Early morning.

The morning light is faint.

The eastern skyline lit up with a touch of fish belly white.

The gentle morning sun sprinkles and dispels the cold.

People walked out of the door in pairs and enjoyed the warm sunshine.

The Kingdom of Titchera Wolf, which had been oppressed for seven hundred years, finally ushered in the day of liberation.

The deterrence of the Emperor on the sea, plus years of careful preparation by the revolutionary army.

It was only a day.

This national subversion has been controlled by the world government for seven hundred years.

There is no oppression.

There is no exploitation.

Everything is thriving.


Right now.

A tall building in the center of the town on the bridge.


“Good morning~”

Blonde Hi Si’s secretary, Califa, yawned and walked out of his room.

He casually said hello to the two people at the table.

Robin, wearing thick dark circles, spoke to Yamato who did not speak.

Just looked at Carlyfa without blinking.

“What are you doing looking at me like this?”

Carifa inquired incomprehensibly.

“By the way, do you know where Lord Qi Yu went?”

“Mr. Qi Yu’s words, who were invited by the revolutionary army earlier, should come back soon!”

Robin replied.

“Well, then I’ll go wash up first.”

Kalifa kicked her slippers and turned and walked toward the bathroom.

“Alas, I originally wanted to take a bubble bath with Lord Qi Yu.”

Kalifa said to herself.

Robin and Yamato: “…”

Look at the broken silk on Carlyfa’s feet.

Robin’s small mouth tightened.

The pretty face looked more solemn than ever.

Yesterday, when I saw Kalifa and Qi Yu appear together.

Robin should only be Kalifa who abandons the dark and casts the light.

As for more, deeper relationships.

She didn’t think about it.

Or don’t want to think about it.

Just for now.

Even if you don’t want to.

Listening to the 、、、 of the night last night

Even a fool can see the relationship between Kalifa and Qi Yu.

Definitely not an ordinary boss and secretary.

When she didn’t know.

Kalifa had already become Qi Yu’s right-hand man.

Become a capable secretary next to Qi Yu.

Obviously, it was only two months before and after.

Just don’t pay attention.

It is to let others get there first.

Or the enemy of the past.

Robin’s mood at the moment is not to mention how complicated it is.

“Obviously I came first!”

Robin stammered, not without a whisper of grievance.

The feelings that were suppressed that day were now like a blowout.

It can no longer be suppressed.

Right now.

Robin’s mood was regret.

Very regretful.

If it was in the capital of water at that time.

She could have been a little bolder.

Take the initiative.

Then now everything will be different.

It should have been her who accompanied Qi Yu last night.

Instead of being alone against the wall to comfort alone.

“What’s the matter, you two, you look absent-minded and have no spirit, didn’t you rest last night?”

Qi Yu’s voice rang out.


“Mr. Qi Yu”

The absent-minded Robin and Yamato stood up in shock.

Qi Yu pressed one hand on the shoulders of the two and sat down.

“If you are tired, don’t hold on, finish breakfast, and then go to rest.”

Qi Yu said comfortingly.


Yamato emphasis.


Robin tapped his chin.

Feeling the warm care from Qi Yu, her tense pretty face soothed.

A happy smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

The next second, however.

“Lord Qi Yu~”

Kalifa’s voice came from the bathroom.

“What’s wrong?”

Qi Yu asked.

“Lord Qi Yu, I forgot to take my clothes, can you help me go to the room and get them?”

Carly said.

Qi Yu: “…”

This Nizi definitely meant it!

Who bathes without clothes!


“All right!”

“I’ll send it to you later!”

Qi Yu should go down.

“Oh well”

Kalifa sighed in disappointment.

What she wanted was for Qi Yu to send it now.

Then the two of them spoke together.

Seeing that Kalifa’s ‘little conspiracy’ did not succeed.

The pretty faces of Robin and Yamato suddenly became agile.

Simple used breakfast.

“I’m out!”

Yamato went out with his diary.

Get ready to go out and collect the wind.

Then write a diary of your own sailing adventure.

“Regarding the history of this bridge, Robin, if you are interested, you can go to the Revolutionary Army to see it, and all the information has been sorted out.”

Qi Yu said casually.


Robin casually responded.

If it was in the past.

In the face of historical issues.

Robin has always been very serious.

Especially this 700-year-old bridge.

Very close to the blank of a hundred years.

There is a need to dig deeper.

Yet for now.

Robin’s attitude was somewhat careless.

Because of the moment.

The big decisions of her life are going on in her mind.

Look at Robin’s serious look.

Qi Yu only thought that Robin was thinking about some historical problem.

So I didn’t bother.

Turn around and go back to your room.

I took a dress from my suitcase and prepared to deliver it to Kalifa.

That’s when it happened.



Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

Turning around, Robin followed and locked the door.

Without waiting for Qi Yu to say anything.

Next second.

Wen Xiang Ruan Yu crashed into his arms.

Robin took a deep breath.

With all his strength, he crashed into Qi Yu’s arms.


A pure petal with a unique fragrance of the virgin falls.


Pure points.

“Mr. Qi Yu~”

Robin exhaled like an orchid.

A pair of eyes seemed to carry a pool of autumn water, affectionate style, staring at Qi Yu without blinking.


Qi Yu wrapped his backhand around Robin’s waist.

Ask while knowing the answer.

“Mr. Qi Yu really is!”

“I’ve done it all this way~”

Robin Nunu mouth.

“Have you really thought about it?”

Qi Yu looked slightly solemn.


Robin emphasized.

“Thank you very much for the hospitality!!!”





An hour.

Two hours.


Kalifa bubbles out of the water with large swaths of bubbles.

Even bathing is something she enjoys.

After a long time, it is inevitable that you will get bored.

Especially when there is no waiting for the person who likes it.

“Really, what is Lord Qi Yu doing?” I won’t forget it! ”

Kalifa muttered as she went out.

Wait until you get to the living room.

The expression on her face was momentarily frozen.

Next second.

“Finger the gun!!!”

A slim jade finger pierced the door lock like a bullet.


The unlocked door opens in response.

“Ah, Lord Qi Yu, would you mind letting me join in as well?”

Kalifa asked with a smile.


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