
The ‘swords’ of the world’s top swordsmen collided together, stirring up a change of clouds.

The earth was destroyed with the greatest intensity.

Countless trees rose from the ground in the aftermath of their battles.

Then it was crushed by the powerful sword qi shock wave.

Even the lifeless fog that has been hanging over this eerie island for many years.

At this time, it was also dispelled under the earth-shattering battle between the two men.

This battle of the top sword masters lasted for three hours.

The brilliant sunset shines.

Hawkeye stood on top of a ruin with his hands on the night with a black knife.

The clothes on his upper body had completely torn to pieces.

There are obvious bruises on the muscular body.

The most eye-catching thing is the pair of sharp eagle eyes.

The eagle eyes that had been hit by Qi Yu’s old fist had turned into panda eyes at this moment.

It is a huge contrast with the coldness of the past, which makes people can’t help but be amused.


Gion took the lead and couldn’t hold back, laughing out loud.

Hawkeye Mihawk stared with panda eyes.

It turned out to be counterproductive.

Originally, it was to give Hawkeye a face not to smile, Kira, Saab, Yamato and others.

At this time, I couldn’t hold back any longer, and I lost my smile one after another.


Later on.

Even Sauron couldn’t help but laugh.

Soon, however.

Sauron just couldn’t laugh.

Hawkeye couldn’t cure the crowd covered with Qi Yu.

Is it difficult to cure a small green algae head?

He turned his head to look at his cheap disciple.

So the smile on Sauron’s face came to an abrupt end.

“Sauron, have you already written down all the previous battles?”

Sauron nodded stunned.

“Yes, it’s all firmly remembered.”

Hawkeye nodded, “Well, write an eight-thousand-word after-feeling when you go back.” ”


Sauron was dumbfounded.

There are many small question marks floating on the head.

Ignoring Sauron’s strange gaze.

Hawkeye’s eyes then fell on Perona, crouching in the corner like an ostrich, chanting words.

“Eat white rice, hurry up and prepare a meal for the guests.”

“Take out all the fine wines I treasure.”

Hawkeye ordered.

“Yes… Yes”

Perona was amnestied and quickly turned and drifted toward the castle not far away.

If it had been in the past, she would have choked back to Hawkeye’s command.

But now, she just wanted to escape from here, from Qi Yu’s sight.

“Qi Yu”

Hawkeye looked back at Qi Yu and made an inviting gesture.

Qi Yu nodded.

Of course there will be no refusal.

After the competition, there was a grand dinner.

For the first time in my life, a friend visited.

Hawkeye Mihawk also showed one hundred and two percent sincerity.

Drink three rounds.

Dish over five tastes.

Guests and hosts have fun.


Robin simply asked his partner Sauron about his recent situation during this time.

And the ghost little princess Perona thing.

It was learned that the two sides had turned enemies into friends.

Robin nodded, no longer wary of Perona’s negative ghost.


Sauron also learned about her experience during this time from Robin.

After confirming that the other partners should also be safe.

Sauron’s dangling heart was finally completely let go, and he could devote himself to kendo cultivation with all his heart.

Waiting for a reunion in two years.

As for the question he was most concerned about.

The question of why Robin would live in harmony with his former enemy, Califad.

Sauron didn’t ask again.

Even his green algae head could see it.

This female agent of the original cp9 now has a great relationship with Qi Yu.

Since even Robin had forgiven Carlyfa, how could he cling to the past?

Spend the night in Hawkeye Mihawk’s lair.

The next morning.

Qi Yu brought the local specialties personally planted by the world’s first great sword master.

Returning with a full load.


This trip to the spooky island.

It’s a rewarding harvest.

The only thing that made Qi Yu feel a little sorry.

This time he didn’t even have time to say a few words to the ghost princess Perona.

Every time Qi Yu was ready to find an opportunity to tease the little girl who was afraid of herself.

Gion, Kalifa and Robin will always appear at the right time.

Or drag him along.

Or flee with Perona directly.

One comes and goes.

Qi Yu also had to give up the idea of teasing Perona for fun.

“Mihawk, see you next time in the New World!”

Qi Yu waved goodbye.

“By the way, the next time you come over, remember to bring Sauron and Perona with you.”

Qi Yu added.

“Oh, I will.”

Hawkeye nodded calmly.

It’s not a big deal anyway.

“Don’t ~~~~~~~”

Perona’s ‘desperate’ wailing.


In the midst of loud laughter.

The two small boats drifted apart.

A week later.

The end of the paradise, the islands of Chambordit, has arrived!

“Straw hats… Luffy, can you see it? ”

Saab was not without nervous whispers.


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