The night was dark.

There is a white line on the endless blue sea, and the speed is extremely fast.

It was a small dhow.

Beneath the ship is a Neptune known for its speed.

“Ah~~~~ so boring and boring!”

On the observation deck of the sailboat, the girl in a wide kimono Yamato holds her hands on her knees and looks bored.


Yamato is only interested in everything about Mitsuki Mita.

Crazy digging up what idol Oda has experienced in the past.

Right now.

Yamato was interested in one more person.

Nature is Qi Yu.

He wanted to know what kind of capable person Qi Yu really was?

Want to know exactly how Roger One Piece was resurrected?

Want to know what is the panacea that brings Whitebeard back to life?

She desperately wanted to know everything about Qi Yu.

However, there has been no chance.

At the banquet the other day.

Even the redhead, who was Qi Yu’s closest companion, did not explore too much.


No inquiry was made about the reason behind Roger’s resurrection.

Naturally, she was not good enough to say anything more.

It was hard to find an opportunity to continue to follow Qi Yu out to sea.

Yamato wanted to seize this opportunity and communicate with Qi Yu well.


This whole day down.

She could hardly even see Qi Yu’s face.

The room where she could have stayed overnight.

It didn’t belong to her now.

You can’t even go inside and have a look.

She was like an abandoned pet.

I could only curl up on the lookout and sigh.


Come to think of it.

Yamato sighed again.

Beautiful eyes fall on the cabin below.

Listen to some faint sounds coming from among them.

Yamato looks complex.

“Is the game of the adults so much fun?”

Yamato skimmed his lips.

The body has long since matured.

But psychologically, Yamato is still a child’s mentality at all.

Of course, Yamato is not a pure little white like Han Cook.

Been in the Isle of Ghosts for so many years.

She had also inadvertently seen many pictures.

After all, the Oni Island originally had a wandering girl’s yard.

However, Xu is the sequelae of playing the manly Mita for many years.

Let Yamato subconsciously think that he should not like men, he should like women.

In addition, none of the Hundred Beasts on the Ghost Island could see through it.

In time.

Yamato, who had passed the budding period of adolescence, also lost interest in men.

Two years ago, Ace’s words were barely able to catch his eyes.

It’s just that at that time, Yamato only regarded Ace as his brother.

Naturally, there would be no other ideas.

Yamato thought he would probably be alone in his life.

There is no special emotion for a man or woman.



Drinking alone in this lonely night.

Listen to the sound of nothingness mixed in the wind.

Qi Yu’s figure unconsciously appeared in her mind.

A strange emotion ensued and spread to her limbs and skeletons.

The part of her body that was a woman gradually awakened.

“Mr. Qi Yu~”

Yamato is slightly short-breathed.

The white hands unconsciously 、、、

I don’t know how long it has been.


Yamato long outlet gas.

She raised her white hand to the bright moon in the sky.

Five fingers open.

In the moonlight.

Drops of crystal reflection between the fingers.

That’s when it happened.

“What’s wrong?”

Qi Yu’s voice suddenly sounded in Yamato’s ears without warning.

“Wow, ah, ah”

Listening to this familiar voice, Yamato was suddenly frightened and confused.

He quickly wiped his fingers on his clothes and sat down.

Red clouds flew up to her pretty white face.

In the end, even the snow-white neck was dyed with color.

“The vigil is hard!”

“Leave it to me in the middle of the night!”

“Just go get some rest, Yamato!”

Qi Yu smiled and sat down across from Yamato.

“No, no, no, not hard, not hard, Mr. Qi Yu is, and he should have a good rest.”

Yamato waved his hand continuously, if there was a way to point to it.

In the end, the sound is also getting lower and lower.

The little head was also getting lower and lower, and did not dare to look up.

Qi Yu grinned and smiled dumbly.

But it was soon back to normal.

The atmosphere on the lookout then quieted down.

Good moments.

The rosy color on Yamato’s face receded.

“Mr. Qi Yu”


“Can I ask you a few questions?”

Yamato decided to divert his attention.

“Ask, but I can’t guarantee you’ll get the answers you want.”

Qi Yu rested his hands behind his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

“It doesn’t matter, I just ask.”

Yamato waved his hand.

When even a small book is pulled out from the justice in front of you.

Qi Yu glanced at it, and his eyelids jumped slightly.

I wonder if it’s a bottomless pit?

How much love to hide things there!

“Then here it begins.”

Yamato is like a journalist.

I began to interview one by one according to the questions recorded in the small book.

Little by little, time passed.

Mei Li, a sheep towed by Neptunes, crossed the windless zone and reached the East China Sea.



Right now.

The Kingdom of Laborers in the East China Sea – Titchira Wolf.

This is a country on a bridge, or a country itself is a bridge.

Construction of this bridge began 700 years ago.

Most of the countries are the people and criminals of countries that refuse to join the world government.

Under the orders of the world government, Draco, people are forced to build bridges every day.

He lived a life of slavery that did not see the light of day.

About half a month ago.

This icy and snowy bridge kingdom has welcomed an alien visitor.

That was the ability of the tyrant bear of the Seven Martial Seas on the Chambord Islands to shoot all the way to this Straw Hat archaeologist Nicole Robin.

With outstanding abilities and rich experience in the underground world.

The newcomer Robin quickly groped the trail of the guards.

By his own ability and the help of the kind little girl prisoners.

Robin lurked quietly here.

Waiting for an opportunity to escape.

During this period.

She brought the newspaper through the little girl.

I learned about the big events that happened in the outside world.

Learned of the Whitebeard Pirates’ war with the Navy.

There is also Luffy, the captain who appeared in the war, and the first man to break into his heart.

Happy in the moment.

Robin’s daily actions are also increasingly vigilant.

Just if she was careful.

But it is impossible to avoid accidents.

Prolonged lurking.

It was impossible for her to completely erase the traces of her own existence.

It is even more impossible for everyone who knows their existence to keep this secret perfectly.


Under the strict investigation of the guards.

Robin, who had been lurking for half a month, was finally discovered.

Things are getting to their worst.


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