“Hey, Melo, Ishley, Serra, look closely, that guy with the terrible mask doesn’t seem to be a little brother.”

The mermaid Kelly looked up and down at Yamato on the shore and came to a startling conclusion.


“In this case, there is no fear at all.”

Even if the entire body is covered with a large kimono, the mermaid girls can still distinguish Yamato’s gender from every detail.

“Mermaid ladies, is there anything wrong with calling in the next place?”

Yamato pretended to be a low opening.

A crowd of mermaids glanced at each other, each with a cunning arc bent over the corner of their eyes.

Women dress up as men.

This is the first time they have encountered such an interesting thing.

It seems to be worth playing.

Accompanied by the sound of ‘whooshing’ out of the water.

The bold flounder mermaid Kailian jumped out of the water, went straight up ‘A’, and hugged Yamato.

“Wow, no, what the hell are you doing?”

Yamato, who was frightened by the daring attack of the mermaid maiden Kailian, subconsciously let out a girlish exclamation.

After only a few moments, Yamato reacted again, and quickly changed into a more low and majestic voice.

Looking at Yamato’s funny reaction, the mermaid girls in the water all looked at each other and smiled, more and more sure of their inner guesses.

The mask brother in front of him, his real posture is…

Compared with the friends in the water, at this moment, the feeling of the flounder mermaid Kailian with both hands around Yamato’s waist hanging on his body is much more intuitive.

Even if the man’s wide clothing completely covers the original figure, there will be no change in the inside.

Especially now the pompousness of the mermaid Kailian’s head is leaning on.

This cannot be deceived by any means.

“Now, brother, what it looks like to wear a mask all day, take it off quickly and let us see your true face.”

The flounder mermaid Kailian blinked slightly, and her pretty face had a subtle smile.

“What stupid things are you talking about, the samurai will never take off their masks.”

Unconsciously, the naïve and serious excuses were prevaricated.

“Brother Mask, don’t be so impersonal, come down and play with us.”

The stone snapper mermaid Ishiri and the squid mermaid Milo looked at each other and joined forces, one of them holding one of Yamato’s arms, and he was going to pull Yamato into the water and play in the water together.


The sudden tug caused Yamato to scream unconsciously again in panic, and his body stumbled.

However, as the daughter of the strongest creature, Yamato’s physical fitness is far beyond the ordinary.

In a few moments, it was adjusted and stabilized.

Yamato nature, as a capable person, cannot go to the sea.

“I don’t like the sea very much.”

Even if the appearance is no longer slender lotus arm, it will not change the fact that it can run horses on it.

Under the pull of Yamato’s strange force.

The mermaids Ishiri and Melo, who were originally in the water, were directly taken away from the water by her and hung in mid-air.

So it’s the turn of the mermaid girls who want the bay to be dumbfounded.

After all, they didn’t expect that this crappy human woman dressed as a man in front of them would have such amazing power.


Such an interesting and powerful same-sex woman, it would be great if she could become friends.

Mermaid Kailian and others thought, and the corners of their mouths unconsciously raised a curve.

The next moment, however.

What they didn’t expect happened again.

“The kindness of the mermaid ladies is received in the lower heart, but it is necessary to leave in the next place.”

As Yamato spoke, he threw the three fish maidens hanging on his body back into the water.

Then he stepped forward with his long legs and fled in a hurry.

That’s when it happened.

“Very flat boss”

“Everyone, Boss Shiping is coming!”

“Boss, did you come looking for that adult?”

The cries of young fish girls came and went.


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