“To die is to die!” This son is really going to die! ”

“The devil is coming, and this island can’t stay any longer!”

Princess Mononoke Perona was panicked and anxious like ants on a hot pot.

“Eat white rice, you give me a little quieter.”

Hawkeye Mihawk glanced at Perona.

Under his sharp eagle gaze, Perona was indeed comforted.

“Whoops, what a fierce you are, I’m also thinking about everyone.”

Perona whimpered in a low voice.

Crouch to the side and draw a circle of curses.


The strong wind approached with laughter.

Qi Yu did not squint, striding forward towards the eagle-eyed Mihawk.

At the same time, his arms were outstretched, as if he wanted to give a hug.

Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes twitched slightly.

Helplessly, I had to respond with open arms.

And yet this is the very moment.

But I saw Qi Yu’s figure turn.

One hand rested on Hawkeye Mihawk’s shoulder.

The other hand pulled a camera phone bug out of his pocket.

“Say eggplant!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Click, click, shutter press continuously

Without saying a word, a series of group photos were taken.

Especially concerned about Hawkeye’s alternative farmer outfit at this moment.

For Qi Yu’s sudden hand.

Even Hawkeye Mihawk’s domineering presence was somewhat unexpected.

For a moment, I was stunned on the spot.

Next second.

The reacting eagle eye was suddenly angry.

If only these photos were leaked to unscrupulous media.

I’m afraid that the next day his title will change from the world’s first great sword hao, the world’s first great hoe, the hoe of the hoe!

Eagle’s eyes twinkled with sharp eagle eyes.

He raised his hand and grabbed Qi Yu’s telephone worm, intending to destroy the corpse.

For his actions, Qi Yu had already expected it.

Decisively throw the phone bug to the nearest Carrifa.

Carly’s eyes were fast.

The moment you pick up the phone worm, you hide it between the justices in front of you.

“Mihawk, what do you want to do?”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.


Hawkeye was angry.

This friend is determined to save his own black photo!

Hiding in his own woman, it is really… Vile!

“Hahaha, don’t be so excited, Mihawk, don’t worry, I will collect these photos myself, and I will never take the initiative to pass them on.”

Qi Yu seriously assured.


Hawkeye’s face improved slightly.

Next second.

[If I accidentally found Shanks and Beckman, it wasn’t me who took the initiative to pass it on]

Qi Yu thought to himself.

Mihawk, who heard Qi Yu’s heart, was stunned at first.

Immediately burst into rage.

“Qi Yu, you bastard, I’m going to duel you!”

Hawkeye Mihawk angrily rebuked.


Qi Yu’s eyebrows were slightly raised.

A monk was confused.

I don’t know how this Hawkeye guy suddenly exploded.

All said and done.

But now look at Hawkeye so ‘excited’.

I’m afraid only a vigorous duel can be put to rest.

“Then come on, Mihawk!”

Qi Yu grinned.

Sun Sword – The Sword of Victory of Reincarnation is sheathed.


Hawkeye Mihawk also drew his strongest black knife, the supreme big fast knife – Night !!!

The battle of the world’s top swordsmen began in response.

Three minutes after the start of the battle.

Qi Yu knew.

All other reasons are false.

Hawkeye this guy is idle for a long time panicking, looking for a head to compete with himself.

If this is the case, it is better to reluctantly fulfill his wishes.

The body of the Rotating Sword of Victory glows with dazzling light.

The sword qi stretched for three thousand meters.

Slash the sky up and down the nine shadows.

The battle between the top swordsmen is dazzling and dazzling.

The ground cracked for it.

The atmosphere turns into debris.

The gloomy dark clouds that had enveloped this gloomy island for tens of years had dissipated at this moment.

Fiery sunlight falls.

It was in harmony with the Sun Sacred Sword in Qi Yu’s hand.

Dissipated the haze and cold.

“Oh oh oh oh (666)”

Human imitators baboons dance cheerfully.

Shout out to their king, Hawkeye Mihawk.

“This is the world’s top kendo battle!”

“We are really fortunate to be able to witness three lives!”

Yamato, Kira and Saab were amazed.

“Abominable stinky man”

“I was so happy with Hawkeye, and I was so perfunctory.”

Gion shell teeth lightly bite the red lip, a look of taste Nunu mouth.

“It’s so strong!”

“I’m still far behind!”

Sauron plunged the black knife into the ground, clutching the hilt of the knife with both hands dead.

Make a half-kneeling posture, which barely supports the advance.

Watching Hawkeye and Qi Yu’s all-out slash from close range made Sauron feel a lot in his heart.

I deeply realized how heavy the swords of the great swordsmen standing at the apex really were!

But this did not discourage Sauron.

On the contrary, it aroused his competitive spirit even more.

It aroused his determination to climb to the top of the world.


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