“Vanda Deacon this beam-jumping clown will be handed over to me.”

Qi Yu smiled and opened his mouth, answering this request for help.

“Great! It’s so nice! ”

“Lord Qi Yu struck, and he was determined to let that Vanda Daiken have nothing to hide!”

“The problem that has plagued White Star for eight years must finally be solved!”

The three princes of Shark Star, Dragon Star, and Rolling Star all shouted with excitement and excitement.

“Da En does not say thank you, in the future, if Mr. Qi Yu has a need, just open your mouth.”

King Neptune clenched his fists in excitement.

“Thank you or wait until the task is completed!”

“In addition, this time my plan also needs the power of the Little White Star!”

Qi Yu added.

“The power of the White Star?”

Neptune looked slightly shaken.

“The power of the king?”

Roger raised an eyebrow.

“The force to which this article points to the history of the island!”

Robin knows the same.

The others besides them, including Bai Xing himself, were all confused.

“My strength? I’m weak and crying, I don’t have power! ”

White Star’s weak opening.

Have a clear understanding of your own positioning.

“Ahahahahaha, don’t be presumptuous, Little White Star!”

“In this world, everyone has their own time to appear!”

“Your strength is indispensable!”

Roger laughed.

Say what he ‘fooled’ Pedro to White Star.

Qi Yu’s eyelids jumped.

The tragic end of the jaguar fur Pedro who accepted Roger’s flicker came to mind.

The white star on the other side is very useful for the explanation and encouragement of Uncle Roger.

“I’ll work hard!”

Bai Xing shook his small pink fist.

“Speaking of Qi Yu, how are you going to find that Vanda Deacon in the deep sea?”

Gion asked.

“Lord Qi Yu, what do you need us to do, despite what you command.”

Even Ping swore and slapped the bear chest and rubbed his fists.


“Lord Neptune”

“Lord King”

“It’s not a big deal!!!”

The Catfish Left Minister and the Right Minister of the Seahorse rushed into the banquet hall in a fiery manner.

“What happened?”

The Shark Star Prince greeted him at the first time.

“Shark Star Prince, just now, the news of the pirates’ rebellion has come from all over the place!”

“The garrisons everywhere can no longer be suppressed!”

The Right Minister of the Seahorse cried out in anger.


Not far behind, Ace and Marco stood in unison.

“Pirates on the island, we’ve all been looking for them all this time, and those guys have clearly said they won’t find trouble.”

“If they dare to break their agreement with our Whitebeard Pirates, do they know what the consequences are?”

Marco looked suddenly cold.

“Your Excellency, Marko, no, not the pirates who were on the island in the first place!”

The catfish left minister took a few big breaths.

“Those pirates are just entering the Fishman Island!”

“And not entering the island from the main entrance, this is an illegal invasion!”

“Someone opened a passage for them!”

“And that number, definitely not in just one day!”

The two major ministers of catfish and seahorse informed them of all the information they currently knew and possessed.

King Neptune raised an eyebrow deeply.

“In short, you can’t sit still like this, Father and King, please allow your sons to lead an army to quell the chaos!”

The Shark Star Prince pleased.


“Go, Shark!”

Neptune answered immediately.

“As allies of Fishman Island, we certainly can’t sit idly by!”

Ace and Marco got up.

“Ahahaha, King Neptune, let me do me a little favor too!”

Roger laughed.

“Hey, Karp, do you want to come along?”

“Do you still need to say it?”

Karp rolled his eyes.

“Mr. Qi Yu, I’ll do you a favor too!”

Saab shouted.

“I’ll go and I’ll go”

Kirla raised his hand with Yamato.

“Go for it!”

Qi Yu waved.

“Aren’t you going?”

Gion put on his high heels and prepared for battle.

“Even if I go, it would be too bullying!”

Qi Yu stall hands.

“I’m still ready to find that Vandah Deacon!”

“There is some truth to that!”

Gion nodded.

“Thank you very much!!!”

King Neptune bowed deeply at ninety degrees in thanks.

I only felt the blood stirring and boiling in my heart.

What about pirate riots?

Now there are heroes, one Piece, and the king of the sea on this island!!!

With these three great gods sitting in the seat, no matter what kind of cow, ghost, snake god could not turn over the wind and waves.

Time is short.

It was less than an hour before and after.

“Good news, Your Majesty the King!”

“Good news! The pirates in the riots everywhere have basically been pacified! ”

“Lieutenant General Karp and Mr. Roger, they’re so strong!”

The right minister of the hippocampus shouted excitedly to report.

Another five minutes.

“Lord Neptune”

The catfish left minister came quickly.

“It has been clarified that the source of those pirates this time is related to those guys in Fishman Street!”


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