
The Navy’s branch in the Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea is still brightly lit.

Departments operate.

Analyze and investigate the clues of this vicious incident.

The local navy that usually eats vegetarian meals is the reason why it is so attentive this time.

First, because the incident itself was too bad.

The kings and nobles of the Goya who supported them put pressure on them one after another.

The second is because the big man of the Navy headquarters has arrived.

Supervise the tracing of this incident.

“Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, this is the death list of the Duke of Alilk III’s mansion incident!”

The branch colonel brings a stack of fist-high materials to Gion.

“Got it, you go down.”

Gion pinched his eyebrows slightly tiredly.

This time there is a non-stop tracking.

Even her tenacity was inevitably a little tired.

But it didn’t take long.

When seeing the list of deaths in this incident.

and the identity of the victims.

Gion was suddenly agitated and instantly awake.

Her beautiful eyes gradually widened.

Flashing deep in his eyes was a flame of anger.

But it is not a ‘murderer’.

It is anger at these victims.

“A nobleman of a kingdom and a dark agent of the underworld!”

“It turned out to be so! These bastards are really dead to death! ”

“If I hadn’t seen these materials, I would have wronged him again!”

Gion shell teeth clenched red lips.

That day after leaving from the sea restaurant Barati.

She just lost her way again.

Wander aimlessly in the sea and try your luck.

Until the headquarters came to contact.

Tell her about the events in the Kingdom of Goya.

She came in a hurry.


More than once, Gion wondered why Qi Yu would slaughter the nobles of the kingdom, but he was never able to figure it out.

She wanted to excuse Qi Yu, but she couldn’t find a suitable reason.

Now the truth has finally come out.

Qi Yu did not carry out random extermination massacres for no reason.

All he killed were the most heinous criminals.

The fallen kingdom guards were all stunned by the domineering color of the overlord and did not die, which is the best evidence.

It’s just that

Gion sighed softly.

Even if this incident is good, what then?

A month ago on top of the war.

If it wasn’t for Qi Yu’s sake.

Their navy would not have suffered such a major defeat.

Even the naval headquarters sank and ceased to exist.

“How am I going to deal with you now?”

Gion covered his forehead with his hands.

At first, she was aggressive and wanted to find Qi Yu to settle the account and ask for an explanation.

Yet now.

But in her heart, there was an infinite panic out of thin air.

She was a little afraid to face it, and she didn’t know how to face it.

Maybe now.

The best outcome is when the two do not meet.

“That person must have thought the same thing, that’s why he avoided seeing it all the time.”

“That’s fine for now.”

Gion tapped his chin and made up his mind.



The cold night wind blew up the curtains.

Silence without a hitch.

A figure appeared behind Gion.

Under the dim light.

Pull out a long, narrow shadow.

Gion pupils shrank instantly.

She didn’t look back.

Because there is no need to look back at all.

She already knew the identity of the person behind her.

Obviously, I had just made up my mind a second ago.

Decided not to see each other.


Fate had once again made a big joke with her.

When the last thing she wants to see each other is.

Qi Yu actually came to her side so suddenly.

The unspeakable silence lasted for an unknown amount of time.

Qi Yu came from behind Gion in front of him.

But he found that Gion had closed his eyes.

What a situation.

He thought that Gion’s emotions should be more intense.

“Yo, Gion, I guess I haven’t slept yet!”

Qi Yu couldn’t help but say hello.

“I don’t want to see you now, you go!”

Gion’s eyes are tightly closed, but they don’t open.

If you don’t see it, you can leave it alone.

“Having said that you’ve been chasing after me for so long these days, I thought you really wanted to see me?”

Qi Yu Dao.

“The reason why I am looking for you is purely because Sister Crane asked me to bring you a letter.”

Gion felt a cordging secret letter from his arms and threw it out at will.

“Lieutenant General Crane?”

Qi Yu raised an eyebrow.

“What is written on the letter?”

“I don’t know”

Gion calmly said.

“You haven’t seen it yet?”

Qi Yu asked rhetorically.

“Sister Crane said I couldn’t watch.”

Gion Road.

“It’s really serious, in other words, I can’t help but tear it down early.”

Qi Yu opened the letter as he spoke.

“Speaking of Gion, you say it’s not a check.”


Gion was puzzled.

“For example, Lieutenant General Tsuru will give me a check for five million and let me leave you or something.”

Qi Yu quipped.

“No, besides, Sister Crane doesn’t have that much money.”

Gion replied subconsciously.


Qi Yu stopped laughing and began to read the letter instead.

A glance swept by, Qi Yu inhaled a cool breath.

“What’s wrong?”

Gion ears moved slightly.

“This is really amazing!”


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