The sun is falling on earth.

The sky is shining.

The sun’s rays shone brightly.

The cold that has enveloped this place for seven hundred years seems to have dissipated.

“What the hell is going on?”

“What the hell is that?”

Sarris, Spandasen and the others all screamed in unconsciously terrified.

Next second.


A terrible scream began.

Blood rained down.

Stained the snow red.

“Moon Step – The Road of Thorns!!!”

A pair of black tight skirts, blonde beauty Kalifa with her legs wrapped in delicate silk, stepping on the moon and leaping in the air.

The figure is erratic.

She waved her hand lightly.

A thorn whip snakes with a serpentine shape.

Passing through a group of soldiers.

Like a storm, dozens of soldiers flew in an instant.

“You are…”

Robin took a deep breath.

Forced to suppress the excitement and excitement in my heart.

Beauty turned to fall on the blonde woman in front of her.

“CP9’s Carlyfa! Why are you here! ”

Robin exclaimed in shock.

Nothing could have been imagined.

He even met his former rival Kalifa here.


Look at the situation.

Khalifa is not on the side of the world government.

More like coming to her rescue?

What’s going on!

Rao is as intelligent as Robin, and he is already puzzled at this moment.

“Don’t… Don’t get me wrong, Nicole Robin! ”

Kalifa pushed the glasses with her fingers, and her pretty face appeared a little cramped.

“I… I just happened to be passing by! ”

Robin: “…”

“Are you the traitor Carly!!!”

Commander Cp5 narrowed his eyes in shock, pointed at Califad, and shouted in shock.

“You traitor, why are you here?”

“But if I wait a moment and get you and Nicole Robin back together, won’t I do another great job?”


Captain Cp5’s greedy gaze swept over Califa and Robin.

“The Spenda family, it is indeed a scum of the scum, which is really disgusting!”

Carlyfa’s cold opening.

“What do you say!!!”

Spandasen was furious.

Just wanted to order cp5 crowd raid.

Next second.

The whip of thorns with blood light enlarged from his pupils.

Skimmed by.

One of the spikes took away a bloody eyeball.


It screamed like a slaughtered pig.

“Damn damn damn damn”

“Kalifa, you traitor, you will never spare you!”

“Give it all to me!” I’m going to make her my slave!” ”

Spandasen covered his bleeding eyes and screamed bitterly.

“Yes, sir!”

A group of CP5 spy agents attacked.

Then Qi Po Street.

The comprehensive strength of the ten secret spy organizations of the world government.

Cp0 first!

Cp9 second!

Everything else is rookie.

Not even the six forms are fully learned.

In front of the superman Carlyfa, who was proficient in the Six Styles and had more than six hundred Dao Strength, he naturally couldn’t turn over much wind and waves.

“Bastard, don’t get carried away!!!”

Bridge Overseer Salis yelled in his throat.

“Full Shooting Ready!!!”

Snap Click!

The sound of bullets being loaded is incessant.

Kalifa’s hands were wide open.

Superman is capable of bubble fruit, fully open.

Countless relaxation bubbles are flying out in all directions.

Attached to the bodies and hands of a group of overseers.


“Power is lost!”

“My power…”

In the midst of the wailing, the soldiers with guns fell to the ground in pieces under the special effect of relaxing the bubbles.

However, there are still fish that have slipped through the net.

Just as Kalifa was preparing to take the shot with an iron block.

“Thirty Wheels of Flowers – Hook and Claw”

Robin crossed his hands.

Superman is capable of initiating flowers and fruits.

Solve all the missing fish in one go.

“Thank you”

Kalifa thanked him, and his voice was as thin as a mosquito’s fly.

“You’re welcome!”

Robin smiled.

“It’s better to say thank you to me!”

Robin stepped forward lightly, back-to-back with Califa.

Face the enemies who are gathering from all directions.

“Things that happened before… I’m sorry. ”

Kalifa pursed her lips and apologized softly.

“It’s okay, I forgive you!”

Robin smiled.

“Oh well”

Now it’s Carlyfa’s turn not to go.

I didn’t expect to get Robin’s understanding so easily.

Because of the Justice Island incident, they cp9 caused great harm to Robin and the Straw Hats.

“You, you, you… Nicole Robin, you really…”

“You’re here with Mr. Qi Yu this time!”

Robin spoke.


Kalifa nodded.

“Then it will be all right, now we are no longer hostile, we are already a gang!”

Robin’s free way.

As intelligent as she was, she already saw through everything.


Originally when he saw Kalifa appear.

Robin was also shocked.

But think of the sun that illuminated the sky before.

Robin understood everything.

“Nicole Robin, you really…”

Kalifa still had some inability to accept being easily forgiven.

“Compared to that, let’s focus on the present now!”

“Also, if Miss Califa can work with me to protect everyone, I would be really grateful.”

Robin said, the flower and fruit ability is activated again.

Bring down enemies in your field of view as much as possible.

Kalifa nodded and said no more.

Join Robin in blocking the soldiers’ attack.


Loud laughter came from the turret not far away.

“Bastard invader, don’t get carried away!”

“Execution—following …”

Without waiting for the Overseer to finish speaking, Salis pressed the firing button.

Thunder gossip!!!



There was a piercing popping sound in the atmosphere.

A dark mace fell with a thousand gravity.

One stick is to destroy and explode the entire turret where Salis is located.



“That’s that…”

“That’s… Monster! ”

“Here comes the monster!”

“The monster emperor with a reward of six billion is coming!”

The screams of the people came and went, one after another.

After seeing Qi Yu walking slowly.

The tense heartstrings of the soldiers on the bridge broke.

Emotions called fear surged out involuntarily, occupying their whole body.

Right now.

After witnessing the horror of the Sea Emperor appearing in person.

The soldiers had only one thought in their minds, and that was to run!

But they didn’t wait to run very far.

In the darkness, an invisible pressure passed like a tidal wave of the sea.

Suddenly, the world was quiet.

The bodies of all the soldiers froze without warning.

Then he fell to the ground and lost consciousness completely.

In the snow.

Qi Yu slowly moved forward.

Finally standing in front of Robin and Califa.

“Well done, girls!”


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