Deep sea 10,000 meters fishman island, watermill town.

“Made, Roger that bastard is obscure!”

“It’s no good to be with him!”

Navy legend Vice Admiral Captain Cap swears and grins ashore.

Without looking for his own problems, the cause of the coating rupture was pushed to Roger.

“Don’t let the old man find it, or else… Fantastic staff”

Karp’s gaze swept from the shore.

In an instant, a man and a bird were locked not far away.

“Ace, you little bunny cub, don’t run!”

Karp let out a low sigh.

The soles of his feet slammed into the ground.

The figure swooped out sharply.

The other side.

Marko and Ace, who are also aware of Cap’s appearance, are after a brief moment of astonishment.

The two did not hesitate to pull their legs and ran.

“Heck, why is the stinky old man here?”

Ace scolded in a low voice, and his forehead was full of fine cold sweat.

“Little bunny cub, the old man can hear it, and he actually called the old man stinky old man, and today he can’t beat you up!”

Karp scolded and grinned at the chase.

Inflict all his grievances on Ace for not being able to catch Roger.

If you can’t catch Lao Tzu, then first hit a small outlet.

“No, I’m going to be chased, Ace, hurry up and grab me!”

As soon as Marko spread his wings, he was about to grab Ace and soar into the sky.

The next second, however.

An unprecedented sense of crisis struck, causing Marko’s body to involuntarily stir.

I want to escape, but I can’t escape.

A tall shadow shrouded in.

“Little bluebird don’t get in the way!”

Karp stopped drinking.

An iron fist struck Marko in the neck.


A loud bang.

Marco in the form of an undead bird slammed into the ground.

Punched back to its original form by Karp.

“Damn, my neck feels like I’m going to break!”

Marco covered his neck and gritted his teeth in pain.

He has the resilience of an undead bird.

It was almost punched by Kapu.

How terrifying that fist was!!!

“Ace bunny cub, taste Grandpa’s iron fist of love!”

Crown caught up with Ace, his palm fingers clicking, and his old face was full of bad intentions.

“Stinks… Stinky old man… Aaaaaa

Under Cap’s iron fist full of ‘love’, Ace screamed bitterly.

In a few moments, the nose is blue and the face is swollen.

The originally handsome face was now swollen into a pig’s head.


“It’s not a big deal, the old man can’t teach the little one?”

“Ace Boy, blame you old man!”

Karp breathes out lightly.

I only feel that the depression that has accumulated in my heart during this time is stretching with it.

Ace: “? ”

I’m ####!


Sensing Ace’s indignant expression, Carp narrowed his eyes.

“I’m sorry”

Ace shrank his head from the heart.

“Poof, that’s pretty much it, Ace Boy, remember, respect Grandpa in the future!”

Karp laughed triumphantly.

“Then I’ll teach you here today, and I’m going to chase you Lao Tzu next!”

Forget it.

Karp intuitively chose a direction.

One of the cigarettes is trotting away.

Ace slumped to the ground.

“Cough cough”

Marco walked over his neck.

“That Kapu bastard, it’s inexplicable!”

Marco grinned.

“But why did he leave in such a hurry?”

“He… Here it too! ”

Ace muttered stunnedly.


Marco was stunned at first.

Soon, Marco reacted.

There was only one person who could make Ace show such a complicated expression.

“Roger is also !!!”




Fishman Island, Mermaid Bay.

The beautiful mermaid girls are in groups of three or two.

Lazing in the sea and playing on the coral reef.

Make up this heaven-like scenery on earth.



A huge splash of water splashed on the surface of the sea.

A tall figure broke through the water.

“Really, Kapu, that bastard, is still going his own way as always, not reckless at all!”

One Piece Roger landed on the shore, took off his clothes and screwed them.

The mermaid bay, which had been full of laughter, fell into a death-like silence at this moment.

Roger looked slightly shaken, looking at the surprise and shock on the faces of the mermaid girls.

“Yo, mermaid girls, how are you?”

Roger had a big smile on his face and said hello kindly.

“Wow, ah, ah”


“That person is…”

“One Piece!”

“One Piece Roger is here!”

The vast mermaid bay is in a state of utter chaos.

The impression of the new generation of mermaids in later generations of One Piece is deeply rooted.

Think of it as the most ferocious pirate.

Only a few of the old people who had met Roger more than twenty years ago knew.

Roger is the same Whitebeard Daddy.


The commotion of Mermaid Bay spread to Coral Hill.

When the news of One Piece’s appearance.

Coral Hill vibrates.

Mrs. Charlie, the manager of the mermaid coffee shop, came to the bay for the first time.

“Roger… sir”

“Yo, isn’t this Charlie?” After so many years of not seeing, you really grew up! ”

Roger greeted warmly.

“So, Charlie, I ask you, was the ‘king’ born?”


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