The sun is mild and the white clouds are in pieces.

The calm sea occasionally turns a few waves.

Colourful deep-sea corals are dotted around.

Add to that the mermaids with different postures scattered across the bay.

This place seems to be a fairy tale world that only exists in dreams.

This is the mermaid bay, a man’s paradise.

Throughout the magnificent bay, one after another beautiful mermaids are strewn and curved, which is dazzling.

A squid mermaid with long blue hair and waist, fair skin, and a sunflower ornament on his head;

A striped stone snapper with long black curly hair and a double ponytail, freckles on its face, and black and white straight scales on its tail;

A flounder mermaid with long wavy green hair and a headflower and two necklaces;

A flounder mermaid with long hair in the pink waves that stretches straight out to the sea…

There is also a little mermaid girl with short green hair and crying incessantly!

Robin gently stroked the little head of the green-haired mermaid Kemi, softly comforting.


“It’s all my fault! I’m so stupid! ”

“It’s all because of me, Robin, Nami, and Luffy and everyone…”

The mermaid Kemi choked up in reproach and couldn’t cry.

“Don’t cry, Kemi, it’s not just me, Nami, Luffy, Sauron, Sanji, Joba… Everyone was safe. ”

Robin whispered softly to reassure.

“But if it weren’t for me…”

“We’re friends, Kemi, and helping friends is a matter of course, and we’ve never regretted it.”

Robin said seriously.

“Whoops, Robin, you straw hats, that’s great.”

Pai Daxing Papagu was also unable to stop wiping away tears.

The big event in Chambord more than three months ago.

The cause of all this was the abduction of the mermaid Kemi.

In order to save the mermaid Kemi who was sent to the population auction house.

The Straw Hat gang clashed with the Draco, the Rozwalds.

In the end, the Straw Hat gang was targeted by Admiral Huang Ape and fell apart.

The day of the incident.

The mermaid Kemi, Pai Daxing Papagu and the octopus Xiaoba were arranged by Xia Qi to secretly return to Fishman Island.

Soon after, when he learned from the newspaper that the Straw Hat Pirates had been wiped out in the Chambord incident.

The mermaid Kemi once cried to himself until he was unconscious.

Relying on the comfort of Pai’s big star Papagu and his mermaid companions, he barely survived.

Then a big event broke out.

The mermaid Kemi saw Luffy and Robin appear safely in the newspaper.

I saw the message that Luffy had left for his friends to meet in two years.

The mermaid Kemi happily almost pumped over.

For now, watch Robin appear intact.

The emotions that the mermaid Kemi had accumulated in his heart for months finally exploded.

This side box.

Robin’s comfort to the mermaids Kemi and Papagu continues.

On the other side of the reef.

Qi Yu was already completely surrounded by a group of beautiful girl mermaids.

For the legendary Emperor of the Sea who suppressed the naval headquarters in the War on the Top.

Even the mermaids in the 10,000-meter deep sea know it well.

At one’s leisure.

It is also the talk of young fish girls.


Qi Yu Zhenren appeared so suddenly.

How can the mermaid girls in the bay not be shocked, excited, and boiling.

After the initial nervousness, a young fish girl plucked up the courage and dared to go forward to greet Qi Yu and get a kind smile from Qi Yu.

There is a good head for this.

The tension in the other mermaid girls was gone.

They all gathered in front of the legendary Sea Emperor and rushed to say hello one after another.

After getting acquainted, several daring mermaid maidens sat down directly next to Qi Yu.

There are arms and thighs.

What’s more, he directly left his own lip prints on Qi Yu’s face.

The scene was out of control for a while.

In the end, Gion couldn’t see it, which saved Qi Yu from the young man’s fish pile.

“Ah, that’s a big help, Gion.”

Qi Yu smiled.

“You guy obviously enjoys it!”

Gion gritted his teeth.

Grasp Qi Yu’s arm and hold on.

Make up your mind not to let Qi Yu enter the flower bush again.

There is no most remarkable king of the sea to grab resources.

The handsome and sunny Saab became the second choice of the mermaid girls.

There is also Yamato dressed in a pair of boys’ clothes.


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