“What did Sister Crane say to you in the letter?”

Gion ears move slightly.

Listening to Qi Yu’s troublesome words.

Her heart was also tight with curiosity.

“Want to know? Then get over some of it. ”

Qi Yu smiled and beckoned.

Gion sipped his small mouth.

Or close to the word.

Anyway, she and the man in front of her had already 、、、、、

Gion still had his eyes closed and approached generously.


Each can clearly perceive each other’s breathing.

The distance between the two is already very close.

Ready in Gion、、、

The next moment.


A muffled sound.

Qi Yu’s knife landed on the back of Gion’s neck.

One hit just right to knock it unconscious.

“Oh, Lieutenant General Crane is really going to give people problems!”

“But it’s okay, solve it all at once, so as not to get into trouble!”

Qi Yu packed the sleeping Gion on his shoulders.

Take advantage of the night and quietly leave.

About ten minutes later.

Some unattainable cliff in the kingdom of Goya.

The cold moonlight shone on the men and women who were snuggled up to each other.

The picture is quiet and beautiful.



Gion hissed, his expression slightly painful, and he frowned and recovered from his coma.

A moment later.

When the memory in the mind is restored.

Insight Qi Yu actually did something to her.

Gion’s eyebrows furrowed in anger.

Especially when he saw that Qi Yu next to him still had an expression that didn’t care about himself.

Gion was even more angry in his heart.

“What the hell do you want to do?”

Gion scorned.

“All I can do is I want to show you the moonlight!”

Qi Yu stall hands.

“The moon is beautiful tonight!”

The anger on Gion’s pretty face stagnated.

Listen to Qi Yu praise this moonlight.

She unconsciously remembered what Qi Yu had said.

When someone praises the beauty of the moon.

It’s not really about appreciating the moonlight.

Instead, it is a representation of knocking on the side.

Because of the company of the people around you, the moon is beautiful.

Come to think of it.

Gion Pretty Face couldn’t help but fly up a bright red cloud.

“you, don’t try to fool me with rhetoric again!”

“This time I won’t be easily fooled by you~”

The corners of Gion mouth raised slightly.

“What do you want?”

Qi Yu raised his hand and lightly touched Gion’s smooth forehead.


Gion let out a cry of pain, quickly covered his forehead, and gritted his teeth at Qi Yu.

“After doing this kind of thing, he dared to beat me one after another!”

Gion wants to fight with Qi Yu.


Under Qi Yu’s overwhelming power.

Gion is like a little sheep, without the slightest power to resist.




Occasionally, a few seabirds pass by.

Hurriedly flapping his wings and flying away.

I don’t know how long it has been.

The morning light is faint.

A touch of fish belly white appeared in the eastern sky.

Gion sipped his small mouth and sat down with Qi Yu to watch the morning sun rise.

“At sunrise, I’m going back.”

Gion said that he was going to step on the moon and leave.

However, Qi Yu’s large hand was still firmly imprisoned in her white wrist.

“Hurry up and let go, let’s calm down for a while”

Gion struggled.

However, Qi Yu still did not let go.

Overbearing imprisoned her body.

Seeing this, instead of being angry, Gion was not angry, but his pretty face flew with some joy.

Being able to make Qi Yu nostalgic to this point is the embodiment of her charm.

No woman can be indifferent to the nostalgia of a beloved man.

“Hmm, now you know me?”

“Then in the future, you won’t do those bad things that make me embarrassed!”

Gion hummed.

“Rest assured, it won’t be again!”

“Because we’re already in a boat!”

Qi Yu smiled.

“Well, you figured it out? Have you decided to join the Navy? ”

“But given what you did not so long ago, it may be a little difficult!”

Gion said bitterly.

“It’s not that I’m going to join the Navy, it’s that you’re going to follow me later!”

Qi Yu took it for granted.


Gion was stunned.

“Stupid… Stupid, what are you kidding!!! ”

“Maintaining a relationship with you like this is already the limit of my justice!!!”

Gion opened his mouth emotionally.

“Hurry up and let go of me, I’m really leaving!”

Gion struggled fiercely.

However, Qi Yu’s big hand was getting tighter and tighter.

“Won’t let you go again!”

Qi Yu opened his mouth calmly and firmly.

Good half a day.

“What the hell do you want…”

Gion, struggling with no way out, seemed to have thought of something.

“What exactly is written on Sister He’s letter!!!”


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