It’s only two hours before and after.

Pirate riots all over Fishman Island are over.

The people who went out on the expedition returned to Ryugu Castle one after another.

At the same time, the reasons behind this sudden incident have gradually surfaced.

“Father King, although we have not yet found key evidence, the mastermind behind this incident is most likely Hody Jones!”

Grand Prince Shark Star reported with a look of exasperation.

“Hordy, that bastard, what the hell is he trying to do?”

The Second Prince Dragon Star’s face was ugly.

“I heard that he seems to have recently formed a new Fishman Pirate Regiment, is it 、、、”

Three princes overturned a star a thriller.

“New Fishman Pirate Regiment? Speaking of which, we seem to have met when we came this morning. ”

Yamato nodded.


“How come?”

The faces of the fishman princes changed suddenly.

“Your Excellency Qi Yu, I am really sorry, if there is a collision, please forgive me!”

King Neptune also apologized.

“Don’t care, I didn’t mean to blame you!”

Qi Yuhun waved his hand indifferently.

“But Neptune, if you allow this evil force to breed at will, it may bring disaster to the whole country in the future!”

Qi Yu’s humorous opening reminder.

“I know”

Neptune nodded heavily.

“But Fishman Street is a problem left over from history, and Otohime once …”

“Princess Yiji, I think of it when I say this.”

Qi Yu nodded knowingly.

“The real murderer who killed Princess Yiji eight years ago, Little White Star, you should know!”


Qi Yu said this.

The huge banquet hall was suddenly shaken.

“The one who killed the queen mother… The real culprit? ”

“Didn’t the Queen Mother be killed by human pirates?”

“Why did Mr. Qi Yu say this?”

Shark Star, Dragon Star, and Flip Star were all confused.

King Neptune looked stunned and subconsciously clenched his fists.

“Princess White Star”

“Little White Star Do you know anything?”

Yamato and Robin locked their eyes on the white star.

Immediately after that, the eyes of Neptune and the others also fell on the white star.

Perceive the inquiring gaze of the four sides.

White Star’s small mouth slumped.

There were tears in my eyes, and I was about to cry.

“White Star, don’t be afraid! Say what you know and tell the Father! ”

Neptune whispered comfortingly.

“But… But…”

The large teardrops of the basin were connected into a string, and the eyes of the white star rolled down.

“The Queen Mother didn’t let me say it back then!”


The words came out.

Neptune, the princes, and the Seahorse Catfish Minister and others only felt their heads rumble.

If struck by lightning.

Even the White Star didn’t say anything.

But that one sentence alone is enough to say it all.

That assassination.

That shot at Gidekollon Square was catty.

The person who fired the murder may not be a human pirate.

It’s the fishman soldiers who capture human pirates… Hordy Jones.

Come to think of it.

King Neptune and the Shark Star and other princes all blushed in unison.


“Is it Howdy?”

“Hordy Jones did it!”

The shark star, the dragon star, and the overturning star looked panicked.

“Hordy — Jones!!!”

Neptune’s low roar, suppressed with bursting fury, echoed through the banquet hall.

The sea surged with his anger at this moment.

“Hordy Jones, that’s the way it is!!!”

“That human pirate from eight years ago was just a scapegoat.”

“It’s just that Hody is trying to intensify the relationship between our fish people and humans!”

“It’s all done by that Hody, and it can’t be forgiven, it’s really unforgivable!”

The Catfish Left Minister, the Right Minister of the Seahorse and others were also shocked and angry at this truth to the point of no return, and then endless anger arose in their hearts.

The Second Prince and the Third Prince were already smoking above their heads.

Even the great prince shark star, who has always been mature and stable, has his eyes are red, and his breathing is heavy.

The anger in their hearts was unquenchable.

If there had not been the last shred of sanity in my heart, I would have already exploded.

“Shark Star, now immediately gather the Sea King Army and follow me to Fishman Street, and I will personally ask Hody about what happened back then.”

“What was the truth eight years ago? Was Otohime the pirate who killed him or was he killed? ”

Neptune, who had found his target, resumed his former sharpness and ordered with a strong inner rage.

“Yes, Father!!!”

Grand Prince Shark Star should drink and regroup the troops with the two royal brothers.


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