Hawkeye Mihawk was stunned to find —

During his time out.

The base area of his own base camp was actually occupied by two outsiders doves.

One of them is the three-knife stream pirate hunter Roronoa Sauron, whom he once intersected and was optimistic about.

The other girl, Hawkeye, did not know her, but the Moria she followed, Hawkeye knew.

Later, when it was learned from the two people that they were all photographed by the Tyrant Bear’s powers.

Hawkeye’s face was calm, and his heart was already greeting the tyrant bear’s friendly greeting.

But if it comes, it will be safe.

People have already sent it.

Nor is he a character who will force people to leave.

Thinking that Sauron should soon leave and join his companions.

Let them do it before.

Hawkeye Mihawk lives at his own pace as always.

Although they live under the same roof as Perona and Sauron, they are usually treated as air tools.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Just when Hawkeye thought the two annoying little ghosts were about to leave.

Sauron from the Straw Hat 3d2y made Sauron change his mind.

After dragging a badly injured body to dress up the island’s baboon imitators.

Sauron, who had once clamored to defeat him and become the world’s first great swordsman, lowered his proud head.

Learn from Hawkeye, who is supposed to be an opponent.

After feeling Sauron’s enlightenment.

With the idea of cultivating an opponent for himself, Hawkeye accepted Sauron, a cheap apprentice.

He began to teach him the use of swordplay and domineering.

And the skills of farming.

These days.

Hawkeye Mihawk, Roronoa Sauron and Perona.

This family of three has gotten along very well.

Just like now.

Between the fields in front of the central castle.

The world’s largest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, wears a straw hat, dresses casually, and has a sweaty towel hanging from his neck.

Living and shedding is the image of ordinary old farmers in the countryside.

If people saw the world’s first great sword master, who had always been majestic, do this, it would inevitably shock to the point of no return, shocking the jaws and eyeballs of the ground.

Of course, for the worldly gaze, Hawkeye itself will not care.

Right now.

He held in one hand the rice ball prepared by Perona.

Holding the latest news reports in one hand, I ate and watched with relish.

“What happened again?”

Behind Hawkeye, Perona, a cute Lolita maiden dressed in a sailor’s suit miniskirt and a straw hat covered with a Lolita crown, asked curiously.

Seeing that Hawkeye ignored her, Perona’s small face bulged slightly, getting closer and closer.

“Another Neptune injury?”

“How come there have been news of Neptune attacking pirates everywhere lately?”

“Is the Great Passage already so dangerous?”

“A girl like me with a beautiful face, if she goes to sea, she will definitely be targeted by the Neptune class!”

Perona’s narcissistic whisper.

“Eat white rice, be quiet.”

Hawkeye frowned slightly.


“You even told me to eat white rice, and I obviously worked.”

Perona retorted with a small pink fist.

“You don’t have as many baboons as you do.”

Hawkeye’s ruthless way.

“Whoops, whoops, whoops”

“Whoops, whoops, who

The imitator baboons each wielded hoes and danced with their hands, indicating that they were working.

“Fantastic place to stay”

Perona’s little face grew louder and louder, but the dissatisfaction in her heart was irrefutable.

“Oh, is it time for dinner?”

“Today’s food is rice balls, which look good.”

The sweaty green algae-headed youth wiped his hands at random, and he grabbed the rice ball.

Before he could get it, he was knocked out by an unhappy Perona.

“What do you do?”

Sauron glared at Perona and raised an eyebrow.

“Did you wash your hands?”

“Wash your hands before eating, didn’t your mother teach you?”

Perona decisively passes on the qi received by Hawkeye’s side to Sauron.

“I’ll eat it myself, and I won’t feed it to you!”

“And are you my mom?” What does it matter so much? ”

Sauron was not angry.

After practicing the sword for a morning, his stomach was already hungry.

“What do you say?”

“But it is the existence of a green algae head, who dares to speak to the princess like this!”

Perona, angry.


Sauron looked at Perona strangely.

Decided to ignore this unreasonable woman.

“This is the rice ball I pinched, and people who don’t work are not entitled to eat it.”

“If you want to eat unless you apologize to Princess Ben now.”

Perona said with a high spirit.

“What a troublesome woman!”

Sauron shook his head.

“What do you say? Dare I say I’m in trouble! ”

“You don’t want to think about whose blessing you entrusted in the first place!”

“Who bandaged you, you survived?”

Perona, who was bullied by Hawkeye and Sauron and ridiculed by the baboons, couldn’t help but get angry.

The broad justice in front of him fluctuates with his breath.

“Okay, don’t make a fuss, good, ang.”

Sauron said comfortingly in an elderly tone.

However, it was more and more infuriating to Perona.

He raised his hand and grabbed it.

What was caught was not delicious rice balls.

It’s one… A ghost without a substance.

“Hey hey”


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