The result —

To Culokas asked about One Piece.

Qi Yu couldn’t tell all of them unreservedly.

Just tell him ambiguously, want to know, go straight to ask Roger himself to come sooner.

To this.

Culokas just shook his head.

No further investigation was taken.

It’s night.

Qi Yu and his party did not sail.

Robin, Kalifa and others, who learned of Qi Yu’s status as ‘special chef’, attacked with various tricks.

Even at the expense of promises, it was finally exchanged for hundreds of pounds of extra grade barbecue.

Over Cape Twins.

The melodious song of pirates is accompanied by the joy of whales, which lasts forever.

Even if it’s Gion, who came from the Navy.

After learning of Rab’s fifty-year agreement with the Rumba Pirates.

In my heart, I can’t help but feel some emotion and sigh.

For the first time in his life, he let go of the pirate song “Bink’s Wine”.

Even actively blend in.


A night of revelry.

The next day dawned.

The sheep Mei Li sets out for the brilliant morning glow.

At the Cape Twin Lighthouse, Culokas watched the sheep Merry go away, and his look was full of emotions.

“Rab, these fifty years, you have not waited in vain!”




Depart from the beginning of the Great Route.

Qi Yu did not mean to repeat the old path of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment.

After hearing the golden bell in the waters of the former Gaya Island.

The Neptune carried two small boats, following the direction of the life card, and went straight to the next destination——

“Spooky Island – Krayigana? I smell adventurous! ”

Yamato’s eyes are shining.

In a sense.

Yamato is very similar to Luffy in the Straw Hat.

In terms of adventure, they are all personalities who do not know what fear is.

“Spooky island, always think it sounds ominous!”

Kalifa subconsciously hugged herself.

“Krayigana, I know this island!”

Kirla raised his hand.

“The people who now occupy that island are…”

“Hawkeye Mihawk!!!”

Gion calmly said the name.

As a high-ranking member of the Navy, she was naturally very clear about the location of the Seven Martial Seas.

Gion eyes fluttered, squinting at Qi Yu and embracing his arms.

“What are you looking for Hawkeye to do?” Shouldn’t I want to pry the corner of the wall and pull Eagle Eye into the gang! ”

Gion Road.

“What do you say, am I that kind of person?”

Qi Yu Yizheng said.

“I’m just going to visit my friends normally this time, I’ve always been Mihawk coming to us, and I’m still going to come and go, so this time I’ll see what’s wrong with him on behalf of the red-haired pirates?”

“Besides, Gion’s worries are really superfluous, if we really go to war with the world government, the Mihawk guy is on our side, and he still needs to pry the corner?”

Qi Yu took it for granted.

Gion: “…”

Of course.

What Qi Yu didn’t say was true.

The reason for this surprise visit to Hawkeye’s lair.

In addition to meeting friends.

Qi Yu also wanted to see Hawkeye’s daily farming life.

After all, the Hawkeye outside has always been a cold and powerful sword image.

Images of peasants in towels are rare.

If you can.

Qi Yu wanted to keep a few photos and bring them back to have fun with everyone in the red-haired pirate group.

Think of the reaction of the crowd.

Qi Yu couldn’t help but make a sound.

Attracted the sideways glances of Gion and others.

“Cough cough”

Qi Yu coughed lightly twice, and hurriedly straightened out.



Right now.

Great Passage, Gloomy Island – Krayigana.

Ruins of the former Sizkaya Kingdom.

A hundred years ago, the island nation had a fierce civil war.

The end result of the war is total annihilation.

The King’s army and the rebel army were almost wiped out.

The country is bleeding like a river.

Bodies piled up.

The resentment of countless dead people gathered into a dark cloud.

It hangs over the island all year round.

Over time, the island’s survivors fled the eerie island one after another.

Only baboons known as human imitators are still active on the island.

Until ten years ago.

Known as the world’s largest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk occupies the eerie castle in the middle of the island.

Since then, he has officially become the owner of this island.

Live with the island’s imitator baboons.

Life is also moist.

The most important thing is to be quiet enough.

Without the complicated sounds of the world, Hawkeye can fully feel and improve his kendo.

But this quiet life has changed since he returned here a few months ago.

A month ago.

Hawkeye Mihawk, who is the Seven Martial Seas, was summoned by the Navy to participate in the major events of the war.

After the incident, he participated in Qi Yu’s grand celebration banquet.

And at the banquet with One Piece Roger.

Hawkeye then returned home satisfied.

Prepare the proceeds for digestion.


Just after he returned to his old lair.

Hawkeye Mihawk was stunned to find 、、、


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