“That blonde young man is Ace’s brother!!!”

Marko’s voice rose an octave.

“I have never heard of this kind of thing!”

“Isn’t Ace’s brother Luffy?” How one more! ”

Even Ping was stunned.

“Saab, you idiot stupid big idiot!”

“Since you’re still alive, why don’t you come back?”

“Do you know how I’ve lived this decade? How did Luffy live? And Dadan them, everybody…”

Ace used all his strength to cling to the brother in front of him, unable to cry.


The young chief of staff of the revolutionary army opened his mouth, but could not utter a word.

Right now.

Listen to the sound and crying of Ace holding himself.

The expression on Saab’s face was infinitely confused.

The young man in front of him, who was about his age, had some vague fragments in his mind.

In the dark, since seeing the youth in front of him.

Saab suddenly had a great impulse in his heart.

The pain rushed up to his eyes, making him feel that he wanted to cry.

His mind was even more chaotic.

Countless fragments of memory converged into a torrent that slammed into his spirit, causing him a headache.


Under the repeated stimulation of Ace.

A string in his head broke.


With a cry of pain, Saab’s eyes rolled and he fell into a complete coma.

“Saab, what’s wrong with you?”

“Doctors… Where is the doctor? ”

Ace yelled in panic.

“Don’t worry, calm down, Ace!”

“The ship’s doctor’s words are here!”

Marco rushed forward

Ten minutes later.

“Marko, how’s it going?”

“My brother! Saab…… What the hell is wrong with Saab? ”

Watching Marco finish the treatment, Ace rushed forward at the first time, pressing and anxiously asking.

“Don’t be nervous, Ace, your brother is not in danger of life!”


Marco looked suspicious.


Ace’s heart was suddenly raised again.

“Your brother may have suffered a severe blow to the head before.”

Marco looked at Kirra, seeking affirmation.


“Oh oh oh”

Kirla nodded hurriedly.

“When Saab was rescued ten years ago, he was really seriously injured and woke up with no memory of the past.”

Ace clenched his fists.

“Saab he… Don’t remember us? ”

“Marko, can’t even you?”

Ace looked hopefully at Marko, the chief ship doctor of the White Regiment.

Marco is just a helpless stallholder.

Healing that involves the spiritual dimension is not his specialty.

“How can this be?”

Eston was like a deflated ball, his face full of loss and frustration.

“Ace, don’t be in a hurry, no one can say anything like amnesia!”

“Maybe after a major stimulus, it will recover.”

Marco said comfortingly.

But in fact, there is not much hope for this.

After all, Saab’s amnesia has been going on for a decade.

How is it possible to recover suddenly?

Just when Marco thought so.


Saab’s eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he stood up trembling with his head covered.


Ace hurried forward and hugged Saab, his eyes full of pity.

“Ai… Ace, my brother…”

Saab’s face turned miserable, his lips trembling as he spat out the name of the brother in front of him.

The expression on Ace’s face couldn’t help but pause.

“Saab, what did you just say?”

“Do you remember?”

Ace’s hopeful opening.

“Oh well”

“Ace, I haven’t seen you for many years, how did you become a Luffy and become a crybaby?”

The corners of Saab’s mouth curved a grudging curvature.

“Sa… Bo ”

“Bastard, who’s like Luffy?”

“Who is the weeping ghost?”

“Hit you!”

Ace swung his small fist and punched Szabo’s heart lightly.

Saab pretended to be in pain, startling Ace to be anxious again.

When you have to react, you can’t help but be ashamed and angry.


Saab’s miserable pale complexion returned to a little rosy.

“Wait a moment, Saab, you are… Have you recovered your memory? ”

Kirla’s eyes widened in amazement.

“Yes, my past is all remembered!”

“When I saw Ace, the obstacles in my mind were cleared!”

Saab nodded.

“Ah this、、、”

Marco was stunned.

He still didn’t hold out hope in his heart just now?

I didn’t expect to be punched in the face in the next second.


“It was really great! Brother Ace! ”

Very flat laughed.

“Saab, you bastard! In the future, we must let you compensate us well! ”

Ace weakly punched his brother.


In the midst of laughter, the two brothers embraced each other heavily, and tears were hanging from the corners of their eyes.

Hoai ~~~

Suddenly, the sound of whales came from the sky.

“Lord Neptune”

“Lord Neptune, the god of the sea, is coming!”


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