“Everyone, this is the best I have found for you this time, and it is now in preparation!”

Duke Alilk III smiled leisurely.

“Oh, Alilk, you guy is really good.”

“Then this black-haired one belongs to me.”

“I want this blonde, it’s spicy enough.”

“This short orange hair is also good, so cute.”

“I want this tall, big one, it’s really unbearable.”


The Dark Agent people are as if they were arguing fiercely when you say anything to me.

But this time it’s a fight over who to ‘die’ in.

“Hey, hey, you give me something to stop!”

It was at this time that the representative of the dark intermediary who had been silent since the meeting, Diamante, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family.

“What happened all of a sudden?”

“Don’t you want to swallow alone?” Joker’s house! ”

“Even if you are the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, I am afraid you cannot be so domineering!”

Darkkqueen and other dark agents squinted at Diamanti.

“A bunch of idiots, don’t you recognize who they are?”

Diamanti was so angry that he trembled.

More precisely, it is to the point of trembling and chilling with fear.

“When you say that, this black haired guy does seem to be somewhat familiar.”

A dark agent looked at Robin’s picture suspiciously.

“That woman is Nicole Robin, the son of the devil!”

Diamanti reveals Robin’s identity.


“It seems to be true!”

“I didn’t expect it to be the son of the devil!”

“I’m really interested in this!”

Instead of relenting, the Dark Agents are getting worse and worse.

Although the Straw Hat Pirates also have certain names, they are not able to stop them.

Especially now.

Everyone in the world knows that the Straw Hat gang has been wiped out and cannot be reproduced.

As for Nicole Robin, perhaps it was good luck to survive.

In fact.

If it were just Nicole Robin, Diamanti wouldn’t have been so horrified.

What he really cared about was the other two.

The blonde glasses sister Carrifa and the tall woman with special gradient gray-green hair.

Both men were participants in the war on top.

It’s all the people around the man!!!

War on top.

Carlyfa’s shots are not many, or even none.

In the shocking and frequented war on the top, not many people will care about a small original cp9.

But his young lord, Doflamingo noticed.

After being taught a lesson once by that man.

Doflamingo was particularly attentive to the people around him.

This is certainly not for revenge.

It’s about seeing who is attached to the man.

In the future, it will be better to keep a low profile and avoid it.

After returning to Dressrosa.

Doflamingo is on top of the war and has sorted out a huge network of relationships.

Among them, Carlyfa and the original cp9 people are also impressively listed.

So Diamante was also impressed by this.

At this moment, when you see it, you recognize it.

Except for Carly.

Even more impressive was the tall woman who was nearly three meters tall and had a unique white-green gradient of hair.

She also exists in the Doflamingo network of relationships.


Doflamingo also revealed an earth-shattering secret that no one knew.

The person who accompanied Qi Yu during the war and called himself Mitsuki Ota was Yamato, the daughter of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Doflamingo, who had been to the Ghost Island, was particularly sure of this.

If only there was one Nicole Robin, it would be enough.

But this daughter of Kaido, and the blonde cp9 woman.

The two of them are here, and it is definitely not accidental.

Behind this.

There must be some earth-shattering secret that no one knows.

For example, a ‘king’、、、

Come to think of it.

A fine layer of cold sweat appeared on Diamanti’s forehead.

The light next to him was tight, and his tall body was trembling uncontrollably at this moment.

In the dark.

It was as if the shadow of death was hanging around.

And more and more intense.

“Hey, Diamante!”

“Don Quixote, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“Is it because we were frightened by this frightened expression all of a sudden?”

“It’s no wonder, after all, your master is also a clown!”

The dark agents of the East Sea laughed triumphantly in ignorance.

If it’s before.

Being so mocked by a bunch of garbage.

Diamanti must have rewarded them with a Death Star Crumb.

Yet for now.

But he was in no mood.

All I could think of was one word.

That is ‘escape’!!!

The arrogant dark agents are very proud at this moment.

But the man-made Duke Alilk III saw some clues.

“Mr. Diamante, what is wrong with these people, please advise!”

Alilk III lowered his posture and asked seriously.

Looking at Diamanti’s expression, he felt great uneasiness in his heart for no reason.

“You probably haven’t attacked them yet!”

Diamanti asked solemnly.

Alilk III groaned and did not answer.

The photos were taken in the morning.

The order was given at noon.

If it goes well.

Man should have been bound to him by now.


“Idiot idiot idiot!”

“I went first! Bliss yourselves! ”

Diamanti screamed in horror and was about to run.

That’s when it happened.


The dull sound like a yellow bell suddenly exploded.

“Thunder gossip!!!”


The iron gate of the Duke of Alilk’s mansion was torn apart and completely exploded!


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