by Marshal Sengoku, shouted angrily.

“What are you doing, redhead!”

“Even our people have been affected!”

Many people in the Whitebeard Pirates were also frightened.

“Ahahahahaha, sorry sorry!”

“It’s also a means of reducing casualties!”

Red-haired Shanks Lotte laughed.

And the truth is indeed as he said.

The release of the Overlord color has reduced the casualties of the low-end battlefield.


Both the navy and the pirates need to allocate manpower to protect their unconscious companions from enemy knives.

In this way, some disputes are reduced.

Good for both the Navy and the pirates.

It’s just that

Right now.

The eight supernova pirate regiments on the edge of the battlefield were about to curse the mother.

Originally, they were just witnesses to history and came to see the play.

Yet for no reason.

The pirate ship parked on the coast was destroyed.

That’s it.

Now even they themselves are at war.

When the all-out war between the Navy and the pirates begins.

Whoever is on the battlefield, no one is spared.

These supernova pirates are also targeted by several World Government humanoid mechs.

Already overstretched, they were shocked by the red-haired Overlord color, and their manpower was instantly reduced, and they were in a difficult situation, and they had to form a pirate alliance.

The other side opposite the eight supernova alliances.

“Is the elixir that brought Whitebeard back to his peak to be Roger brought back from the realm of the dead, or the terrifying New Age Boy?”

“What if the old man sends charcoal in the snow now、、、”

Red Earl Redfield stood on a tattered humanoid mech and fell into thought.


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