Carlyfa and Robin.

Once an enemy at odds.

Following yesterday.

Once again, we stand side by side.

And then – defeat!!!




Night falls.

“I’m back!”

Yamato said hello and pushed the door in.

It’s like a tired student returning from a school trip.

“Ah, Yamato is back, wash your hands and get ready to eat!”

Robin greeted her warmly with a beautiful meal.

This is like a mother who welcomes her daughter back.

Plus Qi Yu, who reads the newspaper at the table while waiting for the meal.

Live and let go is a warm mouthful of three… A family of four.

“Aaaah, Robin, this and this… What’s next? ”

From the kitchen came Califha’s scrambling cries for help.

“Here it comes”

Robin hurried back.

This saved a kitchen tragedy.

Yamato, with a confused expression on his face, sat down next to Qi Yu, who was seriously reading the newspaper.

“Mr. Qi Yu”

Yamato pokes and pokes at Qi Yu’s arm.


Qi Yu asked without looking up.

“Miss Robin and Miss Carlyfa, she… When did they become so good? ”

Yamato asked with a surprised face.

For Robin and Carlyfa’s past.

Yamato has also heard of it.

Just two months ago.

They are still enemies of life and death.

Kalifa also did something very excessive to Robin.

Yet now.

The two housewives in the kitchen who helped each other in aprons seemed to be real sisters.

“What a miracle! Mr. Qi Yu, how did you do it? ”

Yamato shook his head and murmured in shock.


Qi Yu frowned slightly, just glanced at Yamato and didn’t say anything.

“Sorry sorry sorry”

Yamato sneaked away with a cigarette and went to rinse his body.

Dinner ended in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

Yamato, who had been away for a day, yawned and went to rest early.

Robin and Carlyfa after a simple tidy up.

Both go back to the room.


This night.

Yamato, who had just fallen asleep for a short time, was once again insomnia.

Silently get up and sit against the wall.

Listen to the sounds next door.

Yamato finally figured it all out.

Understand why Robin and Carlyfa can live together in such harmony regardless of their previous grievances.

Feelings are now the only one outsider to her.

Come to think of it.

Yamato couldn’t help but cry.

At the same time, there is an impulse in the heart.

She wanted to boldly push the door out and join.

In the end, however, she was unable to muster up the courage.

It can only be crouched against the wall and silently comforting itself.

At the same time, it is also comforting myself in my heart that I am still young and that there will be time in the future.



It’s late at night.

The next morning.


“Good morning.”

Yamato, with thick dark circles under his eyes, yawned a big and walked out the door listlessly.

“Good morning~”

Robin should smile and drink.

Different from yesterday.

Robin’s spirit was stronger this morning than ever.

Now in the heart knot is fully opened.

Robin felt like he had a second spring.

Even the skin is more delicate and shiny than before.

Changed from the original healthy wheat skin color to snow white.

Simple with breakfast.

Robin didn’t shut down.

Explore the 700-year history of the bridge with Yamato.

Watch Robin and Yamato go out.

Carlyfa’s heart was filled with joy.

The little feet under the table lifted restlessly.


Qi Yu decisively grabbed Kalifa’s ankle.

Carlyfa’s face was full of anticipation.

Qi Yu: “…”

Indulging in pleasure is not good.

Qi Yu felt the need to make corrections.

“Go, pack up, and go out with me!”

Qi Yu Dao.

“Alas, alas!”

Carifa was disappointed.


Qi Yu squinted at her like that.


Kalifa skimmed her lips.

Although slightly disappointed.

But since it was Qi Yu’s order, there was no way.


Kalifa suddenly thought.

I don’t know what to do next.

But it was only her and Qi Yu who were together.

It’s a date in the world of two!!!

Come to think of it.

Kalifa couldn’t help but be excited.

She went back to her room in a fit of rage.

Got the prettiest clothes.

I painted the most delicate makeup.

Then followed the day.

Walking into the high heels of Hi silk little feet are soft.

There is no romantic date at all.

Qi Yu just took her step by step to measure the length of this bridge that was seven hundred years old.

But fortunately.

Finally finally.

Walking to her stiff feet, she was still rewarded with Qi Yu’s princess hug.

That’s all.

Kalifa has no regrets.

The days of peace and fulfillment continue.

In the blink of an eye, it was two more days.

Early morning on the fourth day of the liberation of the Kingdom of Tequila Wolfe on the bridge.


A ‘black beast’ appeared on the surface of the East China Sea.

Appeared in the sight of the people on the bridge.

Black beasts, riding the wind and waves.

Forcefully overwhelm all the waves.

This is a super battleship that is not under the size of the top war-class warships of the Navy Headquarters.

The flag of ‘freedom’ flying on the mast represents its belonging.

This is the treasure ship belonging to the world’s most evil force, the revolutionary army.

Right now.

On the deck of this revolutionary army’s highest-standard treasure ship, the most luxurious lineup of revolutionary army forces gathered.

The man in the dark green trench coat, with a resolute look and a mysterious red stripe on half of his cheek, was the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi Dron.

On the cannon at the bow of the ship sat a young blonde young man in a top hat.

He was a rising star in the revolutionary army, the reserve chief of staff, Saab, and a member of the three brothers of the Straw Hat, who is still in a state of amnesia.

On the left side of the ship, dressed in a burst cardigan, the fiery Eastern Army commander Belobetti quietly smoked a cigarette.

Dressed in a sailor’s suit, Morrie, the commander of the Western Army of the Giants Demon Demon, was writhing.

Lindbergh, the commander of the Confederate Army, a Fur scientist, sat on the second deck to debug his scientific weapon.

Cherished esper ability, the commander of the Northern Army, Kallas, held his arms in his arms and did not anger himself.

In addition, the main cadres such as Deputy Commander Ashlu, Fishman Karate Instructor Haku and Kirla also gathered together.

It has only been two days since the major incident at the Navy Headquarters.

The revolutionary army, the number one thorn in the eye of the world government, is pouring out.

This is an anomaly for the revolutionary army, which has always been known for its caution and caution.

However, in the eyes of the leader Long and the major military commanders, their move was very necessary and meaningful.

Because this may be a world-changing meeting!!!


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