None, Waiter, Ice, Tooth!!!

Yamato, who had high hopes from Qi Yu, did not hesitate to show his strongest posture.

Animal breed dog dog fruit esper species large-mouth true god form ability, launched.

Between the mouths.

The true God roared.

An extremely cold roaring breath that was enough to match the heat of the dragon of the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Kaido rushed out.

In an instant, Diamanti, whose face was full of horror.

Face Yamato with this sudden critical hit.

Diamanti, who was full of confidence a second ago, had a sudden change of heart at this moment.

He didn’t even have time to react.

Only time to lift the steel cloak style block.

However, his steel cloak, which could defend against sharp blades, could not resist the elemental impact.

The dark blue air of extreme cold rushed through.

Diamanti turned into an ice sculpture on the spot.

The whole person is frozen from the inside out.

Even the spirit is almost stopped.

Just one blow.

Don Quixote, the supreme cadre of Don Quixote, was rewarded with a bounty of ninety-nine million Berry, Diamanti, defeated.

“Miss Yamato is so good~~~”

Kirra’s eyes lit up in amazement.

She moved lightly and came to the transformed Yamato for the first time.

Slim little white hands brushed over Yamato’s silky hair.

“What kind of ability is this, it’s almost like the fur clan!”

Kirla sighed.

“Yamato, you are still hiding this power, why haven’t you seen you use it before?”

Kalifa was also full of surprise.

“I always feel a little embarrassed by this gesture!”

Yamato scratched his head.

“What’s so embarrassing, even this gesture is beautiful, Mr. Qi Yu will like it.”

Robin smiled.


Yamato’s eyes lit up and he looked at Qi Yu with a look of hope.

“Cough, um”

Qi Yu nodded seriously.

Big hands lifted up and gently brushed over Yamato’s leaning head.

Then it was the furry little face again.

Have to say.

This feel is really good.

Just like a rua pet.

Although Qi Yu was not a furry control, Yamato’s transformation posture seemed to be very good.

“Speaking of which, Miss Yamato, this man is now in the end…”

Kirla looked curiously at the frozen Diamanti.

“This is similar to the freezing of the Great General Pheasant, and if it is thawed in time, it may be able to survive.”

Robin guessed.


Yamato nodded affirmatively.



A piece of ceiling debris fell off.

It just happened to be smashed on the head of the ice sculpture Diamanti.


The ice sculptures are torn apart.

“It seems that even if it is thawed, it will be too late!”

Robin stall hands.

“This kind of thing doesn’t matter at all, go back, Lord Qi Yu~”

Kalifa wrapped her arms around Qi Yu with a look of impatience on her face.

“Then go back!”

Qi Yu waved a big hand.


The magnificent castle, transformed into a silent castle of Shura, shattered and collapsed in a roar, turning into a ruin.

At the top of the ruins is a blood-stained Kyokan.

Shocking, shocking!!!



The upheaval that took place in the Alilk mansion could not have been hidden for too long.

Coupled with the incident that occurred at the entrance to the high town.

The entire kingdom of Goya was sensational and shaky at this moment.

The Goya royal family was furious and ordered that the murderer must be found.

This was not just to avenge Alilk III, but also to eliminate the hidden threat.

Since the other party can wash a count’s mansion in blood under the eyes of the kingdom.

Then the palace is no longer a safe place.

The other nobles in Gao Town were even more worried, afraid that the disaster would fall on them at some point.

The occurrence of such a major event in the Kingdom of Goya, which is a member of the world government, is naturally impossible not to alarm the navy and the government.

The first incident of the navy stationed in the Kingdom of Goya intervened in the investigation.

The on-site report was also transmitted to the naval headquarters and to the Holy Land of Mary Joya in just one hour.

So the naval headquarters shook.

The sound of inhaling cold air was heard in the central palace of Mary Joa, the Holy Land.

“Damn, that bastard, is this provoking us?”

“First it was Titchera Wolf, this time it was the Kingdom of Goya, and that bastard’s hand was a little too long!”

“Could it be that he really joined forces with the revolutionary army?” This time to overthrow the Kingdom of Goya! ”

“If he continues to act recklessly, what will the other member states think of us?”

“Something has to be done!!!”

In the ornate central palace, the world’s most powerful five old stars have exploded.


“After all, what to do, that’s the point!”

The old blond star, whose face was still miserable, sighed.

“That man’s strength needs at least five generals to jointly encircle and suppress it!”

The vast White Jade Council Hall was silent.

“Maybe you can ask Lord Im to release some of the essence!”


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