“Mr. Long, everyone, you can already see yo, there are about three thousand meters to the southeast.”

On the mast observation deck, Kirrabi, a young girl wearing goggles and with short orange hair, estimated the distance and reported.

“Are you going to see you soon?” People’s hearts are trembling! ”

The commander of the Western Army, the hot-eyed giant demon Morrie, twisted his waist.

“Hahaha, Mori, don’t mess around when you see that one later, beware of being disgusted to that one, and it’s not good to slap you later.”

Fur scientist Lindbergh laughed.

“Annoying ~”

Morrie cocked his orchid finger.


A harsh murmur of unclear meaning begins.

“Kalas, you forgot to make a sound again!”

Belobetti stroked her forehead.


The Northern Army commander Kallas, who was not angry and arrogant, broke the feats in a second.


The amplifier switch is on.


Kalas apologized for his loss.

“That’s it.”

Belo Betty waved.

The eyes under the pink-purple sunglasses look at the bridge in the southeast direction.

The tension is also accompanied by a hint of anticipation.

“Gentlemen, be prepared to meet the King of the Sea!”

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long waved a big hand.


The wind howled.

The sea roared

The treasure ship of the revolutionary army, driven by waves and strong winds, approached Titchira Wolf.

Ten minutes later.

The treasure ship like a black beast docked at the landing point of the bridge.

“Mr. Dragon!”


Banijo and other revolutionary soldiers involved in the liberation movement on the bridge shouted excitedly and greeted them.

“Comrades, hard work!”

“This time you have also achieved the revolution perfectly!”

The revolutionary Long stood at the bow of the ship and gave an impassioned speech of encouragement.

“No, no, no”

“All are the leaders of Mr. Long!”

“Mr. Long, you are the light that guides us!”

“And this time, Lord Qi Yu also helped a lot!”

“Without Mr. Qi Yu, our actions would certainly not have gone so smoothly!”

A group of revolutionary soldiers spoke one after another.


The leader dragon nodded.

Jump down from the bow of the ship and land first.

This was followed by the young Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Saab.

This was followed by four major military commanders, Belobert, Lindbergh, Morrie, and Kallas.

Finally, there are Kirla, Ashlu, Haku and other small cadres.

The top brass of the revolutionary army were almost gathered.


Banijo and the others, who witnessed this spectacular picture, rolled their throats with difficulty.

“It’s awesome!”

“The general assembly of cadres!”

“This oppressive force is really not ordinary!”

The revolutionary soldiers sighed and gave way to a road.

“Only that gentleman deserves a grand gathering of the top brass of our revolutionary army!”

Banijo and the others looked toward the end of the harbor.

Qi Yu stood calmly with his hands in his hands.

Only one person.

But it is enough to stand up to thousands of troops.

On momentum.

Even the total assembly of the revolutionary army led by the leader Long was not as good.

This momentum is exactly the sea overlord!

This temperament is the strongest man in the world!



“That is the uncrowned Emperor – arrogant Qi Yu!!!”

The young chief of staff of the revolutionary army, Saab, swallowed hard and looked more solemn than ever.

“It is really worthy of the man who single-handedly subverted the war on top of the naval headquarters, and this oppressive force is indeed worthy of the name!”

Confederate commander Lindbergh grinned reluctantly.

“Conquer the legendary Golden Lion Shiki of the previous era, resurrect the twenty-two-year-old One Piece King Gord D. Roger, and resurrect the seriously injured and dying Four Emperors with white beard full of blood!!!”

“This man is simply a miracle man!!!”

The commander of the Northern Army, Crow Karas, said solemnly to himself.

“The strongest above the Great General and the Four Emperors!”

“Just in ordinary form, I don’t know how charming he is at noon?”

Eastern Army Commander Belobetti whispered curiously.

“Little Betty, you can’t grasp that arrogant man, or don’t think about it!”

Ashlu, deputy commander of the Eastern Army, whispered a reminder.


Belobetti raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Hee-hee, the legendary Mr. Arrogant, I’d love to meet him too!”

The energetic revolutionary girl Kira giggled.

Kella’s eyes lit up.

“Ah, that’s really Miss Robin, alas.”

“The lights we’ve been looking for for so many years have appeared!”

Kirla’s eyes locked on Robin behind Qi Yu, and his little face was full of joy.


The other side.

It wasn’t just the people of the revolutionary army who were intimidated by Qi Yu’s momentum.

The three girls behind Qi Yu.

At this moment, I was also completely shocked by this solemn battle of the revolutionary army.

“What a handsome revolutionary army that takes it as its duty to overthrow the guarantees of the nobility and liberate the suffering people at the bottom!”

Yamato’s eyes are shining.

I have great admiration for what the revolutionary army is currently doing.

Before following Qi Yu out of the Ghost Island.

Yamato didn’t even know what the revolutionary army was.

Because this is an organization that is not even recorded in Mita’s sailing diary.

However, on this trip came to Tequila Wolf.

Join the revolutionary army in liberating the kingdom on the bridge.

From the mouths of the soldiers of the revolutionary army, they learned about their ideas and great causes.

Yamato couldn’t help but be deeply moved again.

Just like when she witnessed the death of Mita.

For her such a bloody little… Female for women.

The revolutionary army is doing the cause of eliminating violence and liberating oppression.

Once again, she found what she wanted to do, and found her goal.

Instead of continuing to play Mitsuki Mita, she is named Yamato and wants to do what she wants to do.

“This is the revolutionary army!”

“The number one hostile organization of the world government!”

As the original cp9, Califa swallowed hard.

Look at the calm revolutionary dragon who was walking in the forefront, she had only seen on the news.

Look at the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army behind him.

Califa could not calm down in her heart, and unconsciously hid behind Qi Yu.

“That is the world’s most evil criminal, the revolutionary dragon!” Luffy’s Daddy! ”

Robin on the other side was also shaken.

But in addition to the shock.

Robin also had a strange look on his face.

Because she suddenly thought of the virtue of her captain.

There is also the virtue of his own captain’s grandfather, the dragon’s father hero Cap.

The Straw Hat Luffy and the hero Karp are indeed very similar.

Just the middle.

It’s not a painting style at all!

Robin couldn’t help but complain.


Under the watch.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Meng Qi Dlong, stood still in front of Qi Yu.


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