
In the midst of a loud noise

The gate of the Alilk Castle mansion exploded.

Large and small pieces of iron doors scattered.

Embedded in the ground and walls, cobweb-like cracks spread.


Alilk III drank.

There was no anger on the old face, just a thick shock.

He was the premier nobleman of the Kingdom of Goya.

The defense of his mansion is naturally also the highest level.

Far superior to other high-town nobles.

Even the king’s palace was not necessarily comparable to the elite guards he fed with a lot of money.

This mansion can be said to be a copper wall and an iron wall.


Now what’s going on here?

The enemy actually broke through the last gate of the mansion.

Obviously, if you want to get here, you have to go through at least three levels ahead.

No matter how terrifying the strength of the other side is.

At least there will always be a time to report the letter.

But he did not receive any reports of intrusion.

The enemy, on the other hand, had already penetrated into the deepest part of the mansion.

Think of Diamante’s previous gaffe.

The uneasiness in Alilk III’s heart was intense for a moment.

“, Lao Tzu was almost disemboweled!”

East Navy fire predator Duck Quinn covered the bloody wound on his stomach and cursed angrily.

If not because his fat is thick enough.

The shard of the iron door that had been cut earlier could have killed him.

“Hey, Alilk, what the hell is going on?”

“What the hell do you want to do?”

“This is your turf!”

“If you can’t give us a reasonable explanation, ahem…”

All the dark agents of the East Sea were dissatisfied and angry, sneering and sneering.

The old man Alilk III was pale and opened his mouth, but he could not say a word, but just stared at the door with wide and frightened eyes.

Other dark agents are also the source of looking at the footsteps.

From Alilk’s old face, they already knew that this was not the old guy’s arrangement.

Instead, someone had the audacity to invade here.

That’s how it is built.

A group of dark agents secretly made up their minds.

Let this ignorant guy who broke into the meeting taste better than death.

The next second, however.

When they see the beautiful girls in the photo appear alive in their field of vision.

Their dissatisfaction suddenly turned into greed.

“Delivered so quickly, Alirk, your efficiency is really OK.”

“Alilk, even I have to look up at you this time.”

“You’re good, I’ll say two good words for you in front of Lord Jigula.”


Listening to the admiration from the agents of darkness, Alilk III was not happy at all.

Not only was he unhappy, but his heart was full of infinite warning.

It was really these people!

This is a high town!

A heavily guarded aristocratic high town!

How did these civilians come up?

Even if he was lucky enough to sneak into the entrance of Gao Zhen, how did he break through the heavy guards he had laid down.

Could it be that all the guards outside have been killed?

This ridiculous thought flashed through the mind of Alilk III.

But when you see the bloody whip of thorns that Califa is carrying.

Alilk III’s body was involuntarily stiff and cold.

The heart involuntarily gave birth to infinite trepidation.

“Come and come, come to Lao Tzu’s side!”

“In the future, you will be rich and glorious and enjoy it inexhaustibly!”

The dark agents who are still in their own beautiful fantasies are dying without knowing it, and they are still commanding.

Listening to their unbearable words, the frost on the faces of Robin and Kalifa grew deeper and deeper.

The degree of evil of these pigs in front of them was not under the Draco people.

There’s nothing more to say.

Direct – through, through, hit, burst !!!

Yamato Tama took a step forward.

The blood-stained wolf’s tooth stick waved.


The atmosphere escaped under her rod.

Make a harsh whistling sound.


The powerful shock wave is like a terrifying wave crashing on the shore, rushing towards the front.

The dark agent who was in a hurry to come forward did not have time to realize the danger.

Next second.

The power of that horror was already pouring out on him.

Just for a moment.

His hands and feet were twisted.

The body spiraled upside down like a twist.

It ended up slamming into the wall.


A pool of blood burst forth.

His eyeballs jumped out of his orbit under heavy pressure.

Already dead can’t die anymore.

This horrible scene plunged the living room of the vast mansion into an absolute dead silence.

Next second.

“Ahh… Aaaaaa

“Bastards! What the hell are you! ”

“Do you know who we are when we are scattered here?”

“Damn it, Alilk, can you explain to me what the hell is going on?”

“Who the hell are you looking for?”

Darkkqueen and the other dark agents shouted in horror.


“Where are the guards?”

“Give it all to me!”

“Kill them!”


Cluttered footsteps sounded.

Brought by the agents of darkness, guards hiding in the mansion emerged from various hidden corners.

Surround Robin in the hall with four people.

“It’s just right!”

The corners of Carlyfa’s mouth curved a little.

“Moon Step – The Road of Thorns!!!”

The long whip of thorns wanders like a serpent.

“Thunder gossip!!!”

A thunderous strike resounded through the hall.

“Fishman Karate – Three Thousand Watts of Fist !!!”

Fishman karate master Kira is punching and opening and closing.

“Shoot, shoot!”

Bullets are loaded.

Don’t wait to open it.

“Thirty Round Flowers – Hook and Claw!!!”

Blossom all over the place!!!


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