The kingdom of Goya was in chaos, and the whole country was in a state of panic.

Everywhere in the streets, teams of heavily armed guards patrolled the streets.

That’s it.

The Robin four naturally lost the interest of shopping.


Under Qi Yu’s overlord color to open the way.

A group of five ‘low-key’ left the capital of Goya and returned to Mount Kolbo.

“Mr. Qi Yu, Miss Robin, everyone, it’s great that you’re all right!”

Marciano let out a soft breath, and the dangling heart finally let go.

Even when she was in the Korbo Mountains, she had already heard about the incident in Wang Dugaozhen.

“Don’t worry, Miss Marciano, what can we do?”

Robin stepped forward lightly.

“Hahaha, yes yes!”

“Those bastards and scumbags who are in trouble should be the nobles!”

The mountain thief Dadan and the others laughed one after another.

Even their elm heads knew who had caused the big incident.

“Miss Marcino, Miss Dardan, Saab… What happened to Saab? ”

Kirla looked around curiously.

However, he did not see the figure of his partner Saab.

“Saab’s words are still on the side of the tree house where the three brothers were, trying to think back to the past.”

Dadan Road.

“Well, it’s not recovered.”

Kirla nodded.

“Then stay two more days.”

“Marcino, I’m going to trouble you to help everyone arrange a place to stay.”

Qi Yu Dao.

“No hassle, no hassle.”

Marciano kept waving her hands.

It’s a day.

Didn’t bother with Saab’s memory training.

Qi Yu and his party of five followed Marcino back to the tavern in Windmill Village.

The tavern is small.

Scheduling a couple of girls to stay wasn’t a big deal either.

However, activities like in hotels are not possible.

After all, Marcino was still there.

Late at night.

Five young girls of all sizes fell asleep one after another.

Qi Yu quietly left the tavern.

Connect to a connection from across the ocean.

“Qi Yu, are you in the Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea now?”

The voice of the red-haired Shanks came from the other end of the phone.


For what happened in the distant East Sea.

The red-haired Shanks, who was in the New World, also received the news.

“A tavern in the windmill village of the Goya Kingdom of the East China Sea, to be exact!”

Qi Yu replied with a smile.

“Nani! Are you over with Miss Marcino? ”

The red-haired Shanks was suddenly agitated.

“That’s right”

The smile at the corner of Qi Yu’s mouth became more and more intense.

“Speaking of Shanks, what are you doing with such excitement?”

“Is it hard、、、”

“Don’t… Don’t mess around, Miss Marciano and I don’t have anything. ”

Red-haired Shanks doesn’t admit it.


“Nothing, but I haven’t even asked?”

Qi Yu said sarcastically.

[Sure enough, there is a leg]

[Shanks, Shanks, I used to think that you had a problem with your orientation, I’m really sorry]


Redhead dumbfounded.

For a moment I didn’t know whether to cry or be happy.

Crying is that his secret has been discovered.

I was happy because my ship mate finally stopped choreographing myself.

“Well, Shanks, since you have nothing to do with Marciano, I’m not going to be rude!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth casually.

[Shanks this bag, sure enough, still need some power, here let me stimulate a good time]

“No way”

Red-haired Shanks subconsciously refused.

The look was suddenly tense.

Of course, he was also very clear about the attraction of his own ship to young girls.

However, his worries were completely dispelled after hearing Qi Yu’s voice.

Feelings for Qi Yu are not really interested in Marcino.

Instead, as a senior, I want to give him emotional ‘guidance’.

No way!

As a captain, the strength and bounty are not comparable!

In such things as feelings, at least some dignity must be defended.

So when I heard Qi Yu mention why it didn’t work.

Shanks cleared his throat.

“Cough, Qi Yuyo, too much effort will be solved by the wood knife!”

“I don’t know about the others, but the one in the Navy, I have received news that I have killed you!”

Red-haired Shanks said seriously.

“Oh, Shanks, teach me a lesson!”

Qi Yu’s disdainful contempt.

Redhead: “…”

“Okay, don’t argue with you!”

“Let’s talk to you about the revolutionary army!”

Qi Yu straightened his color.

“No, no, no, you can’t tell me about this kind of thing.”

Red-haired Shanks waved his hand.

I don’t care much about that.

Back to the point.

Qi Yu still informed him of the talks between himself and the leader of the revolutionary army, Long.


Red-haired Shanks sighed in amazement.

However, what he lamented was not the cause of the revolutionary army or Qi Yu’s relationship with it.

What he really lamented was—

“Luffy’s father, the revolutionary dragon, is completely different from Luffy and Kapu!”

“Speaking of their Monchi family, shouldn’t it be that the composure and IQ of the three generations of grandchildren are concentrated on one person?”

Red-haired Shanks guessed.

Qi Yu: “…”This idea coincides!

“Ahahahahaha, I just said it casually, you must be spread around!”

Shanks smiled.

The phone bug hangs up.

Qi Yu, who had finished talking to Shanks, stood up and looked to the west.

“It’s almost time to meet, Gion!”

Qi Yu was grinning without a headache.


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