“Well done, girls!”

Qi Yu smiled and nodded in approval, and his large hand was raised and caressed on Robin and Kalifa’s little heads.

“Lord Qi Yu ~~~”

Kalifa’s hands were folded, full of joy.

“、、、 really warm”

Robin took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and felt a warmth and stability in her heart that had never been seen before.

Under Qi Yu’s touch.

Robin only felt that all the cold outside was far away.

It was as if this was not an extremely cold area of ice and snow.

It is a pure land of birds and flowers, sunshine and warmth.

This is the power of the sun!

“I want me too!”

“Mr. Qi Yu, I want to be rewarded too!”

Yamato trotted in a hurry.

Bring your head in front of Qi Yu.

Qi Yu did not refuse.

Gently brush over Yamato’s silver hair.

“Oops, hey, hey”

Feeling the warm breath from Qi Yu, Yamato couldn’t help but squint his eyes and look delicate.

Look at Kalifa next to you, and then look at Yamato.

Robin’s small face was suddenly solemn.

There was a sense of urgency in my heart for no reason.

Just as Robin was having a series of brain-mending fantasies going on in his head.

“Sister Robin, Sister Robin”

A little girl weakly stepped forward and pulled the hem of Robin’s pants.

“What’s wrong, Xiao Xia!”

Robin crouched down and affectionately touched the kind girl who had helped her in the first place.

“Sister Robin, what are we going to do next?”

The little girl named Xiao Xia asked at a loss.

The women and other children in front of them were also full of panic.

They are overjoyed that they can be saved.

However, when they think of the future, they are inevitably wandering.

Now they are indeed saved.

But what about later?

If only Robin and the others had just left.

There will still be no change in the country on this bridge.

Saris is dead, and someone will take his place.

At that time, their fate will probably not be much better than today.

“Don’t be afraid!”

“There’s no need to be afraid anymore!”

“Xiao Xia, looking at this big brother, you should recognize it!”

Robin pointed to Qi Yu.


The little girl blinked her eyes wide and nodded weakly.

“Like in the newspaper, it’s a very powerful big brother!”

Robin handed Qi Yu a look of help.

Qi Yu smiled and nodded.

Now that I’ve made this trip.

Naturally, he wouldn’t do nothing.

For Qi Yu, this is just a show of hands.

And maybe he doesn’t need to bother with it.

Qi Yu, who knew everything, certainly wouldn’t be unaware.

The revolutionary army has been planning for a long time in this kingdom on this bridge.

The military revolution is just around the corner.

Qi Yu only needed to be responsible for clearing the troops.

The rest of the troubles are left to the revolutionary army.

“Little girl, don’t linger, the wind and snow have passed, and the sky will eventually clear!”

Qi Yu’s big hand touched the little girl’s little head.

He took a few steps straight forward.


The Sacred Sword Gallatin was sheathed in response.

With the instillation of Qi Yu’s strength.

The simulated sun resonates and moves inside the hilt of the sword.

The sun’s radiance spread.

Melted the snow and ice.

At the same time, it also dissolves people’s inner uneasiness.


Qi Yu’s right hand was raised high above his head.

The body of the Sun Sacred Sword stretched for three thousand meters, running through the thick clouds that had not been dispersed for hundreds of years.

“Sword of Victory!!!”

Qi Yu’s right hand holding the sword waved brazenly.

The infinitely extended sunlight cannon tore through the sky.

Thick clouds that shattered for hundreds of years.

Warm sunlight sprinkles the bridge.

It represents new life and hope.

“Dear Emperor of the Sea, Mr. Qi Yu”

An elderly man of extraordinary grace walked briskly under the escort of the goggle warrior.

Standing about ten meters away from Qi Yu, he respectfully gave a salute.

“I have always heard that Mr. Qi Yu has invincible assets, and the old man has admired him for a long time, and when he saw him today, he really lived up to his name!”

The old man opened his mouth with a look of emotion.

Even in the face of the strongest man in the world.

But it also has its own style.

Not as nervous as the goggles young people behind them.

“Who are you?”

Kalifa stepped forward vigilantly and scolded.


Robin’s eyes narrowed slightly.

This half a month of lurking.

On several occasions she was nearly discovered by the enemy.

But every time you can turn the risk into a disaster.

Once or twice it comes down to luck.

However, three or four times down, you can’t simply use good luck to prevaricate.

Although I don’t know who the other person is.

But Robin knew.

Kingdom on this bridge.

There is a mysterious force against it.

“Sorry, Sea Emperor Qi Yu, almost forgot to introduce himself!”

“The old man is the captain of the eighth detachment of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army!”

“This time this is precisely to liberate this kingdom on the bridge!”

The old man spoke.


Kalifa subconsciously tensed her delicate body.

For the world government.

The revolutionary army is the greatest enemy.

The previous brainwashing education made Califa instinctively react hostilely to the life of the revolutionary army.

But soon.

Kalifa was the one who reacted.

She is no longer a killer of the world government.

Nature doesn’t need to be the way it used to be.

Come to think of it.

Kalifa’s taut delicate body gradually soothed.

“It turned out to be a revolutionary army!”

Robin nodded knowingly.

After knowing the truth, it was not too surprising.

“Revolutionary Army, then, can I trouble you to take care of these people?”

Qi Yu smiled and opened his mouth.

“Of course”

The old man nodded in response.

“We are here to carry out the revolution and liberate everyone on this bridge!”

“Thanks to Mr. Qi Yu’s unstingy help this time, it is really a big help!”

“I don’t remember anything to help you.” Qi Yu Dao.

“Mr. Qi Yu, your presence is the biggest help.”

“I think the guards of the kingdom on the bridge are already too frightened to resist because of your name.”

The old man silently patted a horse’s ass.

“It’s just that if Mr. Qi Yu can stay here for a few more days, it would be perfect!”

“Oh well”

“Well, then do as you wish!”

Qi Yu nodded his head.

“Just hope my stay of a few days isn’t a waste of time!”

“Yes, the guarantee is not in vain!”

The old man nodded.

A few minutes ago.

Soon after discovering Qi Yu’s appearance.

He had already contacted Baldigo, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, through a special telephone bug.

I believe that in a few days, the leaders and high-level leaders of the revolutionary army will join forces!



Right now.

Thousands of miles away at the top of the Red Earth Continent, the Holy Land of Mary Joy.

“Five old stars, big things are not good!”

A world government official crawled into Marijoy’s deepest chamber.

“What’s going on?”

The curly-haired aristocratic old star reprimanded with dissatisfaction.

“Report, Five Old Stars, news from the Kingdom on the Bridge!”

“Not long ago, the Five Emperors… The Uncrowned Emperor Arrogant Qi Yu landed in Tequila Wolf! ”

“And… And the revolutionary army also began to move, and now Tequila Wolf has fallen! ”

World government officials trembled.

“What do you say!!!”

The old people in the main hall suddenly stood up, their eyes tearing up.

“After the One Piece Alliance, is this a revolutionary army?”

“The red-haired pirates, that arrogant bastard, don’t you just want to fight us?”

The five old stars can no longer calm down.

The unprecedented alliance of the Sea Emperor plus the revolutionary army deep below.

The two are combined.

The foundations of their world government are really going to be shaken!!!


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