Early morning.

The sun is rising.

On a new day, the islands of Chambord are reborn.

Mangrove Tree No. 13, Xia Qi’s Knockout Bar.

The three squads reunite.

“Everyone, last night was hard!”

Qi Yu, as the chief of the action, nodded in approval.

“Not hard work, not hard work”

Kirla hurriedly waved his hand.

“This kind of activity, you can do it as many times as you want!”

Yamato waved his mace and looked at him with a look of unfinished feeling.

“Next, simply rest, wait for the boat coating to be completed, and go to Fishman Island to relax again!”

Qi Yu Dao.


Under Xia Qi’s arrangement.

The girls went to the bath under the bar to take a bath.

As for the only teenager, Saab, he once again acted as a coolie and was sent to the sea to catch fish.

“Well, Gion, this should be satisfied!”

Qi Yu smiled and looked at Gion.

“Hmm, it’s okay!”

Gion embraces his arms and his eyebrows are moving.

Represents the joy of their hearts.

After all, the original words.

The chaos in the Chambord Islands had nothing to do with Qi Yu.

And along the way, the pirates who were attacked by the Sea King.

Big people like Qi Yu don’t need to bother with these small people at all.

The reason why Qi Yu did this was naturally for Gion.

Let her feel that even in her own boat, she can still carry out justice.

“I see your sincerity, so this time I will make a special exception for you to touch me.”

Gion has an arrogant face.

“If you don’t have to, I’m a little tired after this night!”

Qi Yu said as he prepared to enter the bar.

“Lord Qi Yu, come quickly~”

From below came the greeting of Carifa.

“Here it comes!”

Qi Yu should take a drink.

Didn’t wait to take a step.

Next second.

He was dragged by Gion to death.

“Aren’t you tired?”

Gion gritted his teeth and looked at Qi Yu.

Say to yourself you’re tired.

As a result, the little goblin below went away as soon as he said hello.

What is this?

“I’m tired, I just go to take a bath to relieve fatigue!”

Qi Yu said seriously.

“Don’t lie to people, how can someone like you be tired of a night of conquest?”

Gion Road.

“Hahaha, exposed!”

Qi Yu snorted.

“I don’t care, anyway, you don’t want to go anywhere today, come with me!”

Gion domineering and forcefully dragged Qi Yu outside.

From the East China Sea to the present.

Because the knot in the heart of the war is on top.

Gion never let Qi Yu touch him.

These days come down.

She herself was broken.

On weekdays, he can also exercise restraint with a strong will.

But now.

Obviously, he had allowed Qi Yu to touch himself.

However, Qi Yu refused.

Such an action is also a complete breach of Gion’s defenses.

There is infinite panic in the heart.

“Well, since Gion you want it so much, then I’ll make an exception to accompany you today!”

Qi Yu had a reluctant look on his face.

“That’s pretty much it.”

The corners of Gion mouth outline a curve.

With Qi Yu’s words, she was already very satisfied.


Qi Yu smiled.

I thought that the trick of ‘wanting to get away with it’ really worked.

Sure enough, the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated.

If it was before.

Qi Yu touched her words according to Gion wish.

The initiative is still on her side.

But then again.

The situation has changed.


The initiative had already returned to Qi Yu’s hands.





From day to night.

The Chambord islands are busy.

Navy Base Sixty-Six is more like a full-fledged machine.

All the sailors poured out.

Go to various mangrove areas.

Deal with the aftermath.

Compared to the all-out battle with the pirates.

Dealing with the seriously injured comatose pirates could not have been easier.

Navy prison ships came one after another.

Loaded with prisoners, we sailed to the Deep Sea Prison to advance the city.

Even the Advance City turned into a busy machine.

Hannibal, the newly appointed commissioner, cried bitterly.

Several times I tried to pick a pick and not dry.

Fortunately, the retired deputy commissioner, Magellan, also helped.

That stabilized the situation.

It was only a day.

The Chambord Islands are more quiet and peaceful than ever.

For the Navy, this is rare good news in the near future.

However, the top brass of the Navy Headquarters were not concerned about the changes in Chambord at the moment.

Because an even more intense ‘storm’ is about to hit the Navy.

That’s a marshal’s battle!!!

Three days later.

Admiral Kuzan of the Admiral Headquarters, who was nominated by Marshal Sengoku, Lieutenant General Tsururu, and other elders of the Naval Headquarters to be the next marshal, and Admiral Aka Dog, who was nominated by the Five Old Stars——

The two generals will have a one-on-one life-and-death duel with the New World Punk Hasad!!!

The winner is the next marshal!!!


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