Kingdom on the Bridge – Tequila Wolf.

Heavy clouds of snow never disperse.

The sky was blank and snowy.

The earth is wrapped in silver.

The beautiful picture disintegrates under the rush of footsteps.

Teams of heavily armed state guards were dispatched.

Search for rats lurking in the shadows.

“Let’s go!”

“Don’t rub it!”

“How dare they harbor intruders without permission!”

“You slaves are so bold!”

“It’s not going to be that today!”


The fierce guards pushed and shoved several women and children.

Even if the little girl fell to the ground, she still dragged herself mercilessly.

Finally come to the square on the bridge.

Unlike the snow white of other areas.

The ground in the square area is black and red.

Even if it is covered with snow, it still has a cruel dark red.

This is a phenomenon that can only occur in areas where perennial executions are carried out.

Seven hundred years.

The bridge has been extending.

This execution square has also been following along.

Seven hundred years.

I don’t know how much blood is soaked in the blood of those who try to resist.

The black and red dirt was the blood and soul that had never dried up before.

“Lord Salis, everyone has arrived!”

A soldier respectfully bowed to the fat-headed, big-eared officer sitting on the high platform of the square.

“Is it these lowly slaves who are making trouble?”

The fat-headed and big-eared bridge superintendent spat out thick phlegm.

Tiny mouse-like eyes gleamed with subtle essence.

He walked down the high platform with a four-legged step.

Walk around several women and little girls.

“Sigh, I haven’t found out before, even among the slaves, there are cute children.”

Overseer Salis made no secret of his greedy gaze.

Frightened, the women rushed to take the children into their arms, and their bodies trembled with uncontrollable fear.

“Yes, that’s it!”

“Terror is something you can’t forget!”

“Fear is something that should be etched into your bones!”

Saris smiled happily.


His face changed and his words turned sharply.

“I really couldn’t have imagined that in the area under Lao Tzu’s supervision, there would be you daring untouchables who would harbor invaders privately, and you should know what a heavy responsibility this is!!!”

The Overseer Salis’s skull eyebrows erupted with a menacing glow.

“What awaits you will be the cruelest punishment, and what you will experience next is hell!”


Saris spoke again.

“If you can honestly hand over the invaders, maybe you can atone for your sins.”

“Long… Your Honor, but… But we really don’t know where Miss Robin is now? ”

A woman holding her child trembled through her mouth.

“Well, there’s no way around it!”

“You can only be executed!”

Saris grinned with an extremely penetrating smile.

“Attention intruder, please note intruder!”

“If it doesn’t come again—”

“From now on, kill one person every ten minutes!”

“Until the light is killed, until the light is killed!”

Saris’s voice spread throughout the area via telephone bugs.

Of course.

That’s what he said.

Because even if Robin really came out.

He still would not spare the women and children present.

The execution had already begun, and how could it be abandoned?

“Soldier, start the countdown to the death hourglass now!”

The corners of Saris’s mouth grinned with a cruel arc.

“There’s no need for this!”

A beautiful female voice suddenly came from the air.

The people in the square subconsciously looked up.

An angel with wide wings swept through the air and descended from the sky.

Stay on the ground.

The angelic wings suddenly turned into countless petals and dissipated.

“You’re looking for me, and it has nothing to do with these people.”

Robin spoke in a deep voice.

If it’s before.

She had long since escaped alone, without any moral bondage.

But not now.

Since meeting the Straw Hat gang and Qi Yu.

Robin has changed.

No longer the ruthless woman who could be used or betrayed by anyone.

For those who have been kind enough to help themselves.

Robin couldn’t give up anyway.

Even if it puts you in danger.

“Hahahahaha, here it comes, it really comes!”

Saris burst out laughing.


The crowd of executioners behind him also laughed in unison.

“Sister Robin, you can’t come, even if you come, he won’t let us go, don’t care about us.”

The little girl who had helped Robin in the first place held back tears of fear.

“It’s too late to know now!”

Saris smiled triumphantly.

Snap Click!

Countless muzzles were aimed at Robin.

“Now obediently raise your hands and surrender, I may be able to keep you alive.”

Saris’s gaze greedily swept over Robin’s delicate body.

It was the first time he had ever met a woman with such a remarkable appearance.

Just as Sarris is immersed in beautiful fantasies.

“Saris, wait, get your guys to put their guns down!” Don’t hurt him! ”

A voice tinged with ecstasy came from near and far.

Saris frowned and turned his head.

When he saw the person coming, he immediately changed into a flattering smile.

“Captain Spenderson of cp5, what kind of wind is blowing you here!”

Saris stepped forward attentively.

“I just happened to have a bunch of slaves delivered, but that’s a coincidence!”

Cp5 Commander Spandasen crossed over Saris and his eyes locked on Robin.

“I didn’t expect to encounter such a huge credit for a delivery mission!”

“Brother Spandain is dead, and now it’s my time, thank you so much, Nicole Robin!”

“You will be the best prop for Lao Tzu’s promotion!” Hahahahahaha! ”

Spandasen laughed wildly.

Robin pursed his lips and sighed darkly.

As a result, things have come to the worst.

This is also the biggest reason why she has always been hiding and afraid to appear.

After all, this bridge is the territory of the world government.

If someone recognized her identity.

Then this bridge will become another hesitant bridge.

Only this time.

But there will be no more heroes who can save her from fire and water.

Just as Robin was thinking so.


It’s like a meteorite hitting the earth.

The huge bridge suddenly shook violently.

It seems to have been bumped by a large sea king.

The violent shaking caused the people on the bridge to scream in panic.

“What the hell is going on?”

People shouted and suddenly turned their heads to see the source of the vibration.


A dazzling round of the sun immediately came into view.


Robin raised her hand and covered her red lips.

There is a buildup of water mist between the eyes.


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