“Saab… Saab is also Luffy’s older brother! ”

Marciano rightfully revealed the secret.

“Alas alas”


As Marcino’s words fell.

There was a lot of exclamation in the tavern.

“Saab is also the brother of the Straw Hat Boy, so is that Ace’s brother?”

Yamato’s eyes widened like brass bells.

Marciano nodded.

“Saab he… Is he also the son of One Piece? ”

Kalifa was stunned to the point of sluggishness.

“No, no, Szabo, Ace, and Luffy are brothers who are not related by blood.”

Marciano waved her hand and explained.

“So it was, so it was”

“It really scared me.”

Kirra, Yamato, and the others all nodded knowingly.

Robin’s eyes quietly fell on Qi Yu inside the bar.

Looking at Qi Yu, who was always calm and self-assured, there was no surprise at all.

Robin narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

“Mr. Qi Yu, you already knew, that’s why you brought us here?”

Robin asked in a low voice.

“How come?”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

“Luffy, Ace”

Saab murmured these two familiar names.

I only felt that something in the depths of my head was about to rush out, and I began to faintly ache again.

He remembered.

After the war, when you see that shocking report.

What he cared about was not the resurrection of One Piece, nor Qi Yu’s amazing achievements.

It was two teenagers his age.

His intuition told him that he had to meet the two men.

“It’s all right, Saab, don’t worry, you’ll be sure to think of it, and everyone will be waiting for the day you recover.”

Looking at Saab with a pained expression, Marcino hugged him and cried and comforted.

If it had been, I would have been held like this by a beautiful girl.

Saab’s face was already red, and his head would unconsciously think otherwise.

But now he had no idea at all.

I just felt that Marcito’s arms were so warm.

Even if it’s a sister.

“Don’t panic children, there is the village chief’s grandfather, no matter who dares not be arrogant, I want to see which one ate the bear’s heart and leopard bile today, making Marciano cry.”

Just then, a middle-aged old man’s voice came from outside the tavern.

Surrounded by a group of children who had previously been curious about Qi Yu and his party, the head of the windmill village, Upsrap, pushed open the door of the tavern with great momentum.

When he saw Marcino holding a blond young man crying, the village chief Slap was dumbfounded.

“Marcino, you are…”

“Grandpa the village chief”

Realizing Slapp’s arrival, Marcino suddenly let go of Saab and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

“Grandpa the village chief, who are you going to see who is coming back?”

A big smile came from the corner of Marcino’s mouth, and Saab, who was still in a sluggish state, was broken.

“This teenager is…”

The village chief, Slack, squinted at the old man for a moment.

“Sasa … Saab! ”

Sleep let out a cry of disbelief in surprise, and the old man’s body trembled with excitement.

With Marcino’s support, he did not fall.

“Dang Bao”

Qi Yu concocted a glass of wine and had Kirra deliver it to Slack, who was trembling with shock and excitement.

“Old man, have a glass of wine to suppress the shock first?”

Kirla Road

“Thank you.”

Slapp, who had not drunk for a long time, did not refuse this time.

Pick up the wine glass and take a sip.

But before he could swallow, the village chief, Slack’s gaze, finally noticed the others in the tavern.

And Qi Yu in the bar with a bartender posture.

Immediately, those old eyes were wide-eyed.

His face revealed more intense mood swings than when he had seen Saab before.


A mouthful of rum that had not had time to swallow squirted out.

“You, you, you… You…”

The village chief Slap was afraid and trembling, pointing at Qi Yu, stuttering, you haven’t had a reason for half a day.

“Grandpa the village chief, Mr. Qi Yu is Mr. Shanks’s partner, and he must not be a bad person!”

“And this time Saab was also brought by Mr. Qi Yu!”

Marciano hurried out to explain and reconcile.

Under the soothing of Marcino.

The little heart of the village chief, Slap, who was close to stopping, finally settled down and sat down trembling.

Listen to Marcino tell Saab’s story.

When it was learned that Saab had forgotten everything about the past because of the shelling ten years earlier.

Slap’s blame for Saab is no more, and only heartache arises.

After sitting in the tavern for half an hour on the left.

Saab’s memory is still fragmented and cannot be remembered more.

“Saab, let’s go to Mount Colbo now, and when we see Miss Dadan and them, we may be able to remember more.”

Marcino cheered him on.


Saab nodded.

“I’ll go this time, too.”

The village chief Slap Road.

He also wanted to see for himself the moment when Saab recovered his memory.

“Let’s go together.”

Qi Yu Dao.

From the windmill village to the Colbo Mountains.

There are many obstacles along the way.

It will even be eaten by wild beasts.

However, with Qi Yu opening the way, everything is naturally different.

Hurry before sunset.

Qi Yu and his party climbed Mount Korpo.

Ahead, a wooden hut appeared in the sight of everyone.

The Thief Dadan family has arrived!


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