Kolbo Mountain.

This is a continuous primeval forest on the island where the Kingdom of Goya is located in the East China Sea.

The masters of Mount Kolpo since ancient times, in addition to countless beasts, are the leaders of the major mountain thieves who occupy the mountain as kings.

Just because of that incident eleven years ago.

The ‘Mountain Thief King’ Sun Bear kidnapped the grandson of Navy hero Cap and nearly killed him at sea.

The returning naval hero Kapu, in a fit of rage, purged all the hills of Mount Corpo.

Up to now, the only one who can still occupy the mountain as the king is the family of the mountain thief Dadan, who is a hero Kapu relation.

Five o’clock in the afternoon.

The thieves who went into the mountains to hunt and did business in the kingdom returned one after another.

There was smoke coming out of the chimney.

In the open space outside the house, the strong man with the suspender pants wearing a cockscomb headdress is sweating and chopping wood.


Suddenly there was a cool wind blowing between the mountains and forests.

Ling’s sweaty cockscomb-headed mountain thief Magula squinted his eyes comfortably.

But he was unaware of the line of people who appeared not far behind him.

“Is this my ‘home’?”

Looking at the familiar cabin, Saab couldn’t help but murmur.

“Yes, Saab, this is where you used to live with the Luffy and Ace brothers, and I’ll accompany you around to remember some.”

Marciano suggested.


Saab nodded.

After a moment, they walked to a large tree.

The tree has three axe-gouged marks on its body that have not healed for more than a decade.

Saab put his hand on the tree, and a few vague fragments flashed through his mind, as well as the laughter of a child.

“This is where you were taller than Luffy and Ace, the shortest is Luffy, and the almost tall ones are you and Ace.”

Marciano explains.


Saab still just snorted and nodded.

At this moment, Margula, the Mune-crowned man who was in charge of chopping wood outside the house, finally realized the existence of Margino.

“Miss Marcino, how come you have time to come here today?”

The Chicken Head Mountain Thief recognized Marcino.

However, when his eyes fell on the blonde young Saab, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and his pupils widened.

“Oh oh oh oh oh”

The-crowned mountain thief Magula unconsciously let out a rooster-like scream.

“To die is to die, let you chop a piece of wood is not restless, this is the afternoon, you still have a fart sound.” 」

The mountain thief who was awakened by the sound of the chicken crown head thief Dadan angrily went out with slippers.

“The old lady can’t sleep hard and you wake up, say, I want to take a few slippers today, or I don’t want to eat.”

“Oh oh oh oh”

The Chicken Crown Mountain Thief pointed behind Dadan.

“You’re still there!”

The wide-bodied and fat ‘boxer’ Dadan was ready to fight.

“Miss Dardan”

Marcitino’s voice made Dardan’s voice stop.

“It turns out that Marcitol is coming, no wonder this bastard has been oh…”

Halfway through the sentence, the thief Dadan stopped abruptly.

Because she also saw the blonde youth next to Marciano


This was followed by a long exclamation.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? ”

“What happened?”

“Don’t be afraid, Boss Dadan, I’m here.”

The screams from Dadan alarmed all the thieves in the house.

The crowd came out and stood behind Da Dan.

After seeing Marcino and Saab next to him.

The expressions on the faces of the mountain thieves were invariably frozen.

Good moments.


Amazing waves spread through the mountains and forests, startling the birds in the air.

“Are you Saab?”

“Are you really Saab?”

“Saab you’re still alive!”

“It’s great that Saab is still alive.”

The mountain thieves, led by Dadan, shouted in surprise.

Listening to the cheers of the mountain thieves, Saab’s eyes were involuntarily rosy.

Although he still does not recognize these people.

But somehow, after seeing them, my heart was unconsciously nostalgic and moved.

“Miss Dadan, let me tell you the details, in fact, Saab…”

Marcino spoke, informing Saab of Saab’s current state of amnesia and possible ways to recover it.

“How can this be?”

“Saab… Saab had lost his memory! ”

“Even we… Even Luffy and Ace forgot! ”

“How cruel this is! No wonder Saab hasn’t been back all these years! ”

“Damn, it’s all because of the Draco!”

The thieves were indignant.

“But… But Saab is still alive and can come back here, which is already the best thing to do! ”

The fierce old woman smoking a cigarette was now showing a bright chrysanthemum-like smile.

While laughing, the tears can’t stop falling.

“Woohoo, great! It’s so good that Saab is still alive! ”

Dogura, the little mountain thief who had informed everyone of Saab’s shelling ten years ago, burst into tears of joy.

“Yes yes yes”

“Being alive is the best thing!”

“The problem of memory can definitely be solved!”

“If Ace and Luffy knew, they would be happy not to find North!”

The mountain thieves were suddenly happy again.

“Oh oh oh oh”

Just then, the-crowned man Magula suddenly cried out like a rooster.

A pair of eyes widen like a brass bell.

The tall body was trembling with uncontrollable fear at the moment.

“I’m going to die!” Rare emotions are interrupted by you! ”

The mountain thief Dadan was dissatisfied.

However, when he turned his head, he followed Margula’s line of sight.

See Qi Yu under the trees not far away.

The huge body of the mountain thief Dadan also froze.

“Ahh… Aaaaaa


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