Another refreshing morning.

The islands of Chambord are peaceful and peaceful.

Twenty-Seven Hotel Street High-Rise Suite.

Qi Yu rolled a big lazy waist.

“Get up, Gion, it’s almost time to go!”

Qi Yu patted Gion’s pretty face.

“Oh well”

Gion, the ever-cold naval goddess Peach Rabbit, puffs up her small face like a hamster.

“Let me sleep a little longer~”

Gion turned over lazily.

Beautiful curves are revealed.

“There’s really nothing you can do, so what?”

Qi Yu grinned.

Decisively gave Gion a special sober service.



Half an hour later.

Qi Yu took Gion back to the thirteenth mangrove tree.

“All right, don’t get angry!”

Qi Yu smiled and soothed.


Gion had a small face and glanced at Qi Yu.

“Lord Qi Yu”

“Sister Gion”

Kalifa and Robin keenly caught Qi Yu’s voice and hurriedly pushed the door out.

When they saw Qi Yu not far away, the two of them were suddenly full of joy.

Knock on the bar bar.

Xia Qi had already prepared a hearty breakfast.

Just wait for Qi Yu and Gion to return.


Xia Qi succinctly reported to Qi Yu the sky-high harvest of these two days.

However, in this regard, Qi Yu was short of interest and did not have much interest.

For people of his level.

No matter how much gold treasure is harvested, it is only a number and has no practical significance.

Give Xia Qi full authority for the follow-up work, let her deal with the Golden Lion Shiki.

Qi Yu turned to ask about the coating of his ship.

After learning that the coating has been basically completed.

Qi Yu was interested.

Compared to gold and silver treasures.

Qi Yu was still more interested in the Sea King Mermaid Princess of Fishman Island.

“Well, girls, get ready to go!”

Qi Yu ordered.


“I’m a pure master!” Saab whispered Bibi and stood firm in his position.


Bid farewell to Xia Qi.

Qi Yu and his party each boarded two coated ships.

At the moment of completion of the inflation, the coated boat slowly settles.


An hour later.

Two coated ships descended to a depth of two thousand meters.

The surrounding environment was already dark, and I couldn’t see my five fingers.



The sheep Meili is fully lit, illuminating this dark underwater world.

“Oh oh oh oh, look over there!”

“What the hell is that?”

“Oh, what kind of fish is that?” It’s so unique, and over there…”

“Does the 10,000-meter deep sea of Fishman Island really have blue sky and white cloud beach and sunshine?” How spectacular is Eve the Suntree? ”

On the deck, Kalifa, Yamato, and Kirra, who were going to sea for the first time, shouted like elementary school students on a spring tour.

For this journey, even the calm Robin is full of expectations and excitement.


Six hours later.

The sea is 9100 meters…

9400 meters…

9900 meters…

Riding on a special current, Mei Li, the sheep, accelerates and sprints into the final Rift Valley.

A fierce current collision.

The front is suddenly open.

Sunlight tears through the darkness and illuminates the earth in the deep sea.

Reflecting the 10,000-meter deep sea, it is like the beach of the Gold Coast.

An island wrapped in a double bubble wrap sparkles in the sunlight and is magnificent.

Fishman Island has arrived!!!

“Wow, so pretty!!!”

“Is this the Fishman Island in the deep sea of 10,000 meters?” Sure enough, it was as dreamy as the rumors said! ”

Look at the beautiful scenery in front of you under the illumination of the sun tree Eve.

Robin and the others were amazed.

The pretty face expression can’t help but be confused, completely intoxicated in it, and there is nothing to extricate himself.

“More dreams are yet to come!”

“Let’s go!”

Qi Yu controlled the sheep Mei Li and slowly approached the entrance of Fishman Island.

That’s when it happened.

Suddenly, some unusual fluctuations arose in the seawater.

Immediately afterward, a large shadow shrouded him.

Surrounded the sheep Mei Li tightly.

“Harmon Harmon, human, your ship will be returned to our new Fishman Pirate from now on, and those who know each other will surrender quickly.”

A member of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment, Hammond the Moray Eel Man rides on the head of the sea lion, greedily looking at the sheep Merriam.

Looking at the sea beast blocking the way ahead, Qi Yu’s originally smiling face suddenly froze.

“Don’t talk? Are you underestimating me? Sea beasts, do it! ”

Seeing that Qi Yu had not reacted for a long time, Hammond looked cold, when even if he gave the order.


Qi Yu whispered a word in his mouth, like a thunderbolt exploding on the bottom of this 10,000-meter seabed.

The sound turns into a substantial wave that spreads in all directions along the sea.

Under the shock of the Overlord’s aura, all the sea beasts widened their eyes in horror.

It was as if I had encountered the most terrifying existence in the world, and I could not help but surrender and prostrate.


All the sea beasts let out a cry of fear, and then without hesitation, they turned and ran.

Only Hammond, the moray eelman, was left alone and fell to the ground at the bottom of the sea in confusion.

“Come back, give me all back, do you want to rebel?”

Hammond shouted angrily.

Only then did Hammond realize he had encountered a stubble.

“What the hell are you?”

Hammond cried out in horror, and for the first time he looked intently at Qi Yu on the deck, and then his pupils shrank in fear.

“You, you, you… Yes yes yes yes… Aaaaaa


The deep sea exploded into a cloud of blood mist.


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