The first half of the Great Passage, the end of Paradise, the islands of Chambord.

This has been a stopover for pirates to the New World since ancient times.

Previously, due to the fact that the naval headquarters was guarded not far away.

The pirates of the Chambord Islands are still under control even if they are rampant.

Yet now.

After the war on top.

The navy was defeated, and prestige fell to the freezing point.

The arrogance of the pirates rose to the extreme.

Coupled with the sinking of the former naval headquarters.

The new headquarters is located at the New World G1 base.

Recently, it has been a mess because of the ownership of the position of marshal.

There is no spare power to govern the rest.

Therefore, there is no naval constraint.

The situation on the island has become extremely chaotic.

It is a chaos that has not been seen in eight hundred years.

The demons on the island are dancing wildly, and there is no order.

The entire island of Chambord is already an island of no pirates like the town of the Valley of the Devil.

In every mangrove area, pirates are looting and fighting.

It has only been a short ten minutes since the landing.

Qi Yu and his party had already encountered several waves of chaotic battles.

To this.

Qi Yu directly opened the way with the domineering spirit of the overlord.

The power that originated from the overlord was released.

Clear the scene before the pirates notice.

This saves a lot of unnecessary trouble.

“Is this the current shampoo land?”

“It’s completely different from three months ago!”

Robin murmured.

“Yeah, yeah, the last time we came, we didn’t say that!”

Yamato’s eyes widened in amazement.

“What a hustle and bustle!”

Qi Yu shook his head helplessly.

“It’s not because of you!”

Gion glanced at Qi Yu.

Already powerless to complain.

“Hahaha, let’s go!”

Qi Yu grinned and didn’t refute anything.

When even leading the crowd to the thirteenth mangrove tree.

About five minutes later.

After releasing no less than a thousand pirates with overlord domineering.

Qi Yu and his party finally arrived at the thirteenth mangrove tree.

Far away.

You can see the lonely little bar on the lonely hill bag.

Xia Qi’s ripping bar.

Jingle Bell~

A crisp bell rings.

“Welcome light… Ah, it turned out to be Qi Yu, this is really a rare guest~”

Xia Qi smiled and greeted Qi Yu who entered the door.

Followed by.

Wait until you see the fish rushing into Gion, and others.

Xia Qi raised an eyebrow.

Don’t wait for her to say anything.

“Now, are you Miss Shaqi?”

“Blood Rose of the Underworld of Darkness!”

“I have long admired Miss Shaqi’s name, and I have long wanted to see her!”

Kira’s eyes lit up and he rushed to Xia Qi for the first time.


Listening to the long-lost title that popped out of Kira’s mouth, Xia Qi couldn’t help but look at Qi Yu subconsciously.

“What, Xia Qi, did you have such a windy nickname before?”

Qi Yu sat on the couch and smiled indifferently.

Xia Qi rolled her eyes.

“Sister Xia Qi, what interest do you have in joining our revolutionary army?”

Saab, as chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, made a straightforward invitation.

There is an urgent desire to recruit talents for the revolutionary army.

Xia Qi: “…”

“I’m sorry, boy, I have no plans to go out of the mountain for the time being!”

Xia Qi declined.

“Well, that’s it!”

Saab scratched his head.

“Then again, Sister Xia Qi, the straw hat… Where is Luffy now? ”

“Is he also on this island?”

Saab asked nervously.

“Little Monchi’s words, he is not on the island now, he should still be practicing outside!”

Xia Qi stall hands.

“Then again, what’s the matter with you looking for Little Munch?”

“Because Saab is Luffy’s older brother and just lost his memory for some reason, 、、、”

Kirra’s explanation is concise and concise.


Listen to the secrets Kirla revealed.

Even Xia Qi couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Little Munch had another brother besides Ace, and he was also the second in command of the revolutionary army!”

“This is a real surprise!”

Xia Qi shook the soot.

“In that case, do I need to ask Little Munch to come back now?”

“No more, no more!”

Saab waved his hand.

“You can’t disturb Luffy’s important practice, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.”

Xia Qi nodded.

His eyes immediately fell on Qi Yu on the sofa.

Without waiting for her to ask.

Qi Yu was the first to speak.

“Xia Qi, this time I will trouble you to arrange manpower, first help my two ships coated, and we will go to Fishman Island next.”

Qi Yu Dao.

“You are talking about lightness, but now the coating task of Chambord has been scheduled for a few months.”

“The coating craftsmen are almost tired!”

Xia Qi said.

“It’s simple, and soon no one will be coated!”

Qi Yu smiled slightly.

Xia Qi chuckled in her heart.

“What do you want to do?”

“Nothing, just a total purge of the island!”

Qi Yu grinned.

“Xia Qi, this is also a big deal, gather all your people and be ready to get rich!”


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