Gaozhen, as a gathering place for the nobles of the Kingdom of Goya.

Compared to the noisy and bustling Center Street, it is much quieter.

There are no shops lined up on Center Street, but instead a large area of beautiful greenery.

Everywhere you can see all kinds of unknown beautiful flower species, and the air is fresh.

The ground is even more dusty.

It is precisely for this reason that the Kingdom of Goya is known as the cleanest and most beautiful country in the East China Sea.

However, behind this seemingly quiet and elegant high town, there is actually a darkness that is even more disgusting than the end town and the garbage dump.

The nobles fought openly and secretly and compared with each other.

The commoners of Center Street flattered and competed for the throne.

The supremacy of nobility has taken root in the hearts of everyone in this country.

The commoners did their best, even to send their own daughters to the tiger’s mouth, just to become a member of the noble family of Gaozhen.

The nobles of Gaozhen sharpened their heads and wanted to join the uppermost royal palace.

And what about the uppermost Goya royal family?

Of course, they also have higher ambitions in their hearts.

That is to become a member of Mary Joanne, to become a world nobleman, to enjoy the highest honor and supreme aristocratic privilege.

The kingdom of Goya, known as the most beautiful country, has rotted from the bottom.

The young Saab saw this and struggled to escape.

However, a clear-eyed person like Saab did not have many times in the entire kingdom.

Rectifying the distorted values of this country is the work of the revolutionary army of the Dragon and Saab.

Now all Qi Yu and the girls had to do was to take a big underground dark force in the East Sea.

That’s all.



Six o’clock in the afternoon.


Night is coming.

Four young girls with outstanding appearance came to the entrance gate of the Commoner Street and the high town where the nobles were located.

The brightly dressed ladies of the Goya Kingdom around them suddenly showed disgust when they saw the four Robin in civilian costumes.

And the male nobles among them, after seeing the four people of Kalifa, there is even more undisguised greed and covetousness in their eyes.

“Four young ladies, what are you doing here?”

“If you want to enter the high town, we can show you the way.”

“It’s just that you also need to pay accordingly.”

“Don’t be afraid, you won’t be hurt or hurt, just happy!”

“Go with Count Ben, ladies.”

“This is your greatest honor.”

“Hey, over there, don’t think about being alone!”

“Also give us two”


The arrogant male nobles were arrogant and impatient.

Someone even held out a salty pig hand to Kirla.

The next moment, however.


With the sound of chains.

Blood splattered out.

The right arm of the aristocratic young man who had stretched out his salty pig’s hand without permission was entangled in a whip of thorns.

The edges and thorns on the whip instantly tore through his garment and pierced into his flesh and bones.


Driven by pain, the noble youth of Gaozhen let out a heart-rending cry of pain.


“What a noisy fly!”

Kalifa snorted coldly.


The whip of thorns is thrown.

The blush almost scattered around.

At the same time, there are also strips of meat flying.

The whole arm of the noble youth had been scrapped.

In some places, Sensen’s white bones were even exposed, which was shocking.

The entrance to Gaozhen was silent at first.

Next second.



“The civilians turned against me!”

“Here comes the man!”

The nobles screamed in horror during the period.

The guards at the entrance drew their swords from their waists for the first time.

Farther away patrol guards also gathered for the first time.

“It’s just right.”

Kalifa Yu’s feet gently tiptoed up, ready to step on the moon and attack.

Yamato clenched the wolf-tooth rod in his hand.

Kirla posed in the standard offensive posture of Fishman Karate.

Robin crossed his hands, and the Superman Flower Flower and Fruit ability was activated at any time.

The atmosphere between the scenes is suddenly tense.

The situation is plunged into unprecedented chaos.

Just as the two sides were about to clash.


An invisible spiritual force swept in all directions.


The world is quiet.

The chaos at the entrance to the high town came to a halt.

The shocked expression on the faces of the screaming nobles froze.

His eyes rolled and he fell to the ground powerlessly.

The fast-moving guards of Gaozhen were like dominoes, one after the other.

Under the action of inertia, it fell forward.

It was only a short breath before and after.

Centered on the entrance to the high town.

The only people who could stand within a kilometer radius were Robin, Kalifa, Yamato, and Kira.

“What, obviously said that we are fully responsible, but Mr. Qi Yu is still not at ease.”

Kirla grinned.

“These guards, we can also easily solve.”

Yamato Road.

“We can indeed solve it, but then the movement is too big, and if Alilk receives the wind and escapes in advance, it will be trouble.”

Robin Road.

“Then let’s hurry up.”

Carlyfa urged.

The pretty face is full of determination and confidence.

She made up her mind to perform well in front of Qi Yu.

Prove yourself not only to be a competent secretary, but also a competent secretary.


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