
Haixia Shiping smiled kindly and waved his hand.

“Qi Yu”

“Mr. Qi Yu”

Marco and Ace took the first arrow step and came to Qi Yu.

Don’t wait for the opening.

A sharp line of sight fell.

“Admiral Candidate Momoto Gion !!!”

Marco and Ace recognize Gion next to Kiba.

Immediately shame on both sides.


Although it would be tempting to arrest the two captains of the White Regiment here.

However, Gion finally resisted and turned his back on it.


Marco and Ace let out a soft breath.

But they still didn’t wait for anything to say.

Next second.

A cute girl with short orange hair suddenly stepped forward.

“You are the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment Second Fan Team Captain Fire Fist Ace!”

“I didn’t expect to meet here, it was so good!”

Kirla stared at Ace, her eyes lit up.

Ace was stunned and scratched his head in embarrassment.

I thought to myself, do I still have a little fan?

The next second, Ace knew he was thinking too much.

“Hey, Saab, this is Ace Ace, what are you doing!” Hurry up! ”

Kirra crossed his hands at the waist.

He was dissatisfied with Saab’s immersion in the gentle countryside.

In fact.

Now Saubo didn’t have the slightest idea of pleasure in his head.

At the moment when Shipin appears with Marco and Ace.

He was already aware of Ace’s presence.

And the sight of both eyes is always firmly locked.

“Wait a minute”

The other side.

Listen to Kirla say the name Saab.

Ace was also stunned.

For the name Saab.

Ace is definitely not a stranger.

Because that’s his brother!

It’s just that the brother named Saab had been 、、、 ten years ago.

Ace turned his head in shock and followed Kirra’s gaze to the sunny blond youth surrounded by mermaid maidens.


Just for a moment.

Ace’s brain went down.

It was like being blasted by nine days of thunder.


Ace’s scream broke through the sky.

Attracted the attention of the people of Mermaid Bay.

“Ace, don’t scream all of a sudden!”

“It’s so disrespectful!”

Marco scolded.

Ace, however, was unaware.

Right now.

His gaze was fixed on the blond young man with the water pipe not far away.

Look at the familiar outfit, look at the familiar water pipe and the familiar face.

Ace was dumbfounded.

His eyes widened to the limit.

The mouth is also wide open, as if seeing the incredible characters of the world.

His body trembled uncontrollably with shock, excitement, disbelief, and so on.

The large eye sockets, which have always been bleeding without tears, are instantly red.

Bean-sized teardrops swirled in his eyes.


Ace lost his mind and staggered forward.

“Brother Ace, what’s wrong with you?”

Very flat anxious greeting.

“Ace, do you know?” That guy named Saab! ”

Marco asked in surprise.

“Sa… Saab”

Ace’s trembling lips stirred and spat out the name from his mouth.

“You… Are you Saab? ”

“It must be Saab!”

Ace’s words were slightly sharper.

Without waiting for Saab to answer.

Next second.


Ace screamed and suddenly burst out, opening his arms to hug Saab, who was also unconscious.

Hot tears overflowed from his big eyes.

“Oh well”

Watching Ace suddenly hold a ‘stranger’ and cry, Marco and Shipin were stunned on the spot.

“Slightly… Wait a moment, Ace, you this… What’s going on here? ”

Marco could no longer hold back his curiosity and couldn’t help shouting to inquire.

“Ace, this young man named Saab, who the hell is you?”

Ji Ping also asked with a puzzled face.

“He… Saab is 、、、 my brother! ”

Ace opened his mouth intermittently

“Woohoo, great! It’s really great! ”

“Saab, you’re really not dead, you’re really alive!”

Ace was crying and screaming uncontrollably.

Marco and Ping: “Oh!!! ”


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