Chambord 66 Mangrove Area.

The naval branch base is also a big mess.

“Lieutenant General Maynard”

“There’s a situation again!”

“The pirates of Island Sixteen have been wiped out!”

“The same goes for Number Twenty-Two…”

“Too fast! It’s so fast! ”

“Who’s shooting?”

“At this pace, the pirates of Chambord will be completely destroyed!”


At the naval base, the shocked and excited shouts of the sailors rose and fell, one after another.

This period of time is undoubtedly the most difficult time for them stationed in Chambord.

There were no reinforcements from the headquarters side.

Seeing that the pirates’ arrogance was becoming more and more rampant, they did not have the slightest way to curb it.

It was hard to wait for the legendary Vice Admiral Karp of the Navy.

As a result, before Kapu came, he jumped into the sea and left.

Of course.

For Karp’s action, there is nothing to blame.

Compared to Chambord.

The one that Cat is hunting now is the real predator.

Demand immediate action.

“Lieutenant General Maynard, Lieutenant General Maynard”

A seaman stumbled and stumbled forward.

“Which area was cleared this time?”

Maynard asked.

“This time it’s Mangrove No. 19, but that’s not the point!”

“The point is that someone witnessed the appearance of Lieutenant General Gion!”

The Marine reported.


“Miss Gion the Peach Rabbit?”

“Great! It’s so good that reinforcements from the headquarters have finally arrived! ”

Maynard looked excited.

“Lieutenant General Maynard, Miss Gion’s side, or let me get involved!”

The cold swordsman in the brown suit stood up.

“Then it’s up to you, Major General Bogart!”

Lieutenant General Maynard nodded.

Although the other side is only a major general.

But as Cap’s aide-de-camp.

Bogat’s strength is unquestionable.


Maynard is probably not Bogart’s opponent either.

The G3 branch of the navy, led by Bogart, attacked.

Echo with Qi Yu’s three squads and give the arrogant pirates an iron hammer.

Two hours later.

Bogart and his party met with the Gion squad in the mangrove area of Twenty-Seven.

“Lieutenant General Gion”


Gion raised an eyebrow and waved.

Robin and Kalifa quickly put on their masks and stood behind Gion.

Bogart ordered the sailors to wait outside and come forward alone.

“Bogart, why are you here?”

Gion took the lead in asking questions.

“Of course we at G3 are following Lieutenant General Karp.”

Bogart replied.

“Mr. Karp! Is Mr. Cap also in Chambord now? ”

Gion couldn’t help but mention nervously.

If Kap is also on this island now.

If it was an encounter with Qi Yu.

Gion couldn’t imagine what would happen next.

Look at Gion’s expression.

Bogart also guessed a rough idea.

For the relationship between Gion and Qi Yu.

He had heard about it to some extent.

There are also two people behind Gion.

No matter how much you cover your face.

Their moves, Bogart will not not recognize.

Sure enough, the person who is now sweeping the shampoo land is not the navy, but the king of the sea!!!

Come to think of it.

Bogart sighed with a sigh.

It was disappointing not to be a naval reinforcement, but the results were good.

Since Qi Yu was willing to take action to quell the chaos, it was also a great thing for their navy.

“Lieutenant General Gion don’t worry, Mr. Karp is not on the island now.”

Bogart explained it anyway.


Gion breathed a sigh of relief and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Actually, we and Mr. Karp are now hunting down Roger One Piece、、、”

At that moment, Bogart simply told them about the two months from the South China Sea and followed Roger all the way to Chambord.

And then it’s this morning.

Roger Chicken Thief, who has escaped to Chambord, boards a coated pirate ship bound for Fishman Island.

In a hurry.

Karp jumped into the sea and chased after him.

Since then, there has been no contact.

However, for the safety of Kapu, Bogart and others will not be too worried, after all, it is Kapu!

And that’s exactly what happened.

A few hours ago.

Just as Qi Yu set out to prepare to clean up the shampoo field.

The deep-sea 10,000-meter fishman island also welcomed two uninvited guests.

“Karp, you bastard, give me something to stop!”

Roger lashed out.

“Less wordy, Roger!”

“It’s coming to Fishman Island soon, and our truce is over!”

“The old man is going to arrest you now!”

Kapu swung his iron fist.

The clash of fists and knives.

Stir up ripples into pieces.

“Oh hey”

“I said two old masters, can you bear with me for a moment?”

“Our little boat really can’t stand the big fight between the two of you!”

The pirates who had been hitched a ride were already crying at this moment.

Who would have thought.

Good end.

There were suddenly two predators on the boat.

One Piece Roger!

Navy Hero Cap!

How many lifetimes of blood mold have they poured.

I actually met these two people.

Look at the ever-extending cracks on the coating.

The pirates were so frightened that they punched the pendulum.


The fragile coating still failed to hold up.

There are still more than ten meters from the entrance of Fishman Island.

The coating snaps in pieces.

The boat crashed into the turbulence on the outskirts of Fishman Island.

Five minutes later.

A beautiful beach on Fishman Island.

“Ace, get up your spirits, the past has passed, this time the support mission of Fishman Island, we must complete it beautifully!”

Marco patted Ace on the shoulder.


Ace nodded.

“Captain Marko, just received news from King Neptune that pirates have invaded illegally!”

A white pirate reported.


“There are even troublemakers?”

Marco soared into the sky.

Next second.

He saw the old man landing on the coast not far away.


Marco narrowed his eyes and his mouth gradually opened wide.

The expression on his face was occupied by shock and horror.

“Ace, run!”

Marco yelled.


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