Night is coming.

Shadows descend upon the world

The castle mansion of Alilk III remained unaware of the impending crisis.

Feel free to hold a celebratory banquet.

The participants included the East Sea underground arms tycoon Alilk III, as well as more than a dozen other dark lords from all over the East Sea.

Of course, these so-called East Sea gangsters are actually only the spokesmen of the minions.

Behind them stood the giant crocodiles of the entire dark world under the sea.

For example, the East Sea agent of Umid, the king of the sea, one of the Dark Kings who made his fortune by shipping.

The king of the sea, Umit, controlled not only illegal underground transportation, but also the island trade on the surface.

Buy the specialties of one island at a low price, and then sell them to other scarce islands at a high price, earning huge differences.

There is also one of the dark agents of Lufield, the king of usury.

Nicknamed the God of Blessings, he ostensibly does the ‘good deed’ of saving money and wealth with others.

Yet anyone who has borrowed money from him.

In the end, all of them were cramped and drank blood, and their families were destroyed.

No one could afford his usurious exploitation.

In addition, there are agents of the organ dealer Jigura, who specializes in the sale of human organs;

Backed by the underground army predator of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts of the New World…

、、、 specializing in the transport and trafficking of human beings

and the largest dark intermediary representative of the underworld.

Clown day and night fork seven wu hai do flamingo.

This time, cadres were also sent here.

And not yet an ordinary cadre.

Instead, it was Diamanti, the highest cadre of the Square Army, one of the four major suits.

Today’s new world is still controlled by the four emperors.

Others who want to expand can only start from the four seas and paradise.

The development of this big cake in the East China Sea has always been coveted by all parties.

There is also the first half of the Great Passage Paradise.

Over the past ten years.

The first half of the park, centered on Alabastan, has been occupied by the Baroque Working Society.

Now the Baroque Society of Work has disintegrated.

Klockdale went to the New World.

This piece of fat naturally attracted the eyes of a large group of fierce crocodiles.

This time.

Agents of the dark forces on all sides gathered.

The purpose is to discuss the distribution of the cake.



The main hall of the Alilk Castle Mansion.

A large red soft carpet runs from the doorway, and the light of white candles illuminates most of the hall.

On the elegant and noble seat, Alilk III held a glass of mellow red wine in his hand, and his face had a sly smile.

He stood up and raised a glass to everyone present

“Hahahahaha, first of all, thank you all for coming to the house, the masters of the dark world under the East Sea have gathered together, it is also a good story.”

Alilk III opened his mouth, and a glimmer of light flashed in his dark pupils.

Of course, the idea of aristocratic supremacy is also engraved into his soul.

It’s just that Alilk III is different from the average aristocratic pursuit.

His goal is not the throne of the kingdom, but the king of the underworld.

Not only limited to the East Sea, but the king of the entire sea underground world.

One day, on his equal footing, will be the kings of the world’s dark markets.

Umit, the king of shipping, Lufield, the king of usury, Morgoons, the king of news, Gigula, the organ dealer…

And the rumored beauty, the Happy Street Queen Stuttsy, who controls a man’s paradise!

“Alilk III, needless to say, we are here only to discuss the distribution of the East China Sea market.”

The black businessman who oversees most of the arms market in the East China Sea is full of flesh and weighs hundreds of pounds.

“Oh, or that sentence, the shipping in the East China Sea is all mine.”

Shipping King Donghai agent negative test sneered.

“Hmm, do you really think you can eat them all?”

“The Shipping King behind you is powerful, but the adults behind us are not weak!”

“It’s really unfortunate that shipping is a job without a little technical content, and I also want to share a cup!”


A group of agents of the underground dark forces in the East China Sea were fighting in the blink of an eye.

No one will let anyone!

This was also a meeting that lasted for a few days, but there was no reason for the slightest melee combat.

“Don’t be impatient with the major agents, everything is safe.”

The nobleman Alilk III opened his mouth to appease.

“Alilk, don’t you say these are useless, for me your only use is to provide me with a good woman!”

Arms dealer Dakkwin said unceremoniously.

“The woman that Alilk has trained, this is really not to be missed.”

“It’s a rare opportunity, hurry up and offer your treasures, the last time you sent me that was not forbidden at all, it broke down a few times.”

“If there’s a good product, let them out now and let’s play first.”

All the dark agents have eyes shining.

He was very satisfied with the means by which Alilk III raised his daughter.

“Hahaha, everyone likes that it is the best, but it is very unfortunate, there is not much time to look for it recently, but…”

Before the dark agents were disappointed, Alilk’s words turned sharply.

Immediately afterward, several photographs were placed on the conference table.

When he saw the girl’s face in the photo, the eyes of the dark agents at the table suddenly lit up.

“These are the delicious appetizers I have prepared for you.”

Alilk III pointed to the photograph and opened his mouth triumphantly.

“Wait a moment!!!”

Suddenly, a nervous cry sounded.

Originating from the representative of the dark intermediary – Diamante, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family.

Since the meeting, he has been silent watching the play, but now he can no longer be silent after seeing the four photos.

He had already recognized several of the four men!!!


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